Why is it so easy to look back on this game so fondly...

why is it so easy to look back on this game so fondly? it seemed shitty at the time but it seems to have aged in an interesting way. not like a fine wine, but more like a fine cheese: kind of smelly and funky but strangely appealing and hypnotic. The atmosphere and detail of the city, the heavy driving controls, the satisfying gunplay, the fun shooting missions, the somber story...Something about this game feels really good now

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>Something about this game feels really good now
W-would say, OP, t-that it's c-c-comfy?

you're not a mouth breathing teenager anymore so you can appreciate how much love and care was put into this game.

it's because you played it like 10 years ago

it was an actual game as opposed to a vehicle for microtransactions

The truth is iv and it's expansions are better than GTAV outside of >WACKY JET FIGHTING AND HUEG MAP WITH NOTHING

>better physics
>better story
>better atmosphere
>better music

Only thing 5 did better was the way the characters moved and the driving. I hated how everything but sports cars were boats in 4

hass a reely good storiy

>better music
what do you mean there was "better music" the game didn't even have a score, same with the previous games.

GTAVI should have a much smaller map but with a fuck load of interiors

Best sum-up

>I hated how everything but sports cars were boats in 4
I love the weightiness. GTAV has no tactics, challenge or punch to its driving; you can zip anything through any situation with ease.

Aside from the best physics of any open world game, IV's atmosphere somehow perfectly captures post 9/11 America. Los Santos and Vice City are similar in atmosphere with constant sunshine and beaches and vanity but New York is kind of ever changing and IV captures it well for 2008 NYC.

The melee in gta 4 is a lot better than GTA V's melee as well.

>better music
You mean radio? Both GTA IV and V's radio were pretty bad, but I would actually put V above IV. At any rate, V actually has an OST and it's quite good.
True, but the countryside adds a lot. You might say it's full of nothing, but so was LC. Trekking up Chilead in various vehicles is always fun.

I unironically think v is better than iv in every way, except for maybe some nice little touches on the physics in iv.
Most forgetable GTA I've ever played.

who on earth hated GTAIV at release?
contrarian virgins, thats who

the multiplayer wasn't great but after GTA V it's very easy to look back on it and remember it fondly

It was trash, the spearhead for the era of SJW narrative shoveling into video games.

I didn't dislike it until I'd put 15 hours or so in and realized that they had stripped all of the good stuff from San Andreas and given us GTA III with okay graphics.

No idea, I played through it after getting 100% in GTA V and it made my realise how great it is, and how shit GTA V is, went on to 100%
it and the dlc, and replay them a bunch of times over the years, it's probably one of my favourite games of all time, with TBoGT being the best of the bunch and my favourite DLC of all time.


San Andreas > GTA V >>> GTA IV

Sorry, I like my GTA games to have actual customization and map variety.

San Andreas
>fly warplanes, jets and attack helicopters
>drive literal tanks
>customize cars (fenders, bumpers, spoilers, exhaust, etc)
>use crazy weapons like chainguns, flamethrowers and dildos
>get haircuts
>cities, deserts, wildernesss, backwoods, secret military base, etc

>fly warplanes, jets and attack helicopters
>drive literal tanks
>customize cars (fenders, bumpers, spoilers, exhaust, etc)
>get haircuts
>big city, desert, mountains, backwoods, secret military base

>can't fly any planes
>can fly two aircraft with weapons
>can't customize cars at all (just hope you get the paintjob you want at P&S)
>can buy generic clothes from three shops
>no bicycles
>no haircuts
>no crazy weapons
>generic industrial map with highrises
>no map variety

Also, let's talk about IV's atrocious economy. They give you all this money from missions and give you fuck-all to spend it on. You can buy guns, ammo and clothes, that's literally it. The heist gives you $250,000, literally what do I spend that kind of money on? Liberty City is based on the financial capital of the world and there's nothing to spend your cash on, what the fuck? IV has neat car physics but is basically a tech demo with good writing. It's overrated as hell.

>little touches
You idiot. The physics made that game. Rockstar wasn't able to use the Euphoria engine in V. And for some reason, the pedestrians in V are paper people that die with one shot to the foot. In IV you could shoot someone in the foot and they'd on the fly try to stand and adjust and maybe fall down some stairs. V has Rockstar's best attempt at recreating that engine, combined with old fashioned PS2 era GTA scripted death animations and it just doesn't hold a candle to the realism of the feedback you got from interacting with the world.

>sit in the pause menu on TBOGT for a little bit
>those hums start coming in

Goosebumps. Goosebumps every fucking time, man.

>secret military base
What secret military base?

