When you bought the Witcher 3, you paid for this

When you bought the Witcher 3, you paid for this.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you just assume my purchase?



They look like they are having fun and it is kinda cute.

Nah, barely as much cringe as your avatar fagging


Look at her smile in proper HD. She is clearly having fun.

That's not avatarfagging.

>you will never get to be this close to a woman, even as an act

What seems to be the problem?

They are acting so that the animators have something to reference when they are converting the mocap.

This is really cute

thats a boy with boobs right?

>Sup Forums is so fucking stupid they don't know actors act


>Sup Forums will defend blatant fanservice when its for straightfags but not when its for gayfags
Why is this allowed?

Honestly couldn't tell it was a woman at first.

Do you think they fugged in real life?

>he doesn't have a girlfriend he can regularly cuddle and play in bed with


Enjoying your work is important.
Oh I know what mocap is. Itseems just nice seeing that it wasn't a horrible experience.

Are you me?

Its an avatar
Youre a faggot

So... whats the problem officer shitpost ?


because gayfaggotry is unnatural and gross

>tfw don't even care about sex
>tfw kissing, cuddling and tender loving gets me off far more than actual sex

Please post that hambeast so the rest here can keep circlejerking in their loneliness

>Getting paid to do a job
>Smiling while acting like a promiscuous whore wanting to get fucked

>This is cute! They're having fun!!!!

>me holding the cam

white bois setting for each other since all the REAL black men get the white wimmenz


They aren't mocapping their faces. there is no reason to smile.

Well, assuming they're the same ones who did the Witcher 2 sex scene motion capping, they've almost certainly did - They're a married couple.

>tfw you have but she left you and now you know what you're missing

why her ass so flat

thats not a man

I totally lost track of what the meme is even supposed to mean

Anyone have the mocap for this scene?

Get into paying escorts senpai, I did it when I was 17 and it was the best night I ever had. Even if you don't get a gf you can always fall back on that

>there is no reason to smile.

then how the fuck were they supposed to act it? I don't know if i'm getting baited or are you seriously that dense

>hate her when she's there
>miss her when she's gone

What did biology mean by this ?

Could've fooled me

father x daughter gets hard as diamonds, it's unreal

By cheating you



'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Whoever said that was very wrong

She's white.



>guy would be considered a fat glasses-wearing uggo by society
>is receiving femdom from a girl that looks like emma stone

That guy is the luckiest fucking person alive

Thats not enough words to make sense user

>Sexualizing your daughterfu




>they said they recorded 15 hours of sex scenes
>every sec scene is the same shit over and over again
bigger lie than No Man's Sky

what was it? I'm late to the party, as usual.

>TFW I look like a boyish Heather Mason
>displayed her recently
>got compliments from tons of guys at the convention
>even got hit on sometimes before I had to tell them I'm not like that

>>hate her when she's there
I loved her so much I didn't even see the breakup coming. One minute she feels like a warm fire to cuddle up to, the next she turned into a cold wall. I still sometimes see her. It's strange, the thought that if it were but a few weeks ago I could press myself against her and kiss her, but now she would probably push me away.
Video games.

It was deleted so fast, Im pretty sure its the guy himself who's a fag

CDRejekts knew they were getting waifu fapbait when they bought the game.
CDProjekt knows what is important to their fans.

A few Skinemax tier cutscenes and the lack of gameplay will not only be forgiven but forgotten.

They are Bioware tier waifufags with less homoness but far more faggotry.

No, read it again.

They did 16 hours of motion capture work for the sex scenes. this includes the setup time, reshoots, and all the other shit.

some guy sucking on a dildo

mate do you have a brain?

No, I paid for that like two hours after.

Go to fireden and put this thread's post number into the search bar, then click go to post number

>man and his wife get mocapping job to capture fug scenes.

