
are the most sexual part of a girl and i wanna lick them!

Pay day is next week. I'll probably get it then along with PBS

>vita version not coming to the states when this pile of trash is right up their ally


>being this degenerate

>buying garbage gust yurishit
I'm LMAOing @ your life

Will buy just for 300iq girl

Buying day one. I wish they would let us preorder it on steam.

>mfw amazon prime discount

>armpit are for degenerate
How much of a beta can you be?


>the absolute state of vitagen right now

I'm going to be buying it on PC and playing it at 4k 144fps.

>KT port
No you won't.


Only with ultra strong goggles

Im gonna get it digital because I don't want a physical copy of this around my room

it was a gust game and i vaguely remember nights of azure being about lesbians, so i was hopeful

will probably still give it a look-see anyway

Anyone here play this? Worth it or not?

Some said its boring other said its good but I'm just parroting what Sup Forums said

Day one purchase. I'm excited for it

That's fucking disgusting.


You are in for huge disappointment. You have been warned.

Sublime taste.

It's okay I have lots of experience with disappointment.

Honestly though game looks pretty meh.

No yuri no buy.

Atelier Sophie and Nights of Azure both support arbitrary resolutions and unlimited framerates.

So yes I will.


Is there too much reading in this game? If so maybe that's why people say its boring.

>tfw NoA is ruined
It's not fucking fair it could have been a great series

Got the sauce on sadpanda by chance?