ITT: Underrated masterpieces

ITT: Underrated masterpieces

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one of my fav zeldas.
it's so comfy sailing the seas.
Still not played WWHD yet though

more like overrated garbage

why are gamecubabbies so obnoxious?

I wouldn't call it underrated it's gotten a pretty huge following over time. Still my favorite loz game ever but not underrated

I think you mean wasted potential

>Create huge open world with amazing setting and art direction
>Fill it with nothing

Then they did it again with botw


If it remained in the GC then maybe, but Nintendo made it relevant again with a remaster and now everyone likes WW.

You can't really call any zelda game underrated. but some deserve the praise they get more than others. your pic is maybe just less overrated than other highly rated games

I replayed it on WiiU and I still think it's one of the worst Zeldas. They made some things better for sure though, I'll give them that.

>great aesthetics
>some charm here and there

>lackluster dungeons
>exploration is 99% copypasted filler and there's no good incentive for doing it beyond sating your completionist urges
>QTEs are lame and sometimes don't even work (also ruins the final boss)
>all the items are taken from or heavily inspired by previous games
>generally easy as fuck (both in terms of combat and puzzles)

Overall I like some elements of it but it's definitely the weakest 3D Zelda. It's clear it was incredibly rushed so they shoved it full of annoying filler.

>weakest 3D Zelda.
Not while TP and SS exist.

those games at least have excellent dungeons

If anything wind waker is overrated garbage liked by redditors only for the art style

WW is a great game, though.
A real underrated game, however, is BOTW.

How is it a masterpiece?

>a fucking zelda game

Only SS. TP dungeons are overrated shit

I'd rank TP on par with OOT as the weakest, meaning still very good games. I'm not trying to be a contrarian or anything, it's just my honest impression. I didn't play any Zelda games until I was about 18 years old, and OOT was one of the last one I finished just a few years ago. Majora's mask is near the top though.

The dungeon that takes place in is actually more complex than any dungeon in both TP and SS.

They both have better dungeons, more unique items, and less filler. Not to say that they don't have ANY filler, of course they do, but WW's is on another level.

>rehash of OoT ganon's tower with baby's first maze attached
>better than anything
good joke my dude

Ganon's Tower? Fuck no it's not.

>Worst dungeons
>Fewest Dungeons
>Worst bosses
>Tedious sailing

But hey, at least the art style held up

>more complex than the moving rooms in SS

shit on skyward sword all you want, but the dungeons in that game were genuinely fantastic

>exploration is 99% copypasted filler

Did we play the same game? There's hidden grottos everywhere, platforms, submarines, squid minibosses, some interesting islands, and more sidequests than most Zelda games.

If you want to whine about emptiness, look no further than Skyward Sword's sky or Ocarina of Time's literally barren fields.

I don't get why so many people love this game so much. It's not bad but it's not incredible. And the first thing most of them mention is "it looks beautiful." Who fucking cares?

The ocean is just as bad, if not worse, than the sky in Skyward Sword.

Fight me

You clearly haven't played both games back-to-back.

I hate the ocean as much as the next guy, but no. At least there was 'something' in every single plot and at least there were enemies you could still fight. Not to mention you could explore at night

OP didn't post Majors 's Mask.

I tink Zeruda get stale, so i make Windu Waika.

You hate Windu Waika and tink it fo babies, so I forrow OOT and make Tuwairaito purincess.







Skyward Sword's islands were literally just small floating rocks. Your argument is invalid.


Its overrated.

The lack of an overworld and the fact it only has 5 real dungeons didn't do the game favors.

> the artstyle held up
Not anymore, BotW already took its crown for best artstyle. Now WW is overrated garbage.

Sorry auto correct doesn't want to remember a Reddit meme game.

