Are you looking forward to the SOTC remake next year, Sup Forums?

Are you looking forward to the SOTC remake next year, Sup Forums?

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No, because I don't even like the original

This. The game had some nice aspects but it's not the legendary piece of perfection everyone makes it out to be.

Will this game finally play not like total shit?

Game doesn't need to be remade, and it probably won't even run at 60fps like the PS3 version.

Nah I'm just waiting on them to remake a superior game: Morrowind.


nice low res """comparison"""
I bet the remake is going to be blurry to fuck

This is the first I've heard about it but I might pick it up. I never played the original release.

Half of me wants to agree but I really wish they'd stop milking games they already made and give us TES6 already. And make it more like Morrowind/Daggerfall again instead of simplifying shit.

Not particularly. I thought the PS3 remaster was perfect enough as is. That being said, I'm most likely still going to buy the game anyways.

Silent Hill 1 needs a remake not this game.

Only plebs want morrowind remade. Not only do skyrim/graphicsfags have skywind, but morrowind itself has OpenMW, Rebirth, and TR, among other mods that add Skyrim and Cyrodiil. Bethesda doing anything with Morrowind would only complicate the progress of the mods, especially TR and OpenMW if Todd felt threatened.

>ps4 has so few worthwhile games that they need to release this game for the third time in a row
can't wait for the SoTC Remake Remastered for the Playstation 5

yes, it looks very good, it is legitimately amazing in my opinion.

>No trash
>feels like many epic quests each time
>dat music
>dat horse and the feels
>dat maiden
>the feeling of an epic expansive terrain with nothing (which is good in this type of game)

It really is at least a 9/10 for me.

Left looks better

>PS4's been on the market for 4 years and its best games are literally ports and remakes

Can't make this up folks

half of the games I owned for PS3 were remakes

idk, does this remake involve physics in the game play?

yeah this is 1 game that deserves a remake.
At least with a remake new players may get into it.
I'm hoping they do some differences though.
ik they have said it is a 1:1 remake but adding more hitpoints or different patterns to the collosi could refresh the gameplay

>there's a SOTC remake


well you can't make new stuff because that involves risk.
you could use that valuable capital for getting a loan and buying your own stock to raise the stock price.

I would have been if they added any new colossi. I'm just gonna stick with my Ps3 version.

SotC did not need to be remade, the game still holds up great today, especially with the PS3 port in mind.

yeah little things in this game is what makes it amazing.
like it never giving you any indication of all the moves you can do on agro, or no minimap showing you where the collosi are but stumbling upon them through exploration and following your sword.

the game is undeniably kino

shame that I have to go on a massive collectathon to get all lizards and fruit for the plat.
I might try finally get the plat before this is released

The animations being worse than the PS2 ensures this game will suck.

>60fps like the PS3 version.
what did he mean by this

Whats with remakes always either ruining the lighting or coloring? For fucks sake its supposed to be a forbidden holy land not just muh realistic earf

Good thing that silly words were laid over the right side, or I wouldn't have known that it is in fact the inferior version of the game

While most of us can agree the game is great I don't think this game needed a HD remake.

Nostalgia fags need to be gassed

corporate dick suckers who eat up shitty ports and remakes of games that aren't even that old need to be gassed first

>aren't even that old

Game is over a decade old retard and looks like ass

maybe if you're an hd baby who can't stand to look at anything made before 2008, the game holds up great

Wonder who is behind this post.

Yeah, that's pretty much my reasoning too. They could easily find a way to shoehorn the cut colossi in (think it was 8 that were cut at the last minute?) and actually make the game even more worthwhile.

I'm more of an Ico/Last Guardian fan

I might pick it up when it's $ 20

A person who isn't nostalgia blind

Is there anything we know about it other than there being a graphics and control overhaul?

>I'm more of an Ico/Last Guardian fan
my nigga

it's a remaster

>like Morrowind/Daggerfall again instead of simplifying shit.

ha if game companys did this no one would care about remakes in the first place

The framerate isnt in the teens

ps3 version runs at a constant 30fps, and this probably will too