>not enjoying day long foreplay and getting excited

dude, they certainly enjoyed their work, dumbshit.

witcher 3 is the greatest game of the generation, a milestone in the history gaming. stay made formfag/ninetenkiddo

Now, I know this really isn't important, but I feel it should be pointed out somehow, but "avatarfagging" can't be done with a single post. It means that one is using the same image of a particular character with every post they make, usually in a 250x250 picture. Flagging someone as an "avatarfag" with their first post in a thread doesn't even make sense since many people will use a 250x250 picture of a character's face as a reaction image.

Well then you werent longer together then, lets say, 2 years

Biology fucks you in the ass sooner in her case but it wouldve hit you later aswell

My only advice is that you should burn the bridges if suffer from it. I suffered aswell, up to the point where I feel mostly nothing for her anymore but even then at some point the lonelyness creeps back up on me and I feel like I shouldnt have let her go. But then I remember how horrible it wouldve been if we were still forced to each other. To didnt embrace this (yet), you should just let her go for you own sake user. And maybe shit in her post office box.

And nobody here talks about fucking videogames

I think it was a picture of a neckbeard posing with Chloe Moretz or something and pointing out "me on the left" as if it wasn't clear.

It is a gift, user

That's pretty hot actually. I wish I was better looking to do stuff like that.

Sorry about the typos, im drunk and on a phone, but you get the point

Nah, its always about the people behind the post that try portray there emotions with anime

Ew wtf is wrong with her boobs?

Oh shit, I remember now

Thanks user

You can do all sorts of stuff once they're in your bedroom/lair.

user I was together with a girl for around 5 or 6 years, she left me for a year or so, then when she came back to "be friends" I fucking blew it just last saturday, I know the feel, wish I could tell you to suck it up but I can't do it either so fuck me I guess. Hopefully she still talks to you at least.
Video games.


Superior mocap incoming

Wasn't it that picture of a bunch of lolis doing cute things like taking selfies, cuddling eachother etc?

>with anime
Where do you think you are?

>actual true avatar fagging
Korra was a disappointment. Both the show and the game

I think it's something that comes with loneliness. Eventually, you'd care about sex when you started taking all of that for granted

Why the fuck is she smiling? The mo-cap balls don't pick that up.

Genuine or not, she has a nice smile

I don't feel lonely, I legitimately do not care about sex. I had my first time with a hot woman when I was 17, but I didn't even feel any sensation, lest of all in my dick. Merely kissing her and cuddling with her got me going far more than any form of sex.

឴ ឴

Thanks user


>you paid for decent animation

whoa, what a fucking crime, string them up!

The first season was ok.
Then it kinda spiraled out of control.

user are you sure your peepee functions as intended?

I came balls deep in my wife's ass two nights ago though.


I prefer the sexy cards in Witcher 1.

I'm not sure desu

Fapping conventionally with my hand is hard and I have been masturbating prone hands-free essentially since I was a toddler. By moving my legs like pliers while lying prone I make myself cum that way.

But during the night I just couldn't really get it up. Probably going to take viagra next time

3d women are literally satan spawn.

All they want from you is to marry you take half of your stuff, rape claims and leave you for the next chad / nigger dick.

As a man who is going through a lot of suffering, I honestly reccomend you all to stick to 2d waifus, or just literally hire prostitutes.


I'm sure none of it was your fault.

i dont buy games made in low-iq europe/na

Sounds like you've been using your prostate to masturbate. Seriously get your dick checked.

I self-discovered I had phimosis a few years ago, but it got better overtime when I learned to use my hand. I still prefer doing prone although am looking to recover. I did however have a tight frenulum which was surgically detached, stretched then reattached and it feels slightly better.

I've had inspections from GPs, urologists including the surgeon who did my frenulum and they said there's nothing wrong with it

I've phimosis as well but I learned to jack off like normal eventually. I had my own fucked up way of getting off when I was younger so I feel you.

If you only fap in a weird way your body gets used to stimulation from that and you won't be able to get off in another way