We want the berserk audience

>we want the berserk audience

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No shit, Miyazaki and Miura are besties.

>we want the Ghibli audience

Anime was a mistake -Hidetaka Miyazaki

You're a little late for that observation

Where do I continue with Berserk actually? I just watched the Golden Age movies, and really enjoyed em. What next? I know the new anime is absolutely horrible.

Read the manga

Berserker armour was a mistake

How do you people read Manga? The physical copies are expensive as fuck. Desktop? Laptop? Tablet?


Manga from the beginning.

New anime is horrible.
Old anime is just a better take on the Golden Age than the movies you just watched.

Manga is the best really, since it's the only way to experience arcs that aren't the Golden Age.
And I'd say it's worth reading it all rather than skipping to after the eclipse.

yeah, and they got it too

Good. Judging by the anime Berserk doesn't even want it's own audience.

>Tips fedora*

So he's a hack who just stole Berserks ideas?

Might as well start from the beginning
The movies cut stuff out. Plus the story is a little different now that you know the outcome.
There is slight foreshadowing that you'll pick up on

I have to get back to reading it but I just downloaded all of the volumes off archive.org and read it with CDisplayEx.

What year is it?


more like honored but yeah. pretty much every new enemy in DaS3 was something in Berserk


get cdisplayex

Movies are fine, 97 anime is dated but fine, the only thing that absolutely sucks ass is the new anime.

>He likes the movies and the new anime

Miyazaki is someone that takes any idea he likes and puts it in his own work

literally perfect

Literally me

Why is this scene so chilling? There's no dialogue, but it still manages to be really nice.


>its okay when MH does it

Imagine those lips on your dick head

That's not Dragon's Dogma

Yeah, she's sure perfect for yelling at a literal retard who can't understand her.

thats a bit of a stretch my friend

dark souls is better than berserk desu ne


The old anime is so much better. The music is shit in the movies.


1997 anime is still my favorite adaption by far, but I look at the Golden Age movies with rose tinted glasses after seeing the newest anime.

I will never understand the people that shit on the movies yet praise the anime. The movie had to fit like 8.5 hours of information into 4.5 hours. The animation past the first half of the first movie and onward greatly increases and the use of potato CG stops after the first movies awkward intro.

You can also read them directly on some sites. Be wary of the translation though. Some sites still use the Band of the Hawk translations which are infamously bad


is it that time again?

why was this a meme again

Literally every Berserk reference is a stretch.

I have scoured the edges of the internet, but I still don't know how this joke got started.


>tfw "stretch" is in the same place as the quoted post

Berserk didn't create knights wielding giant swords. Also, Berserk ripped off Evil Dead and Hellraiser. So eat a dick you faggot weeb.

The old anime has some odd charm to it. Sometimes it had the most beautiful fucking artwork and the music was dope. Especially the hammy as fuck PUT YOUR GRASSES ON intro.


Does anyone have the bagserk comic where he beats the shit out of casca and turns his back when asked to apologize

>not posting the real one

Which of the official Berserk videogames are good?

If I get banned I'm gonna firebomb all of Sup Forums

>This hasn't been posted
Also reminder Gael is also a rip off from Guts right down to the repeating crossbow.

Hell Gael even has the same amount of letters as guts

They also both start with 'G'.

can you firebomb it anyway? you'd be doing the world a favor

>Its unheard of for artists to borrow ideas

Seriously, I don't understand why people think they're onto something when they say Dark Souls is a rip-off of Berserk. Outside of a select few character references the stories aren't similar at all.

what do you want me for, user

Watch the latest episode of the new berserk, and thats it. If you ever want to play a video game that is the latest in a series just play that one too you lazy faggot.

Aww did the lil Dark Soul faggot get upset?

the musou is fun, if you like musou games to begin with

dark souls is a ripoff of indo-european pagan mythology

>select few
someone didn't play dark souls 3
the entire game is a berserk reference

you must read the manga
if you speedread it you'll only suffer sooner so enjoy it

What's a good program to read manga on my PC? I never bothered with this stuff to be honest.

the internet is a good program

You're the faggot



>It's a berserk thread

I did that,speedread it two years ago. Now I feel the pain. But I've heard it was worse before,so I guess I shouldn't be complaining that much

Let's be realistic
How many years until Casca gets cured from her retardation?
I'm guessing 2-3 if we are lucky

all fantasy games are berserk references.
In fact, medieval Europe borrowed its entire culture from Berserk.

Knights with wolf motifs? Berserk invented it
Swords? Especially big swords? Berserk

I wish all authors, media, culture and society for the last 500 years would stop stealing from berserk.

Don't you?

behelit sword that can cut through space to teleport you/enemies in dark souls 4 when

I trust Sup Forums more than google

gee user I feel like you are being sarcastic
if so then turn that frown upside down

the manga wont last another 2-3 years, he's too busy with his idol master

Guts is just a rip-off of based Severian.

I heard the old one was pretty fun but I never played it

No i just really wish mankind would get its head of its ass and understand how important Berserk is.

Just imagine if berserk had never been created, there would have never been wolves, swords, rape, homosexuality, or warfare in the first place... it's just unfair that all of the last 2000 years of humanity doesnt bow to berserk and realize where they came from.

yeah that's actually true
they did want the berserk audience and if you looked at the series at all (demon's or dark) there were many obvious nods or straight up rips from the series
berserk fantasy is a great thing that should be in more video games

Is he a Berserk reference?

>only one letter away from Bane

>we want the reference that plebs won't understand audience

The better question to ask would be: What isn't a Berserk reference?

not a single one of those ideas is original in the first place and those are SUPER stretches
should have posted the enemies that actually were references to berserk instead of the troll post


This is a shameless rip-off of Twin Peaks.

Berserk is about as entry level as you can get.

So is this.

Watch Jacob's Ladder

The quality of the writing and art is high. The manga is a bargain


And this.

>one letter away to big guy

Who was the better Guts reference?

Overrated shit.

Ive been using honeyview for the past 5 years and dont have any complaints with it.