Why is there so little female representation among the super mutant population?

Why is there so little female representation among the super mutant population?

Raidiation causes all living creatures to grow dicks

What about female ghouls?

>Don't call anybody!

Tabs that actually does show signs of gender dysphoria funnily enough

They're living creatures, so they all grow dicks as well.

Any pictures of this?

Some shit about the FEV making them lose all sexual traits.

Also Black Mountain Radio needed to spread across the wasteland, it was dope as fuck.

They still have genitals though
And you run tabatha out of her home, so no radio for anyone

Also if you look at Lily from the right angle you can see that she has breasts from the sideboob behind her overalls, it's different to the normal pecs

The west coast mutants have their genitals (penis and vagina) but they're sterile because the FEV sees gametes as damaged cells and tries to repair them. All supermutants have a masculine shape because the FEV attempts to make its host as physically capable as possible, so no need for wide hips that limit running speed. It's not like the females will be needing those wide hips to birth babies, anyway. If they were fertile this would actually be a problem.

East cost mutants have no genitals at all. They were made with a less advanced form of FEV. I suspect Bethesda also went out of their way to state this for meta reasons. The east coast mutants that you see in Fo3 are obsessed with making more of themselves. Letting them keep their genitals brings forth the idea that some of them would rape people.

On a related note, I think they made the priest you deal with in Skyrim's Molag Bol quest an old man for similar reasons. The domination scenes would have a distinct erotic tinge to them if the priest was a young woman.

maybe they dont reproduce fuck face

Go fuck yourself.

Yeah, but surely more women were turned into supermtants and not just breasted centaurs

Why don't trees have dicks then?

i thought they were originally made to be soldiers. if so it makes sense

They do have sex organs, both male and female. Male trees have "stamens".

I was promised dicks, not stupid tree flowers.

They are male sex organs, though. I've sat through biology lectures about plant reproduction with a raging boner. Did you know that some plants will trap beetles inside them and spray them with pollen for a day, then release them so they can fall into other plants?

I'm not a beetle, I can't fuck a tree """dick""".

You can use cucumbers, carrots, zukini and eggplants if you are in need of a phallic shape. Bananas are a bit mushy, but will do if want to suck on them. If you want something to stick a dick in, I've heard that leaving a watermelon in the sun for a while can provide a warm and wet hole.

Those aren't dicks.

>I've sat through biology lectures about plant reproduction with a raging boner

And I thought I'd seen it all on this website

Have you seen a man eat his own head?

>super mutant
She's a Nightkin, you racist fuck