Game has smart, tight level design instead of an empty open world

>Game has smart, tight level design instead of an empty open world

>Game has one character which can use every weapon instead of multiple characters that can only use one weapon each

how should i do this for a game, anons? i want to make an rpg, heavily based on the mario & luigi franchise. gimme tips

It's 2017; that doesn't exist anymore ;_;

Nonlinear levels with backtracking > open world > linear levels

RPGs are contradictory to tight level design like Mega Man or Super Mario


I don't think that's true. Mass effect 1 has some pretty tight level design

A series of interconnected paths. A hub of hubs.

This. Dark souls is a good example

Non-linearity > open world > linear levels
Objective fact.

>game has a sensibly sized open world design that suits the level of content it realistically offers

Nonlinear levels with backtracking > good linear level design > open world > hallway simulators

That's right user borderlands is the best of the best!! *badass air punch*

>Quantity over quality.
>I'd rather have a game with no corridors, endless possibility and 1000's of bugs, (dozens of which are potentially game breaking)then a perfect un-bugged game on rails with 1/30th the content.
This guys is just trolling right? It's just elaborate bait? No one actually thinks like this right?

>game has smart, tight world design instead of linear corridors.

Shitters gonna shit.

>Game doesnt force useless weird skill into your favorite skill tree


open level>metroidvania>multipath linear>open world>linear corridors

That fulls under linear or non-linear.

Don't use words you don't understand user, that's two now objectively and autism. You know all you have to do is a Google search to find a dictionary devotion right? Try it before posting next time

Mad as fuck. You really do objectively have autism. Thanks for confirming.

lol seriously how hard is it to just type to words you're typing into Sup Forums into Google instead m8 like just open a new window nigga it's not that hard. I know you have Sup Forums as your homepage but there should even be a search bar in the top corner somewhere, if you screenshot maybe I can help you find it

Really mad now

Metroidvania is a meme term

The Dishonored series.