V didn't have Euphoria? Do you know why?
I always wondered why they just flat-out gimped all the physics, I would've imagined that it's easily portable.

Sup Forums endlessly shat on GTA4 when it came out and up to GTA5 coming up and the only people who like GTA4 are zelda cycle cunts, its objectively the worst game in the series and if you disagree you're wrong.

>better physics
more realistic=/= better, GTA5 goes for a more action movie approach with bodies flying and vehicles exploding on purpose, GTA4's physics are more boring.
>better story
Not at all, the story was overly serious, Niko's character didn't fit what you were actually doing with him at all, and most of the characters were extremely unlikable with very few likable characters.
LS has far more variety, LC was just a giant city block.
>better atmosphere
I guess you really like the entire game being colored in different shades of grey and brown.
>better music
GTA4 didn't even have music that played in-game aside from the radio music which was far worse and less varied than GTA5's radio music. Not to mention GTA5 actually had music that played in-game.

>tfw i enjoyed the somewhat realistic tone of iv
I also liked the getaway so maybe I just have shit taste

I read the article a while back. Euphoria was a separate company that built the physics engine and I don't remember the rest but Rockstar had to give it up.

I always liked it. It missed some of the fun shit of SA but it was still a sound and technically mind-blowing game and thefirst game to truely make me appreciate the jump from ps2/Wii to Xbox 360/ps3

It was kino as fuck, though the gameplay was boring and every mission the same

>1 heist based mission in IV is better than every heist I'm gtav

>no more driving with people holding your door handles
>no more guns going off when they hit the ground, enemies firing accidentally when they get hit, shooting guns out of people's hands
not only did they lose the finer parts of the AI but they fucked up basic things. if you stand near an idle NPC in V they'll get pissed off and attack you. if you attack with a knife you might do a big swinging animation like you're using a hammer

used to pause just for that music

Area 69

It was a joke pham

goddamn user, this is one of those that for some reason takes me
back and flashes my entire life before my eyes. fucking beautiful...

Does this really have to be posted again?

Niko was a likeable character. He wasn't a massive edgelord or a guy looking to take over a city.

Was he a hypocrite? Well yeah, it's still GTA. He still had to fuck shit up because that's the game he's in.

IV's heist
>no setup missions
>no crew choices
>no option to approach it different ways (quiet vs loud)
>heist plays out the same each time: rob bank, hold off cops, go to subway, lose SWAT in the tunnel, get in the Huntley, drive until you lose the cops
>same money reward every time, you can't lose any money during the heist or as a result of bad crew choice

V heist:
>multiple setup missions
>can choose your crew and prioritize efficiency or low cost (or both)
>can choose betrween a quiet approach or loud approach
>some heists play out very differently, especially the finale heist, based on your choice
>different money reward each time, depending on crew choice and how much you got shot at


Does not change the fact that if you played through any GTA V heist, and the GTA IV heist one after another without playing either of them before, the GTA IV heist is just straight up better.

he wasn't a hypocrite. he resents killing one character in the beginning of the game, specifically because it was the first person he killed in america. then he quickly settles into the mob lifestyle, and several canonical murders. he has some heated arguments with roman about the lifestyle, but mostly because he half blames roman for everything bad that happens to them.

All of that and yet four leaf clover is a better mission

IV heist

V heist

Was gonna ask why in the world you replayed a GTA game at all, then remembered I played through IV twice. It's the sole GTA game with decent missions.

>ey Niko, did you call? I was in the shower and I thought I heard the phone ring...

>he resents killing one character in the beginning of the game, specifically because it was the first person he killed in america
not including the myriad of people i ran over before the very first mission was done lmao

>all of the above is true
>IV's heist is STILL more fun and memorable
How did they do it?

It was the illusion of choice. IV lack of dishonesty about choice makes it better in that regard.

Easily the best game in the series, if you weren't disappointed by GTAV within the first 30 seconds of gameplay, you have no taste and are indeed too young to be posting on this site. Playing this again on PC with the LCPDFR mod along with realistic handing and damage is pure KINO.

Too bad they caved to SA babbies which is funny because even SA is better than gtaV

>IV's heist is STILL more fun and memorable
V's heists aren't all that fun if you ask me. They're too much of a set piece without any organic gameplay using the game's standard mechanics and it's really glaring. It's been a very long time since I played IV but I think IV had less of that. There was also a lot more buildup.

Most memorable characters in the series next to GTA: SA.

I'm sure the incredible number of sales for V were built off IV.

I can provide a list of reasons why V's heists are much better, you guys can only say "well I like IV's better. Give me a comprehensive list of reasons why Four Leaf Clover is better than any of the heists from V.

