Itt Games you are yet to 100%

>itt Games you are yet to 100%

yakuza 0, i will probably never do it though. some of the minigames are just a chore to play through

Literally every one in existence

I hope you don't mean trophies.

no sir

>Those trophies that can't be acquired because of some technical bullshit
>Can't get platinum as a result

Super Mario Sunshine
I was like 10 blue coins away and I just said "fuck it." no regrets

Name 2 games

Any game with it's servers down

dragon age origins in ps3 has a glitched trophy that was never fixed.

any game with multiplayer trophies that got it servers turn down.

this has been my attitude towards the hidden packages and other nonsense in GTA games

Assassin's Creed 2, fuck Federico and his fucking feathers




World of Warcraft
Every Pokemon game
Metal Gear Rising (tfw to smart to play revengeance mode)
Bayonetta 1&2 (see above)

Revengeance mode is easier to S rank than Hard and Very Hard simply because your parry instakills any enemy. Even more so in the Sam dlc where if you taunt and then do a charged move any enemy will proceed to fucking die.

Persona 5. Last trophy is reading all books and I totally forgot that last month, you can't go to the library. What a bucket of balls.

every game I've ever played except mario games

GTA V. So fucking tedious.

>World of Warcraft
How the fuck can anyone 100% that game without starting on day one of Vanilla retail?

Hollow Knight
>99% and cannot beat the Trial of Fools

Also pretty much every other game out there.

Bloodborne, those chalice dungeons aren't worth it

The only game I 100%'d was ESport Manager or whatever it's called. I guess I did XCOM 2, which was 'research everything and max one of everything before the final mission'. Achievements are often 'do tedious thing over and over to reach arbitrary reward'.

Some achievements are outright impossible without cheating, exploiting or cheesing. Such as Three Mountains Achievement in EU4.