Why should I get a nintendo console if I play story-driven JRPGs? Not trying to start shit, I'm serious...

Why should I get a nintendo console if I play story-driven JRPGs? Not trying to start shit, I'm serious. I've been looking at 3ds games and it seems like nintendo only has a few RPG franchises, and none of them seem particularly interesting. Is Nintendo basically telling me to fuck off? Or is there something I'm missing?

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Maybe look at the RPGs not developed by Nintendo? SMT, Bravely Default, Dragon Quest...

Yeah those are the few franchises I mentioned that don't look particularly interesting.

post more brainless bimbo

I don't have any pictures of josette

Because we're getting Xenoblade 2 and Octopath Travelers really soon.

yes please fuck off

Those franchises curbstomp Kiseki.

SMT IV is good on the 3DS, that is about it. The Vita has a lot of great JRPG's but not much else

I doubt it.

I never played xenoblade or even heard of that other game. Not sure they justify a switch purchase 2bh

>why do I get console x
The answer is always exclusive
>Not trying to start shit
sure, you're not. My dad works at Nintendo, btw.

No really, they do. Specially DQ.

>I never played xenoblade
you should try this and last story on the wii emulator while you are at it

I don't play games on PC.

Rest assured, you can play Xenoblade 2 right away, it'll only have some nods to the previous ones at most. For all intents and purposes it'll be a self contained game just like the rest in the series.

>even heard of that other game
You're in for a treat then:

I love Trails in the sky, but it is no way near as good as Xenoblade or the SMT series.

Video says little to nothing about a story. Might not be my kind of game

Go watch let's plays of the demo if you want the story spoiled.

m8, just fuck off.

The point is that if the story isn't a point of emphasis, then it probably isn't going to be a game that I will enjoy.

>fuck off for trying to determine whether or not a nintendo console would be worth my time
wew lad, are all of you guys this childish and hostile?

Yes, now fuck off back to neogaf.

>The point is that if the story isn't a point of emphasis
Jesus Christ, dude, it's a classic JRPG, of course the story is a motherfucking point of emphasis. The little story we got on the demo was great, so just go buy the system and go play it.

>Check Amazon
>A grand total of 4 RPGs listed as switch games
I don't know if this semen-slurping "console" is for me..

>"i play jrpgs"
>every jrpg mentioned is either unplayed or not interesting to op
I don't think you actually play jrpgs, user.

I do. I simply haven't owned a Nintendo console since I was a kid because Nintendo, by and large, has abandoned the RPG market.

I mean, look at this post How does someone justify telling me to buy a console when Amazon only has 4 RPGs listed for it? And they're all ovepriced multiplats?

Do you want RPGs or Weebshit?

At this point I've already made up my mind, and the thread can die. 3DS only has a few unimpressive RPG franchises, and the switch is almost entirely devoid of RPGs. There's nothing there for me. Nintendo is pretty much all kids games now.

>no way near as good as Xenoblade
Not him. You'd have a point if you were talking about Xenosaga, Xenogears, and Xenoblade X

Legend of Heroes/Trails shits all over the first Xenoblade. Xenoblade X however is a fucking masterpiece and one of the best JRPGs of all time.
I don't see Xenoblade 2 topping X because 2 seems to follow more in the footprints of the first Xenoblade.

>Xenoblade X however is a fucking masterpiece and one of the best JRPGs of all time
X is the worst game in the series. Gears and Blade are better.

From the perspective of someone who is not a Nintendo fanboy, Xeno games in general have gone full retard after Xenogears. Xenosaga was crap and I don't know about these blade games.

I think you're the only one here that's concerned about the switch, everyone else seems to be suggesting general jrpgs that you haven't played yet and could play instead of buying a switch.

Just go and play more jrpgs. If it's Nintendo jrpgs you're concerned about than just emulate them. You can't emulate him then just fuck off, make up your own mind.

>X is the worst game in the series
Great bait mate. X singlehandedly has some of the best gameplay of JRPGs and arguably the best and most fun to traverse open world ever conceived.

The first Xenoblade felt like a prototype with a tacky "the bad guy's were actually the good guys so let's kill god" JRPG story taped on.

>X singlehandedly has some of the best gameplay of JRPGs and arguably the best and most fun to traverse open world ever conceived.
I can name 10 JRPG's with better combat than it and BOTW has better open world exploration.

Are there even any good story-driven JRPGs besides Trails? Most attempts I've seen by other series ended up being either pointlessly wordy or overly ambitious clusterfucks. Sure, there's stuff like 90s Matsuno games and the occasional gem like Mother 3, but the vast majority of JRPGs I've played kept my attention by having interesting worlds, good battle mechanics, and/or fun exploration.

>X is the worst game in the series
Not him but you're wrong

Suikoden's the only JRPG series with a story concept as ambitious as Trails, shame Suikoden's original writer dropped out after the third game, and four and five pale in comparison to the first three and the series was eventually cut short.