Also, saying they're easy or boring isn't a reason, explain why they are objectively easy or boring. They can both easily be completed on the first try just like 99% of GTA missions.


Half of the reasons you listed doesn't make it more fun. They're shallow as fuck mechanics that Rockstar half assed, especially the garbage crew system

>tfw I will never be massively outnumbered in tdm and hold off against superior numbers in the strip club using cars as barricades, and blind fire with pistols vs a team with AK47s

Tdm in 5 sucked. Stuck in one small area with shitty spwaning.

>They're too much of a set piece without any organic gameplay
GTA IV's heist still had all that, but V is worse because it pretended it would offer lots of freedom and choice in both planning and execution when it was really just as linear in all the ways that mattered.

>>no setup missions
Wrong IV heist had setup missions

>game is literally sold on the premise of heists
>like 5 or 6 of them
>half of them don't even get you anything
>insulting illusion of choice
>0 (ZERO) likable characters in said heists
Whole trash game left a bad taste in my mouth. Even today, just driving around the game world feels wrong.

I assume because you have gone retarded. It was never good. It was pretty in a brown shit kind of way and had interesting physics. Everything else was absolute shit. Especially the whiny story and characters. Easily the worst GTA since it went 3D.

I gotta disagree, partly. The driving is pretty fun in GTAV, but it feels no different from any racing game. I have a hard time describing GTAIV, but it was definitely its own thing, and in a way I remember fondly and will likely remember longer than GTAV.

>They're shallow as fuck mechanics that Rockstar half assed, especially the garbage crew system
Again, give me a list of reasons why this is, this is an opinion with no arguments to back it up. I thought V's crew system was fine, I liked how meeting people through random events added more crew choices, like Packie or that hacker guy.

What was the setup mission for Four Leaf Clover?

>>game is literally sold on the premise of heists
>>like 5 or 6 of them
More than any other GTA game.
>>half of them don't even get you anything
Wrong they give you money which you can actually spend, unlike IV where you just sit on the $250,000 because there is virtually nothing to spend it on, no cars, houses, properties, etc. Even the heists where you don't get to keep the full payout you still get money, the only one where you get nothing was the superweapon heist.
(ZERO) likable characters in said heists
Another personal opinion with nothing to explain your reasoning. I can play that game too. None of IV's characters were memorable.
Try again

The crew system is garbage because out of all the "choices" you get one of them will always be the best, since if they fuck up, is scripted.

I still believe gtav sp dlc will come out

They don't always fuck up and if they do you can still make up for it. The guy who crashes his bike in the Vangelico heist? You can drive over his bag of money and collect it if you go fast enough.

There is incentive to choose other crew members if you want their skill to grow through the story. If you wanna pennypinch and go with the cheapest guys, you pay for it by them losing money. If you wanna go all out and spend as much as possible to guarantee success you make less money than if you choose a different group of members. I always pick different members and my cut varies each time.

I'm still fucking mad. I remember when they announced it too

lmao this why I love arguing with IVfags, no arguments just random opinions spammed without any reasoning whatsoever.

V > IV any day of the week

>Almost every mission is scripted
>the writing can't decide if it wants to be South Park or Breaking Bad.
>similarly, the gameplay can't decide if it wants to be arcadey or realistic
>tons of details missing
>guns feel awful to use

V is unironically the worst 3D GTA.

I'm currently replaying it myself and it does have a distinctness in the series with its drab, immersive environment devoid of many standout setpieces and more gritty narrative with very weighted driving mechanics.

it probably exists, but was supposed to be exclusive to the 8th gen version. now the cowards are waiting it out so people think it was made after the ports and they don't receive the massive backlashing that they deserve.

It's made worse by the fact they have autists who make videos like DOOD LOOK LIMB DAMAGE XD
jfc we want good games not tech demos.

>implying they won't release it
>implying people won't eat it up
>implying they won't announce GTAVIce right after
>implying they won't break preorder records

Another giant list of opinions without any actual arguments or reasons to back it up. Thank you for proving my point, user.

I know. Check the comments of the "GTA V is better than GTA IV" video, it's all asshurt IVfags basically saying the video doesn't count because reasons.

>why is it so easy to look back on this game so fondly?
I bought the game new a few days after launch. I fucked hated it back then and I will always fucking hate it. One of the most disappointing games ever. Was the first game I bought with my own money and that just makes it even worse.

and here we have evidence of why scamstar is so successful in their GTA V business model, the fanboy.

Ive always loved this game. From the moment i played it to the last time i played even after playing V a bunch and beating it several times.
I just love that NY scene and parcouring everywhere. They got rid of that ledge grab in V which killed basically all the free running. That sick ass ragdoll button tho.