Why dont we have more games like OpenTTD? Dont people like trains?

Why dont we have more games like OpenTTD? Dont people like trains?

There is no profit in comfy

last time i loaded this the AI script i had downloaded wasn't working and i like having some other guff on the map to work around so i got sad and quit
that map looks very fucky and unnatural

Train Fever/Transport Fever didnt turn a profit (Probably did given the fact that even though it was poorly recieved, it spawned a sequel)

I know Railroad Tycoon series sure as hell made a profit since there were 4 games made.

>free and open source trains

The niche is very small, last railroad tycoon was in 2006. It would be pretty difficult to compete with OpenTTD anyway, I mean the game is fucking free and it's the pinnacle of the genre. You can't beat the comfiest 2D sprite aside from Stronghold and maybe Rollercoaster Tycoon.

I'll be ok with more paid closed source trains too.

I just want a new good train game that I haven't played yet.

This. If you jew it like Paradox, people will not care and play OpenTTD. if you make a good game with more features, you can't jew DLC to all the 2000 people who will buy the game like Paradox does it.

>Cities in Motion 1
>Cities in Motion 2
>Cities Skylines to a lesser extent

I think Paradox makes good buck from this niche market.

It's a shame it's hardly a game. Unless you have borderline-autism and enjoy building complex networks of traffic, there's practically no way to lose.

literal autism simulator
its not even a citybuilder, you just maximize "trade routes"

>literal autism simulator
No, that would be Aurora 4x.
>its not even a citybuilder
Its not suppose to be a city builder - its a TRANSPORT TYCOON game. Whats your next complaint, not enough guns and aliens to shoot?
>you just maximize "trade routes"
Which is exactly the core of a transport tycoon.

Give it few more years and he might finish it.

Is there a setting or a mod or something to make it more challenging? Right now it's all about maximizing effectiveness, but I'd like to struggle for actual profitability. As it is, as long as you haul anything that's needed somewhere, you WILL make a profit, and that's just dull.

Steam says
Available: 6 October
This game will unlock in approximately 13 days

Yeah but that's only Early Access. Only 2 periods so no new trains/technology/quests after like 1950. Final release is planned for 2019. But it's fun already.

Try Factorio. That game turned me in to a train autist.

trains are for fucking retards

>autism: the post

Factorio is a fun game but it lacks the tycoon feel. I want to see all those Shekels falling down into my bank.

The original TTDX is a better game. Fight me.

It doesn't have shekels per se, but I think watching the factory click away is an extremely satisfying feeling.

Factorio is good for the "I'm going to exploit the SHIT out of your planet's natural resources and there's nothing you can do to stop me you goddamn ayys" feel

It does. I probably have over 1K hours in Factorio just optimizing shit, Its very satisfying but right now I need my Tycoon fix.

I miss Zoo Tycoon. I hope the Planet Coaster team goes for that genre after Jurassic Park.

>try to discuss different types of vidya
t-thanks Sup Forums

That guy can eat shit user. Anyone who doesn't like autistic management games genuinely doesn't belong on this site

Been playing it for a bit, made a couple of train lines and got swimming in cash.
Decided to go crazy and spend that money linking hamlets with airports, now I'm making millions.
How the fuck does this game works?

Play Simutrans.

Cities in Motion is pretty fucking good none the less. Never did play the sequel though.