Hey Sup Forums, recommend me a dinput controller for PC...

Hey Sup Forums, recommend me a dinput controller for PC. I thought about buying a 360 controller but xinput sounds very limiting when it comes to compatibility. Emulating 360 controllers is pretty simple, and I'd like to keep my options open.

logitech's gamepads have a switch on the back where you can choose between dinput and xinput, but i have literally never had to switch it to dinput

Are the prices jacked up by the convenience feature? I'd rather not pay extra for a little switch on the back if I don't have to.

DS3 or 4, familia.

Not really tho just logitech gamepad kinda...rough

Dualshock sounds like a bit too much work. A friend of mine tried to get his DS4 working on PC but couldn't do it for some reason, he had to stick with a DS2/adaptor setup.

DS4 windows. I won't say I haven't had troubles with some games though. Steam has fucked my shit up a few times.

you want xinput
you don't want dinput

Dinput controller + x360ce never failed me in the past The problem was that the gamepads I was buying vere very cheap and would break down after a couple of months, so i just want something standard that will last some for some time.

>Dinput controller + x360ce never failed me in the past
why jump through that extra hoop though
the Xbox One controller is officially supported you idiot

Both dual shocks have wireless usb adapters that work flawlessly with pc. You just plug in the usb, and sync the controller and it works as well as the console. They are like $15 on amazon. Sounds like you are looking for minimal work so this would be it

They also have a switch on the usb adapter to switch between dinput and xinput

or you could use an xinput controller + nothing

it's the new standard, it works with everything

My gamepad has input lag on every game I play, even nes emulator. Is there something I can change to fix this?

I don't want to buy a new one, please.

get a Xbox one S controller and any generic bluetooth 4.0 stick

Xbox One controller> DS4>360 controller>DS3

Does it not have compatibility issues with older games and shit? I was playing DMC3 and had a couple controller issues, and saw a bunch of people complaining about how xinput controllers were apparently having even more trouble with the game.

This sounds alright. I'd prefer wired hardware, but with some rechargeable batteries there shouldn't be any issues.

I do not recommend this. The xbox one does not function well with generic bt 4.0 since the xbox console itself uses a proprietary signal to connect to the controller. There is horrible input lag if you go this route. Just fork up the $20 for the official xbox wireless adapter from microsoft and it works like a dream

What's wrong with connect a mini-USB cable?

im using that for months without any problem

Different person here. I've been using the Xbone S controller for nine months, it's pretty alright but I find the dpad too far away from my thumb. If OP's not planning on playing 2d games he should definitely get one since
>It just werks

After using mine I have come to realize I prefer the Dualshock 4 due to its shape and dpad. Does it have any problems running on Windows? It's on sale where I live but I don't fucking need two controllers, one needs to go.

Nothing that actually works the best and doesn't require any batteries since its connected. You just have to deal with the wire
Maybe my usb 4.0 dongle just didn't like it then cause I would get horrid input lag

i use mine with ds4windows and there are no problems. windows just thinks it's an xbox controller

worked perfectly fine when I played it a few years ago

Nothing, it's just that people got used to wireless controllers. I bought a 10ft cable, shit is cash. Having to recharge the batteries is fucking annoying

>Buying the play and charge kit

I used a chink 4.0 dongle, playing platformers was simply impossible due to lag