
it's way better than pubg tbqh

Other urls found in this thread:

Getting run over by a bus is better than pubg

make it f2p already shills


>rip off PUBG

Why the fuck is this allowed? Bluehole should sue the fuck out of Epic

Are you retarded

>better than pubg
Not much to brag about.

lol nice business model epic megagayms

didn't PUBG rip off DayZ?

>rip off of a rip off
you tell me user

are you?

They're actually legitimately contemplating it.

All that success has gone to their fucking brains and they may try to shoot down Fortnite over being a direct competitor. Without understanding the irony of being a condensed ripoff of other titles and not even being the first battle royale sort of thing.

love when people abuse the legal system to prevent competition after they have won the game

Playerunknown made the original Arma mods. Bluehole hired him to make PUBG. Now Epic is ripping off Playerunknown's years of work you underage fucks.

Jesus PUBG is really that fucking desperate to break the cycle aren't they?

It's a rip off of the battle royale films.

That's not illegal you retarded fuck, there's no protection for "game concepts".

sup playerunknown if you sue anyone over game modes i hope you realize you'll have to go into hiding

Are they going to sue H1Z1 then too, or just Fortnite because Fortnite is actually more fun and an actual competition to PUBG?

These are the kind of people you're giving money to, PUBG faggots.

I bet you think all open world games are GTA rip offs too, faggot.

>cartoon graphics meme

all playerunknown actually did was rip off day z and make a shitton of dosh off it

films != video games, retard

fuck off, idiot. go make a mario game and see what happens to you, faggot.

Reminds me when LOL tried to sue fucking dota

pubg invented battle royale

>forgot my meme arrow

yes no one else has ever made a platformer

Yes, Playerunknown was the first to introduce battle royale in vidya. Thus anyone making another battle royale video game is a fucking thief.


>mfw I'm sharing this board with these inbreds


No, you shitposting retard. The first platformer was Donkey Kong which Nintendo did not copyright thus it was fair use for anyone to make a platformer. Playerunknown copyrighted his battle royale mechanic.

I'm going to laugh when you copycats get sued into oblivion.

Can't tell if trolling, or just really stupid.

Did the Battle Royale mode go free yet? How is it?

Is there a difference in this day and age?

>What is pitfall

I was watching Sodapoppin play it last night as it actually seemed ok. More interesting that PUBG anyway.

yes there is no copyright on donkey kong
feel free to make your own donkey kong games
send me a link so i can forward it to nintendo
they really like fan games

>shit and unsuccesful game copies a shit and succesful game

I played both and honestly I find Fortnite more fun. Not only that but it also has waifus

post more doggos

go back to overwatch nigger

by this logic H1Z1 can sue pubg lmao

also if they even tried to take legal action couldnt epic just turn around with a big "fuck you" and take the engine license away?

What next, PUBG tries to sue Arma for having battle royale mods and the original battlegrounds?

what an amazingly awful artstyle

what kind of retard thinks this bland cartoon shit looks good

i bet you bought dayz


I like PUBG and I'll play it since it's F2P. Needs a Steam release though. Gonna be dead is fuck in a month.

>Playerunknown copyrighted his battle royale mechanic.

aren't them all literally just last man standing modes?

>rip off Street Fighter 2

Why the fuck is this allowed? Capcom should sue the fuck out of SNK

It's always been their business model
>Jill of The Jungle/Commander Keen
>Unreal Tournament/Quake 3

>Sueing the company who develops your engine over a -game mode-

Just imagine if this game was free already.

>source: My ass

Isn't battle royal just a copy of worms armageddon anyway?

Developers don't have any responsibility when it comes to mods for their games. He'd have to sue the creator of the mod, which would be himself.

Does it have autism?

It is free on the 26th with micro transactions for cosmetics.

it's just for publicity. They will get anti-Epic people but also people who are against rational thought.

getting stupid people behind you is a surefire way to succeed.

PUBG is not out yet. I wonder if it will be good when it comes out.

twitch games are never finished or good

>similar ideas mean rip offs.

Come on.

PUBG is complete.

Early Access is used as an excuse for the developers to drop all development whenever they want.

This is not a twitch game. It was not made by twitch or for twitch.

Deathmatch with Permadeath is not a new idea.

So fortnite isn't a rip off then?

>this is not a twitch game
how many bad streamer games have you bought shortbus

No, the only thing Fortnite got right was Penny.


It's not out yet. Also, isnt the game updated like 4 times a month month since Early Access?

excuse me, but we do _not_ allow racism here on Sup Forums

Twitch games is another meme like Reddit games.

Unless a game is MADE for twitch, like Jackbox, then it's not a "Twitch" game.

Should I get PUBG or wait for this game?

It's allowed, but only on Sup Forums

that's not how copyright works, kiddo. You can not copyright anything.

It's a ripoff, they even admitted it was a ripoff. If it has a constricting circle, it really is a ripoff of the Arma and H1Z1 mods which were made by PlayerUnknown. There's no arguing that it's a ripoff, the Fortnite devs even admitted it. The thing is, though, there's nothing wrong with ripoffs, it happens all the time in video games and genres are born like that.

The first platformer was not Donkey Kong.

excuse me while i get valve to sue anyone with a game where there are two opposing teams with bases that they defend using a myriad of specialized character types, since they hired the q1 tf devs and that means gabe newell is sole and exclusive owner of all video games

No. It's literally just the same idea that Battle Royale or Hunger Games had.

It's not a new idea to make a death area to force confrontation.

>rip off of PUBG
>it's actually a better version of it

well that's a surprise

Do can these guys Sue bluehole and H1Z1?

I'm not saying it's logical, you have sense and all, but it's a case where it feels like PU would be.. illogical.

why not both? one is free

Oh shit, didn't even notice

Real talk: every video of game play I see makes the combat look really unsatisfactory. No weapon looks like it has any weight to it; they seem like nerf guns and people just fall over when shot.

question: how many times have you fallen over when hit by a nerf dart

I paid 35€ for this. I feel ripped off.

Neat. I want to play the building defense actually.

You paid for the pve which is what you got.

when will twitch viewers learn

God Pendragon is such a fucking cuck.

The pve is once when it leaves early access.

it's the sounds

i'm going to delete my forum now and also pretend that i have legal standing in a dispute between blizzard and valve

is free*

>not on steam

deader than a stillborn on arrival

is this out and free?

4 days