Imagine being so braindead you use websites to describe games

Agreed. I've never heard a legitimate criticism of this game. Sup Forums is just extremely autistic.
>being surprised that an ocean feels empty
Unironic retardation.
Wind Waker didn't have QTEs.
It's the easiest Zelda game, definitely, but I don't have a problem with that.

>tedious sailing
Your ADHD isn't an argument. COD might be more your speed. Lots of bang bangs and boom booms in those games to keep you occupied.

>It's an ocean, so it's supposed to be empty
>Link is only a boy, so he's supposed to not be able to defeat big hulking monsters
You fucking idiot, shut up with your realism shit. Video games are supposed to be fun. If something from real life is introduced that isn't fun, make it fun.

>bland dungeon design, lack of worthwhile content and the awful triforce quest aren't legitimate criticisms
cool blind fanboyism you've got there

Overrated Trash

Fixed that for you

>>Wind Waker didn't have QTEs.
You press a single button do dodge and counterattack Darknuts.

>Wind Waker didn't have QTEs.
How exactly do you define the parrying then?


How the fuck is Wind Waker underrated? It received critical acclaim.
This is actually underrated.

>Wind Waker didn't have QTEs.
Parries are an A prompt.
Compare it to Twilight Princess where you actually had to sidestep behind an enemy and then attack or shield bash first.

Why isn't sailing the ocean fun?
So do you have an argument or are you going to continue wasting my time?
Oh, the parries. I never thought of those as QTEs. Pretty tame shit. The shit in the spiderman 3 game is QTEs.

> Sailing
> Not tedious

> huge sea full of nothing
> long distances that mean nothing but an excuse to not add loading zones
> wind has to be manually changed for faster sailing
> playing the song to change the wind each time you want to sail to a different direction takes too long to be tolerable
> even with fast travel, sailing is a chore

Wing Waker is Chores: The game.

>>Why isn't sailing the ocean fun?
Literally no button input 90% of the trip.


>I never thought of those as QTEs
That doesn't mean they aren't. I can play Super Mario World and say I never thought of it as a sidescroller. Obviously I'm wrong.

>puts forth valid criticisms of the game
>gamecubabby completely ignores them
as expected, honestly

Like I said, your ADHD isn't an argument. My brain doesn't need constant stimulation with explosions and enemies flying at me every second to have fun.

My mind is a bit more evolved than yours to stare at a blank screen literally without exaggeration without touching anything on the controller to have fun.

>My brain doesn't need constant stimulation
it sounds like it doesn't need any stimulation at all

Most of Wind Waker's islands weren't much bigger than those rocks.

Flying through the sky in absolutely every direction is more engaging and satisfying than sailing on a flat grid.

Not what I said. I'm saying they're pretty mild QTEs, so mild that when he said QTEs I was genuinely confused.

I really enjoyed this and so has everyone else I've talked to who's played it. I like the weapon system, atmosphere and bosses in particular.

there's not a "mild" QTE, it either is or it isn't.

If it isn't an issue, why did Nintendo add the Swift Sail in the remake?

They are practically needed to defeat certain enemies. They could have required actual skill, but instead, they went with a button press at the right time.

einhander is cool but this is really just a windwaker thread, sorry my dude

So you don't have an argument, then? As expected, honestly. Keep replying, though. You're doing great.
Third time now, ADHD isn't an argument. If you get bored sailing on an ocean for 5 minutes you can play COD instead.

Well, it was worth a shot.

The fact that I didn't register it as one proves you wrong.
Because a lot of people are extremely impatient. Do you need to be told this? Especially in America. People freak the fuck out when it takes more than 5 minutes to get their food at McDonald's.

HD version when?

Watching my brother play this game gave me horrible nightmares, for some reason the gigantic monsters devouring people picked my morbid curiosity, only to regret it once going to sleep.
Some of its songs still haunt me to this day.
Pretty cool game.

Why stop at 5 minutes? Your shitty argument could be extended to 10, or 15. If you're not fine with it, you're the problem! If enough people are complaining about the sailing, you know it's an issue and not just something wrong with a few individuals. God Wind Waker apologists are annoying.

