What are some games where I can play as a powerful female?

What are some games where I can play as a powerful female?

any platform



Thats not her

look at her expression, imagine having that confidence

Why did it randomly slow down?

Lexi Penterra for those curious. Her ass is mesmerizing.

Violated heroine

to see the cheeks clap in slow motion, ma'am
>anita sarkeesian
facial blindness is a symptom of autism op

You gotta defrag your computer

Anita nearly stalled the progress of humanity for a short moment.

uh yes it is sweetie
Sarkeesian is a naughty girl that's why

i appreciate a nice ass as much as the next guy, but how can anyone like this trashy, nigger dancing? it's retarded

the strongest

>she will never force her feet in your face while calling you a filthy male opressor

>but how can anyone like this trashy, nigger dancing
Compared to what user?

>"I'm gonna smash patriarchy, one ball at a time"

>with no ass

>she will never use you as her toilet while making you repent your gamergater ways whilst Zoe watches

>being a nigger

Why did God make women so beautiful?



that dancing is superior


so you would want to have sex with them to procreate. in fact the urge is so strong that it makes some people go insane and blame vast conspiracies involving (((certain folks))) when they cant get laid


How about passionate latin salsa dancing? What is with people like you? How can you not recognize your own conditioning? Everything is either shit-tier nigger culture or old lame white people.

not if your sex drive is dead, clinical depression has its benefits.



>doing or liking nigger things
>not being a nigger

what mean

This cuck and sissy shit ruined femdom.

if i was going to be dancing with a girl id like to do some ironic old timey dancing, sure, but watching fatass bitches twerk irl is fun too, obviously they arent gf material but thats irrelevent for most Sup Forums posters


That'd be super hot if that was actually Anita (don't ask why), but she doesnt have a tattoo on her left arm like that chick does.

I regret to inform you that sometimes niggers drink water. You'll have to stop that

I miss Sup Forums without stormfags

i'm afraid i don't niggerdrink niggerwater so your point is moot

stormfags have been here since day 1

the people that are ruining Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums now are underage redditors that came during the election

we own this site

yeah i want to back to when Sup Forums was politically correct and full of scholars of high intelligence



those were the days user

>no Sup Forums
typical poltard

if you think lexxi pantera looks anything like anita, even in that webm, then you're retarded, faceblind and autistic

i got a boner from that

False dichotomy. Try again.

yea dude, let's go shill for Obama again! he'll bring hope to America!

time to go back to your imaginary place in your mind, then

we've always made fun of niggers you double nigger

and it doesn't even matter because everything was already pretty annoying many years prior to that. Dumb asses trying to a fit a stereotype that doesn't even exist anymore because the internet is a shell of its former self anyway.


lol wtf is happening there

>Sup Forums only recently had racists

wew lad

Literally WHY

someone explain this pic please

sub 80 IQ individuals in a first world country

Sup Forums is full of elitist pussies anyways.

>newfag tries to act like an oldfag

>not wanting to be dommed by mommy-Anita
Anita is unironically a Qt. frig off
>into femdom
>doesn't think he's a cuck
>implying you've seen Anita's left arm
They all commited sudoku
Not even into feet and it still feels cheeky. Guess cos it's best girl.


this is second wave pool aids, not the OG incident

>so long gay bowser

primitives. aint got to explain shit, you either ignore them or wipe them out.

didnt realize, just did a quick google image grab, but my point still stands

>expecting brainwashed people to overcome their brainwashing

user 90% of the world need other people to tell them what to do

>thinks "doing it for the lulz" racism is the same as poltard MAGA pepe shit


Sacred mating ritual

Why do the japs draw their cartoon characters like white pipo?

I saw the underside of her left arm in google images one second ago. No tattoo

That's some mighty impressive spacing slugger

Deal with it, chumpchange

you guys think's she's aware other people see her ass?
how does she feel about it?

nigga tryna pile drive her

Twerking seems kind of gross. Definitely a turn off

here's how I feel about it

>Make women so beautiful and irresistible
>Make it a sin to lust

Why God?

>Sup Forums with that low amount of posts compared to Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>when it's literally the heart of Sup Forums
That's just sad.

Nier or Tomb Raider Legends / Anniversary / Underworld

>Deal with it
>come to a website to complain about things that have been the standard forever while incorrectly portraying its history

Are there people who find twerking even remotely arousing?

That's not erotic, not funny, not interesting at all. It's just disgusting.
Don't get me wrong, I like asses as much as the other guy, but this is fucking horrible.

*Pushes you*

What now, bitch?

what's the appeal of twerking? it even takes the fun of looking at asses


Za warudo

lmao pol is "doing it for the lulz" too. they just call it "doing it for kek" now .the only reason most people on there supported trump was because of memes and because it pissed off normies.
it's like you didnt even pay attention at all.

There is literally nothing wrong with elitism. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't

Confirmed 2012 "oldfag"

haha same

Femdom is interesting because the male despite being naturally stronger and dominat surrenders control to the female, this sissy/cuck bs ruins that dynamic.

Really? I think it makes asses more fun to look at. Idk I am attracted to a women that knows how to move her ass.

Sup Forums is irrelevant because anime is irrelevant because it's been total shit for basically a decade

>finding ironic racism funny is the same as basing your ideology around unironic racism

fuck you elitist faggot dedication and knowledge should not be fetishized

How the FUCK did this thread turn into a Sup Forumsfest


A kang claiming is qwayn

>Imagine in 2017,being this fucking gay