This game is a pile of shit

This game is a pile of shit

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Why you think that?

Why the fuck is that important?

I want to know his Damn opinion

I agree, fuck this game
stfu nigger bitch

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nice blog, followed and subscribed ;)


shit devs
shit fans
shit franchise

Overwatch has the most fucked up balance out of any fps I have ever seen.

You try balancing a game with fifty seven different playable characters in it.

say something new


Fuck Overwatch and fuck the redditors who keep jerking it off.

>base game okay
>blizzard/activision do their patented "balancing"
>game slowly dies because they have no idea how to balance fucking anything

How can one studio not be able to balance any game in any genre? This level of incompetence is quite impressive. They can't even balance babbies first card game about 1's and 2's.


>Sup Forums

he said new user

what the fuck

Typical contrarians say
>It's imbalanced!

You're just shitting on it because it's popular. I will always and forever ignore you

>This game is all about switching heroes to meet the situation!
>By the way, your ult charge goes away when you switch and you need those to win the game because every map is a chokepoint

and the retards always think that if you don't accept that opinion you must think the game is "THE MOST FUCKING AMAZING GAME EVER". It's okay and it's fun sometimes. That's it, that's all. Not the savior of the universe and not the destroyer either.

>he doesn't solely play Mystery Heroes, the patrician gamemode

The evidence has been flooding Sup Forums for months, user.

>no mystery total mayhem mode
Fuck me man

Play Splatoon 2 guys. It's much better.

not an argument

It's full of arguments if you bother to read it.

Did they add white paint yet?

>install game
>no mouse config options
>read that I have to change video quality to set my mouse accuracy

Honestly this sounds like it was written by someone who enjoys Counter Strike. Which is really NOT good

The fact that OW makes CS looks good should trouble you.

I see you hold a lot of critique
nothing is perfect my dude
you just have to see if the good things outweigh the bad ones, and if its worth it

Blizzard couldn't balance overwatch even if it only had 7 characters

What the fuck is "mouse accuracy"?

Roadhog,Mercy and Junkrat got completely changed nothing there is relevant.

I'm kinda afraid someone from blizzard read these shitposts and balanced around this.

Half of these are retarded. Reinhardt's shield giving up would make Reinhardt utterly useless.

>People complain about Pharah being able to damage herself with her rockets and Junk doesn't take any from his bombs
One literally sits 50 feet in the air shooting rockets that two shot healers, only countered by having the enemy DPS stare at the sky the entire game to focus the aerial junkrat. And not to mention, the heros that can kill her are very limited if she can keep her distance.
Also giving a character that can fly an unlimited range lucio boop? Great fucking design imo.

Most of it is still very, very relevant

play bf4 operation locker and come back

>muh forced 50 winrate!
oh this is hilarious, not even Dotards believe in forced 50




No Limits was the only good Arcade mode

>Playing Lucio
>Get hooked by a Roadhog
>"This is it. I die here"
>Shot in the face and take 50 damage
>Boop him and speed boost away
Why do they hate him?

The ranking system is fucking retarded.

I ranked 70 in Season 1, then ranked around 3000-3400 after placements in the next seasons, usually winning around 7 matches

Then last season I won EVERY placement match and it put me at 2300. I immediately uninstalled.

Blizzard has NEVER been good at balancing, Roadhog is just the latest in a very long line of examples

>actually fucking saying this shit

McCree requires more skill than most of the other classes combined

Yet he's one of the shittiest heroes you could possibly play

PUBG killed Overwatch.

No. But there was a Mayo vs Ketchup festival and the Mayo's team ink was yellowish white

It was fun at first. Blizzard's balancing decisions and slow drip of 6v6 content will be the death of the game though. They have no idea what they're doing with the game at all. First they want Dva to tank better, now suddenly her defense matrix loses half of it's uptime but she gains missiles she can facefuck anyone with. Defense heroes are almost entirely worthless, and blizzard is making no attempts at changing the game from the dive comp fest it is now. Don't even get me started on the lootbox garbage and events that plague the game.

>RNG as to who you're teamed with/fighting game
killed by
>RNG weapon/equipment/play area game

oh joy

I have a large amount of time in Zenyatta who has 0 answers for a hook other than to just not get hit by them. Once they fixed being whipped around corners by the hooks I had no problems with getting hit by a hook. The nerf was 100% unnecessary.

>Defense heroes are almost entirely worthless
>Hanzo looks at the floor and shoots an explosive arrow that does 400 damage
>"Heh, simple geometry."

>McCree requires more skill than most of the other classes combined
>Yet he's one of the shittiest heroes you could possibly play
Yeah, I like him, but there's no reason to play him over Soldier, provided you can keep to short bursts with his rifle.

>Once they fixed being whipped around corners by the hooks I had no problems with getting hit by a hook.
Won't you think of the Genjis? They are medically unable to be out of position. If you don't nerf Roadhog, they might have to deal with consequences to lone wolfing it.

>Why do they keep coming back after death


It used to be that a Pharah would be more scared of a McCree than a Soldier, but now with the ridiculous damage drop-off you don't even care if McCree headshots you three times in a row

This is, without a doubt, the most Reddit post I have seen all year.

>Why do they hate him?
People complained about being one-shot combo'd by roadhog.

Don't forget
>RNG as to weather or not the enemy you're supposed to counter will instantaneously kill you with a Q press

It's based off of an image that discussed logical failings in story/lore, so it makes sense there'd be at least one listing of that kind there.

