Make bank just playing video games

>make bank just playing video games
>don't even need to be amazing
>know that your life is so much better than most of your subscribers from them sending SOB stories with their donations

Why aren't you a streamer, Sup Forums? And don't you dare say it's because of integrity. You're on Sup Forums, you have no integrity.

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I'm not a fag or a woman or interesting. What bout you user?

i dont speak good with strangers

god i wish i as an attractive girl for this reason alone, either white or asian. i would make so much easy money on twitch if i could get popular enough, then find some rich chad to marry and spit out a few kids, spend my days being a homemaker. fug bros

>make salty posts just on Sup Forums's vidya board
>don't even need to write well
>know that your life is so much better than most people in the 3rd world as you mooch off your mom's hard work dwelling in her basement

I'm not a girl with big tits.

Because I'm not some whore with big tits and I don't think I would excel at bullshitting my viewers for their entertainment since I don't like lying.

Shit internet

I don't have boobs.

It's my DAD's hard work you lil faggot, get it right.

I don't have tits.

You have to be a woman

Bad internet and I play games on a laptop.

I don't have big tits.

Because at some point you become 40 with no job experience because you've been streaming all your life and nobody wants to watch your stream anymore and who the fuck would hire you.

Well you probably would, being a woman would make lying basically normal for you.

>You're on Sup Forums, you have no integrity
I don't think you know what that word means

All correct

By that point you should have enough money in your savings to coast by. Fuck the modern job market.

because i'm depressed and my mood is too volatile

too bad because i'm a tranny with bantz for days

lol no you wouldn't

Do you have a thick dick?

When does this male privilege I keep hearing about kick in?

Boy I wish men could do something as simple as stuff their bra to immediately be showered with attention.

I did for about a year but it never got off the ground. I could only do a few hours two or three nights a week and even that was cutting into my available time way too much but was nowhere near enough to have a chance.

It stopped being fun and felt like a chore and I wanted that time for other things, so I stopped.

It's called going to the gym and raking in the swipe rights on tinder

when you get drafted to fight china

The day of the VR waifu can not come soon enough.

>It's called going to the gym and raking in the swipe rights on tinder
I said something simple.

You know you need more than $1000 to retire for the next 40+ years right?

had a friend who used to stream all our vidya sessions with our friend group
was a real mood killer because everyone was too busty watching what they say since they know its being broadcasted and recorded. killed all the bantz

why fat boobs always come with the ugliest nipples ?

You're right, i don't have any integrity, but I try to make money by selling T-shirts.

it's as thick as the density of puns i deliver during gameplay

dont hate the player hate the game. Id do the same if I could.

mostly because i dont have anything interesting or new to bring into it (tits) probably would be really hard to gain subscribers let alone make decent money. Too many of those full time (unemployed) streamers who stream daily, but still have a handfull of subs.

Sounds dope. I hope your moods improve, user.

>wheres her nudes
She won't ever have any because she's just wearing a pushup/stuffing.

Successful streamers get $1000 a day.

you're alright, don't go killing yourself like the other 45% alright.

too late, I'm already too old

Well yeah, if you live with your mom who still pays the rent.

I remember being young and browsing google images looking at Mario pictures and one image came up that looked a bit strange and showed the Mario crew being sucked into a galaxy vortex or something and the info for the image source said that the image makes kids kill their guardians or something.
Am I tripping ?

Because I have a career and need fulfillment beyond simply having money and free time to play vidya.

thanks user, me too

i also do VA for unvoiced characters in games if i think i can get a good dramatic or funny-but-not-penguin-of-doom-funny voice for the character but i dunno if that's a good idea for streaming, i just do it because i enjoy it

i won't

Streaming is cancer.

We don't cotton to freaks 'round these parts.

Thats pretty much why i never tried it, if i were to try, i would need to have the time to stream for multiple hours almost daily aka unemployed, if i were to have any chance at all, and even if i did that, success is still in no way a certain thing.

>doesn't get fulfillment from playing video games anymore


I'm not a women, and I have no comedic value, thus I cannot stream

why would you post this image

Gotta have social skills or big tits

Don't really care for that 'contributing to society' Sup Forums shit

>Why aren't you a streamer, Sup Forums?
I'm an average white male who isn't willing to be a dancing monkey 24/7 so I have no shot of making it big. I only wish I'd been born female, literally none of my problems would be relevant.

I would if I wasnt a neet and had a good setup

What confuses me the most about this is even the fat unattractive twitch camwhores get money

Just become like Critikal and have a gimmick like donating to charity. Then play the victim and milk your viewers because they believe everything you say. I am 100% sure he didn't get a job because he didn't want to pay court fees to a crash he caused. Even though he says it was the other driver fault.

