Was he a good protagonist?

Was he a good protagonist?

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Absolutely not

you have a single fact to back that up?

I liked him a lot.

Seemed a lot dumber and less redpilled than JC

He was pretty boring and also kind of retarded, but not in an endearing way like with JC Denton, Alex Denton or Jack Carver.

Aside from his voice not really.

alex denton was anything but endearing fuck off

>side quest antagonist is more interesting than the protagonist

Number 1: He wasn't the best, but not terrible.
Number 2: That's terror.

They played him too neutral to care, JC was a smug cunt, jensen always felt way too neutral like he somewhat cared but not really and was just there.

He never asked for this


To be fair Jensen isn't really supposed to be interesting, he's basically a standard undercover ops tough guy who's created to work anywhere along the lawful to chaotic good/neutral scale. It's natural that fleshed out side characters feel a bit more alive.

JC was a funny weirdo, Jensen was just the devs writing the badass they wish they were.

He was just fucking robocop

If Jensen has a defining character trait it's professional humanistic. I agree that he's a bit stiff, I think that's intended, but I also think they succeded in giving him a relatively consistent morale compass that feels believable.

The thing about JC is that despite his bizarre mannerisms he had a good deal of hidden depth, opinions and ideals that surprised the player and were beyond our control, so that even if he was a very weird guy there were surprising and thoughtful qualities about him. Adam is more the typical blank slate tough guy who has to stay as neutral as possible to accommodate as best possible how the player wants to make him act.

well i think they intended jensen to at least be a little interesting, since they based their marketing of the game entirely around him.

>Character is uninteresting
>H-he was designed to be uninteresting!
Then that's bad design you fucking stupid faggot. The main character of a video game should be interesting. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I wrote this too To say that he's supposed to be uninteresting was poor choice of words, I was trying to say that I think a large part of his personality is intentionally left blank to be filled in with player actions. A "bad cop" Jensen isn't unintersting to me, neither is a pure "good cop" Jensen, but if we're talking about who "core" Jensen really is we can't say for sure that he's either of those because that choice is up to the player. That makes "core" Jensen seem uninteresting while Jensen in an actual playthrough isn't, if that makes any sense.

Human Revolution Adam Jensen:
>outstanding voice acting
>great character
>great character development
>enjoyable plot
>excellent art direction and music
>memorable protagonist
>bro-tier support agents

Mankind Divided Adam Jensen:
>outstanding voice acting
>everything bland and watered down
>#blacklivesmatter plot
>deus ex game being used to promote globalist agenda IRL
>garbage-tier support agents

Let's not forget who really made Deus Ex: Human Revolution great though. The man is literally Deus Ex and the globalist libtards at Eidos fired him because of it.


It's weird seeing kids now praising the fuck out of the abysmal human revolution because it was their first dude sex game.

I just stopped playing mankind just now after 15 mins...just picked it up again after ive been putting off beating it for a year. That game is disgrace to the dues ex series. It's dull and the engine feels bloated, hardly any fun action segments. The hub format of the plot sucks too, even human revolution was far superior.

Human revolution is a good game, it has flaws but it's still a good entry, of course not comparable to deus ex.
However, it's fun seeing kids hating the game and talking about "kids" when Sup Forums loved the game when it came out, despite what it seemed to be.

You just know.

Pritchard and Malik were top tier support.
>when Pritchard worries for you when you ship yourself off in cold storage, or before you dive into Panchaea
>saving Malik
everyone in MD was kind of a cunt.
Also no AAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAM is the saddest fucking thing.

That character development with Pritchard was great, especially that last call on Panchaea. I haven't seen partner bonding like that since L.A. Noire.

he is good, not great only good.
besides from the great voice cold attitude there is nothing outstanding