Falcom actually got the idea of making Trails a long-running continuous story because they're hardcore Suikoden fans.

Why did Nintendo decide to abandon the RPG market? Even the Wii U only has 2 pages of them and many are multiples/figurines instead of games. It boggles my mind.

Quality > Quantity

But those games don't even look very good. I'm honestly starting to wonder whether you guys are just blind nintendo fanboys or if you just don't ever play any other games.

>people meme the 3DS as being mostly JRPGs out of the big library it has
>but no it only has a few
Well what is it then

>But those games don't even look very good
I own a PS3, X360, Wii U, PS4, and Switch
Those games are good

Skies of Arcadia comes readily to mind

Those games aren't as good as people make them out to be. It's like Tales of Symphonia on the gamecube where shits overrated because there wasn't much else on the console.

The Alliance Alive is coming out soon and I hear that's a good JRPG.
Story driven ones for it are mostly Atlus games, I'd recommend Devil Survivor if you want story (although it's TRPG in gameplay up until the physical battles themselves).

>Those games aren't as good as people make them out to be.
No, they're just as good as people make them out to be,

It has maybe like 4 RPG franchises on the 3DS with multiple games. I dunno, maybe I can't get over the handheld thing, but they don't feel like real RPGs to me. They feel like something a kid would play in the backseat of the car during a road trip.

Which of these games supposedly justify purchasing a Wii U?


Then you're missing out on a lot of stellar handheld RPGs. Vita, PSP GBA, DS, 3DS, all of them have a fine selection of JRPGs to choose from and most of the popular modern JRPGs are on 3DS and Vita (although Vita doesn't usually get localized from what I've seen).

Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X, Wonderful 101, etc, etc etc

I swear I'll play that one of these centuries. I'm just kind of burned out on traditional JRPGs after playing 5 Trails games, Persona 5, Tales of Berseria, and a bunch of others this year.

Megaten, Dragon Quest, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Radiant Historia, Mario & Luigi, Xenoblade. These are just for the 3ds. Look a list of jrpgs if you want to play some on a Nintendo console.

You've already decided you don't want one.

This is the only reason you need to by a 3DS.
You only need this.

>Why should I get a system which doesn't have the type of games I'm looking for?
If the system doesn't have the type of games you're looking for then why are you even considering getting it?

>but no it only has a few
Says only ignorant people
>SMTIV+IV Apocalypse
>Etrian Odyssey 1-2 remakes, 4, 5
>SMT Devil Survivor 1-2 remasters+voice acting
>SMT Devil Summoner Soul Hackers
>SMT Strange Journey remaster
>Radiant Historia remaster
>Conceptions 2
>Persona Q
>Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
>Dragon Quest VII, VIII, Monsters 1 + 2 remakes
>Dragon Ball Fusions
>Pokemon X, Y, Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon
>Bravely Default + Bravely Second
>Tales of the Abyss port
>Project X Zone 1+2
>Fire Emblem Awakening, Fates (3 different game-long stories), Echoes
>Ever Oasis
>Yokai Watch
>Yokai Watch 2 Bony Spirts, Fleshy Souls, the new 3rd game
>Final Fantasy Explorers
>Mario & Luigi Dream Team + Paper Jame + Superstar Saga remake
>Legend of Legacy
>Alliance Alive
>Etrian Mystery Dungeon
>Fantasy Life
>Denpa Men 1+2
>Rune Factory 4
>A Story of Seasons games
>Langrisser Re: Incantation
>Stella Glow
>Lord of Magna
>7th Dragon III Code: VFD
>RPG Maker Fes

And I'm sure I'm missing quite a few more.

Only a blind person would miss the huge surplus of JRPGs on 3DS.

It all looks like mediocre junk to me.

Agreed (as the person you replied to). Just didn't understand what was going on in the thread.

The Japanese RPG industry is actually over-saturated with mediocrity.

Not sure what OP is expecting of the genre.

It's not like it's much different on the other platforms he's probably considering like PS4 which has games like Blue Reflection, Omega Quintet, Mega Dimension Neptunia, Valkyria Revolution, Star Ocean V, etc, etc.

The genre itself is littered with mediocre titles.

However, I think the 3DS has quite a few good exclusive gems in the rough just the same as any other platform.

>listing dungeon crawlers and Rune Factory Story of Seasons type games as JRPGs

They are Japanese role-playing games though.

You create your own story, your own adventure, your own role to play in a world created by Japanese developers.

>Mega Dimension Neptunia
OP here. This is actually a good game, though.

OP is on a high horse and apparently has high expectations out of a genre that is over-saturated with samey gameplay styles.

play fe fates conquest

Good list but, but...

>RPG Maker Fes
Doesn't it require you or others to actually make a good RPG first? Also, 95% of RPG Maker made games are rubbish.

>Final Fantasy Explorers
Rubbish, I played it for 20 hours. It's shit.