I have both but I'm just a jolly fat man.

Look into how much successful streamers make. Talking dandgaming. Ice poseidon etc. Thetre making $20k+ a month. There not making $40k a year. And they turn down offers and sponsors left N right.

Ice poseidon streams on YouTube now, about 2 hours every other day and makes 23k a month.

There's no argument. But no one would watch u betas your boring

Those nipples are fucking disgusting. We need nipple/areola enhancement surgeries now.

I'm telling your subscribers you browse the alt-right hellhole known as Sup Forums, boogie.

>stage fright
and most importantly, I have a dick

dan said he made something like 4k for an hour of playing a sponsored game. Shit is nuts.

I do stream, but mostly PS2 games and have made a decent amount of vidya money doing so. Nothing to make a living off of, not that I would give up my retirement, medical, and career to do it for a living.

Those streamers are boring af as well. Idgaf how much money they make.

Because I like being a scientist. It's more rewarding and I'm actually helping people.


Oversaturated market, no one cares about new streamers, especially without tits. The chances of the stream really taking off are minimal.

shitty actor attempting to troll twitch for controversy views and exposure

>he didnt get his patriarchy invitation in the mail


He just got a new Intel sponsor. They gotta pay at least 10k a month. Other sponsors are like 5k a month. Those sponsored streams are like 5k.

Maximilian gets like 200 new subs a night. He's got thousands of subs. Him and Dan could easily be millionaires you wouldn't even know it. Because if ppl knew they prolly wouldn't donate. Reality is there donating to a millionaires pretty often. Not all streamers are dumb. They likely invest and have 401ks setup.
That's cool bro. Not arguing that.

Taste the pain!

Arent those the guy who said Pluto wasn't a planet and the T-rex was a bird?

Yaeh you aint helping no one champ

yeah if I ever subbed to someone it wouldnt be to some retard with 4k sub already.

I watched maxidood while he was replaying all the Mortal Kombat games and I had to check his stream literally an hour after he started streaming because all it was was him sitting there thanking subs and donations.

look man we're trying

I think a big chunk of Dans subs are just after his god tier emotes. But yeah a lot of streamers invest a lot of their money. Reckful said once that he lost like 100k in an investment once when a company bombed.

Sup Forums will use ANYTHING that means having a job, being a scientist, or doctor, or having a gf, not having a gf, pirating, not pirating, they will literally target any piece of information you present them and attempt as much as they can to actually make you feel worse about yourself.

Max gets that every night just for logging in. Promise u him and Dan have more than 4k subs. 10k+. A website tells u how many but stops at 7k. They got more than 7k.

Fuck subs though. Maxes donations are godly. He's numb to it.

>tfw you will never have a qt Mexican Twitch streamer gf

I dont have banging tits

Because i dont play PUBG, CS, COD or Heartstone.

true but then you'd be just another vapid "stay-at-home-mom" aka housewife unless you retain your mind but then you have a guy's mind in a girl's body so that might be gay

>waaaaaw these poor nerds hurt my feefees

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

because im not a female nor do i wish to be fake and be a monkey for viewers. also no good looks to exploit.
im also not good enough to be interesting


because there are easier ways to make money and sit on my ass.

That rarely happens to me, you must have poorly thought out opinions and thoughts.

>You're on Sup Forums, you have no integrity.
Thats where youre wrong, bucko
also i make more money than any scene girl or vapefag and make the world a better place while doing it

I'm autistic and awkard, I'm no entertainer.

Who was that one streamer girl that got huge basketball sized fake tits to stream with, and then married some chad doctor she met through the stream and immediatley stopped streaming?

That's a paddlin'

Where do I sign up for the hunting of jews and niggers for prize money?

I think I know who your talking about, but I'm not sure? Did she do porn after Twitch? Because if so then I think her name was like Kristy or something?

Her boobs are sagging even more and its disgusting to look at now. But there are still people that fap to her I guess.

And eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind

Or maybe you're just a newfag

I'm in a clinical genetics lab. Not sure how you expected me to respond to your 2/10 effort at humor.

This is my second post in this thread, by the way. The other cunts trying to argue are randoms.

>fuck science

>waaaaaah stop making fun of me

Your life is worthless as a scientist and I am better than you in every way

Sit the fuck down

I don't have tits

Nerds are trendy now, gramps. They listen to bill nye and shout YAS QUEEN when they see a female in Star Wars or GoT or Rick and Morty