> I'm special because I can put up with tedious taska and see the "deeper" meaning behind them

You're no different from those edgy fedora atheists thinking they are hot shit because they are "intelectual".

It's my fave Zelda game, but there's no such thing as an underrated Zelda game. They're all overrated, especially the N64 ones. Those ones are actually not fun at all.

>Most of Wind Waker's islands weren't much bigger than those rocks.

They were MULTIPLE times bigger, especially if you count the grottos and caves within some of them which SS's islands lacked altogether.

Just admit you were talking out of your ass and move on.

>The fact that I didn't register it as one proves you wrong.
No, it proves that you aren't observant.
>Because a lot of people are extremely impatient.
It has nothing to do with patience, you moron, it has to do with interactivity. This is a fucking GAME.

>So you don't have an argument, then?
my argument is that the dungeons are terribly linear and braindead in design, they basically walk you through them by the hand. what makes it worse is that wind waker has the smallest amount of dungeons of all the 3D zelda games, so you don't even get many of them. and finally, while it might have been slightly improved in the HD version, the triforce quest is pure padding and is an absolute chore to complete. wind waker has some positive aspects but you can't deny that it's marred with flaws.

> There's no such thing as an underrated Zelda game

Minish Cap and Adventure of Link both say hi.

>The fact that I didn't register it as one proves you wrong.
a fucking ape wouldn't be able to recognize a QTE for what it is, but does that mean that it's not?

Which enemies?

>Because a lot of people are extremely impatient.
So therfore it makes sense if a lot of your fanbase is impatient, including children, then it makes sense that there would be an issue in things taking a long time.

The only reason you aren't caring abut legitimate arguments, is because all legitimate arguments deal with subjective reasons that you just so happen to not care about because you disagree due to your preferences. That doesn't make the arguments less valid though, it just means you're a shithead for disregarding them, and I'm saying this as someone that also like WW.


sorry, was meant for


So just the final boss? What kind of argument is that?

Literally 4th time: ADHD
Classic Sup Forums autism. Just stop posting and kill yourselves please.
All of that is enough to ruin the game for you? Wow.

>All of that is enough to ruin the game for you?
no, but you said that you had never heard any valid criticism of the game when that is demonstrably false

>Literally 4th time: ADHD
And you keep repeating yourself because you keep missing the goddamned point.
>Classic Sup Forums autism. Just stop posting and kill yourselves please.
Literal nonargument. Dude, you're losing it fast.

Can't make this up... I'm fucking stunned

>subjective reasons
There it is. Subjective.

Repeating your "argument" doesn't make you right.
Also, stop assuming everyone has your degree of autism, not everyone can put up with retardedly long chores put in place to make the game artificially longer.

What valid criticism though?
>literal nonargument
The irony is very strong here.

am video game


>What valid criticism though?
the shit you haven't even addressed here you blind fanboy

What exactly are you trying to imply? Just because something is subjective doesn't mean it's not valid. By that logic, I haven't heard any valid praise of Wind Waker.

What are you even talking about? I'm still waiting for an actual reason to hate this game.

There's no irony... You literally didn't make an argument and just repeatedly downplay the critiques everyone puts forth

Again, you're just talking about the final boss? That's it?

You replied to the user that said they were mild, and your counterpoint was that they weren't because they were required to defeat certain enemies. Apparently though your plural usage of that word flew right out the window the moment I asked you to list which ones required the parry.

Besides, 3D Zelda's final bosses were never particularly spectacular anyway. A lot of them just feel like setpieces.

All subjective.
That's because I haven't actually given any praise to wind waker. The difference between me and the other people here is that I admit it.

What critiques?

>That's because I haven't actually given any praise to wind waker.
Wrong. Assuming you are the same user, your first post was
Were you agreed with the OP of it being an underrated masterpiece.