>Tales of the Abyss, Conception 2
Ports from systems that are already JRPG machines

>A Story of Seasons games
What is the difference between Story of seasons and the previous Harvest Moon games other than nicer graphics, shittier art style, and different marriage candidates?

Other than the above, I think it is a pretty good list.

atlus and square love releasing rpgs on ninty handhelds :)

What gave you the impression that I'm concerned about gameplay? I play for the story.

Why even post big lists like this when OP is just going to call them shit like he did. He wants to shitpost, not make discussion.

>turn-based RPGs

Then take your pick out of like 90% of the 3DS JRPG library listed here Also, Switch has already shown to be getting 3rd party support in the future with the next Atelier coming to it, NIS saying they'll be bringing all of their games going forward out on Switch as well after the success of Disgaea 5 and Square Enix already bringing DQX Collection out in Japan as well as Seiken Densetsu Collection out in Japan (hope it gets localized).

They're also working on the Switch exclusive Octopath Traveller by the Bravely Default team, so if you want to get familiar with how the game will play, check out footage from those games.

I see. It was moreso the "3DS doesn't have any good JRPGs" when that's a big chunk of the library.

>I play for the story.
And yet you like simple to follow stories like Neptunia?

What makes you disregard most JRPGs that have better writing then?

Too complicated for you to wrap your head around them?

>I play for the story
But user. Most JRPGs don't have a good story.

No, retard. I like Neptunia because it's got my waifu.

And don't act like any of that list of trash have good stories

>because it's got my waifu.
Okay so you don't like stories, you just like your favorite girl.

Go by a hug pillow with her on it then and have a nice day, delete this worthless thread.

Why are you incapable of comprehending the idea that I like stories just because nepnep is my waifu? You DO know that those two aren't mutually exclusive, right?

Oh, and also, VII had a pretty enjoyable story.

Half those are games have better plots than your favourite game.

>your favourite game.
Who said neptunia was my favorite game?

If you gave a shit about narrative you wouldn't be indulging into gaming in first place since most of it is genuine trash.

user, no matter how many times you post this bait, nobody's going to bite.

I didn't. Your favourite game has a inferior and shitty narrative to half the games on that list.

When you say stuff like this without even knowing what game you're comparing them to, it just makes you look like a nintendo fanboy

I don't need to know when I already know your taste is shit.

you want nep to be the hill you fight on that all you user.

Because thankfully not everyone ignorant enough to be impressed by the garbage the industry puts out on that front is stupid to the point of defending it, yes. But not because I'm wrong, You will struggle to find, specially in JRPGS, characters that actualy behave like a genuine human being.

So you admit that you have no argument then

That's nice, dear. Do you have anything worthwhile to say or are you just here to shitpost?

>i doubt it

Cold Steel is fucking trash. The only real good games in the Kiseki series aren't, and never will be released in English.

You said "lol mediocre junk" to some of the best reviewed JRPGS of the last 7 years and you keep twisting the subject into being about Nintendo instead of actual games, frankly it looks more like you're the one who's focusing on console warrior stuff here.

>some of the best reviewed
Oh geez. Reviews, really? That's what you're going to fall back on? Believe it or not, some spoiled ivy league kiddo's opinion isn't objective truth just because it's published on a website.

You never even had a argument. LMAO SHIT isn't a argument.

Fall back on? Are you autistic or out of reality? This isn't a defense or a plea, it's a statement that the games are well regarded, "well reviewed" doesn't mean just magazine reviews it means overall acclaimed by press and people alike.

But hey, you made it about console wars, you made it about class, you're clearly comfortable looking as poor as you do silly, feel free to stay embarrasing.

I never said anything was shit, just that the games I saw on amazon all looked mediocre. They all talk about gameplay and nothing about story. When story is mentioned, it's clear that the story is just a generic one meant as background noise compared to gameplay. From where I'm sitting, I genuinely get the impression that nintendo games aren't made for me or people who like the games I like. Instead of showing me why I'm wrong, you've resorted to blatant fanboyism and personal attacks.

My dude, you need to understand that, from the outside, the nintendo fanhood looks like a cult of sorts. Of course the games are "well reviewed" when fanboys eat up everything on the console, none of them ever say anything bad about them, and even the "critics" blindly support everything that gets released. As someone who hasn't played those games, what I see is seemingly-mediocre titles being endlessly praised by blind fanboys

Then play Fire Emblem Echoes, Dragon Quest 8, or any of those games if you want a Nintendo game with a good story on the 3DS. If not just google, Nintendo game will good story for x console"

You're one to talk when you haven't even played them yet.

How can you be so arrogant to believe in "Nintendol Cult" nonsense when most people who play on Nintendo consoles own other gaming platforms (like PC and the like) as well?

Either play them and prove your arguments that they're shallow games or don't and let us treat you like the real non-argumentative person you are.

Serious question, do you still need to press a button to open doors in dragon quest? I grew up with DQ in my life but never played them beyond 10 minutes because that is a massive pet peeve of mine that ruins the experience