McCree is incredibly poorly designed and Kaplan and his merry band of retards couldn't figure out how to deal with him so they just said "fuck it"

I haven't played competitive since Season 3 so I don't really know for sure but I don't think Hanzo is an answer to a dive comp. Offensive heroes can do more damage consistently than him, which is why most teams are offense/tank/heals on both attack and defense.

IMO competitive should be in a Draft mode and allow you to change character a total of 2 times over the match

they fucked up by giving all the ez to handle hit scan weapons to dps
dps should have the hardest to handle weapons as a trade off for their sheer power and be lacking mobility and survivability so they are more reliant on the other classes to keep them safe and let them do their thing.
supports should have all the ez hitscan so they can easily juggle their healing gimmick and shooting
playing dps should be hard so not every one flocks to it for free kills and potgs.

There are a select few maps and team compositions where Hanzo is quite useful

But his SIMPLE GEOMETRY is on a long-ass cooldown, is significantly less useful if the enemy team's tank is alive, and sometimes will spray the arrows completely randomly for seemingly no reason

they go out of their way to balance the game so only dps can be the play makers and carry game then have the cheek to wonder why the majority of the community is "toxic" dps mains that wont swap

His kit has been fucked since day 1. He has a highly accurate singular shot weapon that requires precise aim that used to do really good long ranged damage, but all his skills revolve around being close to the enemy. Once they nerfed Fan of the hammer his kit became shit, but he was still king with his long range shots. People bitched at being domed from far away by good McCree so they nerfed his only good aspect. He's now a jack of all trades and garbage at all of them.

I enjoyed it during the open beta. But the final product was definitely the horrible shit sandwich that everyone expected from blizz making a fps

not even bothering to open the game until they realize how fucking retardedly overpowered the mercy changes are
>every single scoreboard has "mercy revived 19 players this game, a total of 56% of her team's deaths! :)" at the end
at this point it would be better to completely remove her from the game.

Sombra should have been given a semi-auto pistol instead of her Uzi that has a spray pattern so wild you'll miss 75% of your shots on an enemy 1 metre away

>nigger can't aim

I honestly like her Uzi

I bought PS Plus for the first time just to play it and I really enjoyed it. My friend kinda ruined the experience to me because he said I wasnt a real gamer because I am not use to playing FPS games and because I wasn't good at it and having fun is meaningless if I am not good. I haven't played it since September of last year because it doesnt feel like they improved the initial problems from the base game and in some ways added more issues. I know they have a lot on their plate, but they are trying to do way too much. Their foundation of Overwatch has been pretty crappy since day 1, then they tried to push the Overwatch League and they are struggling to add more meaningful content.

I honestly dont know how they thought it was smart to make such drastic changes. I honestly want to get an internship and sit in on a meeting.

>tfw mercy main and listening to roasite MMs bitching about how they think she got nerfed
it's a good time

They wanted to negate the strat of Mercy hiding behind a wall during a teamfight, waiting for everyone to die then popping res. While I like the change on paper of course Blizzard had to fuck it up royally somehow.

This is honestly really sad. I'm sorry you don't like Overwatch, but whether you like it or not, it is an amazing game and continues to grow everyday in spite of your autistic screeching.

Please get a life.

I seriously feel like Blizzard just makes changes that sound "fun" to them, don't think at all, don't test at all, don't look at the results of the beta test realm, and then ship the shit to live. There's no way anybody could play in a game with the new Mercy and not go "haha wow this shit's borked, back to the drawing board."

t. blizzdrone

It feels like new "content" is slow enough to push out so they need something, so what else than a somewhat controversial change to a well liked character?

blizzard fans are the singular most delusional and most casual fanbase ever to exist
there's no point in trying to convince them of anything

If that was the case, I would still be able to 100% oneshot 200 health characters easy. Roadhog was the most fun I had with this game.

>it is an amazing game
maybe if you haven't played any actual games before

>30 mil+!!!!
>when a shitty clone with next to no marketing also manages to get 15 mil+
Not good enough

it's amazeballs

the game is fun but oh god it attracted every type of cancer from e-celebs, thots, weebs, gamer girls, arabs and sjw's
and competitive was a mistake
they fucking made a game that was so overpopular that they had no idea how to fix neither the game of the community
i mean fucking jeff himself told people to stop being fucking toxic otherwise they won't be able to make new content for the game
just play paladins the community is small and the devs update the game daily

>when a shitty clone with next to no marketing also manages to get 15 mil+

What game?

>There's no way anybody could play in a game with the new Mercy and not go "haha wow this shit's borked, back to the drawing board."
You underestimate the sheer blindness of Blizzard's audience.

Paladins, duh

What do you mean? Don't you like the events that only exist to encourage gambling for limited time skins? Don't you just love it when they keep fucking around with the arcade modes and adding/removing shit for no reason at all? 6v6? Get that shit out of my face, we need a Deathmatch mode. That was what Overwatch was missing this entire time!

I hate that limited time skins can't be at least bought with points after the event ends. It does need a death match mode but they need maybe more modes or certain stipulations to make matches more interesting and fresh.

>we're never going back

they were avoiding this

>blizzard will never understand simple balance and make fun games

Paladins has 15 million players?

>6 million jews and rising!

>added an 8th dps before we even got a 5th healer
>insist a defence hero is support and hope no one notices how bare bone the role actually is
>nerf all supports the second they actually are fun to play or have some killing power
>go out of their way to make sure the most boring heal slut support is near mandatory at all times

you can tell how good is game purely by how it handles supports, ow handles them fucking horrendously

I hadn't realized overwatch has a recall function and fountain towers.