What would an IT game be like?

What would an IT game be like?
How would you go about making one?

a visual novel that focuses mainly on the gangbang scene

i'd start by going back in time and killing Stephen king
and then the version of him that actually lived

Why is this movie blowing up so much? I liked the first one but it wasn't that great.

A game where you play as IT and hunt down kids.

It would suck

first post

There's no gangbang you fucking pleb.

They run a train on her. Fucking reddit get out of here.

Because it's good.

There's not much you can do to make it into a game. Run from the evil clown? And then what? Skip ahead to the next part where you run from the clown?

i guess a survival horror game could be good if done by the right devs but it's unnecessary

i've only watched the miniseries. there was a gangbang?

In the book.


it's a pretty good horror movie. those don't come around too often.

The girl has this theory that the clown goes after virgins or something so they all have turns banging her.

I disagree. It isn't good. It is terribly mediocre, however just like the first one it is a product of it's time. It will age just like the other one and in 20 years people will remember it, but realize it sucks shit through a straw.

you lose morale and the only way to recharge it is to do a train on beverly

not him, but you're a fucking idiot if you thinking running a train isn't also a gangbang. a chick doesn't have to fuck multiple guys at once (just back to back) to be considered a gangbang.

id make it amnesia dark descent mod

Remake the recent Friday the 13th with a Pennywise skin for Jason and the ability to transform


This would be cool as a Spore-like game where you can design your form with a ton of different body parts to most optimally scare each kid you hunt to become more powerful off of their fear.

Fixed Camera horror capcom

Whenever I see a picture of Tim Curry post stroke it makes me really sad.

whoa, he had a stroke? oh man, now i'm sad



THEY ALL FLOAT DOWN HERE, CURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe a game that actually focuses on the monster that can turn into literally anyone's fear instead of the clown he turns into in order to scare a single kid who has a fear of clowns and sees the monster as the birthday clown he had as a child. Clowns aren't scary to everyone, so why the fuck would it appear like that to EVERYONE. I hate what these movies have become.

The main character would be some seemingly average joe with a split personality (that he is unaware of). The story would be a psychological journey to discover that he and IT are both one and the same. He gradually becomes more unstable and/or mad as the game progresses.

Goddamnit. There goes my Friday night.

The only possible kind of game it could be and be slightly good is as Telltale Game.

I'd play it to be honest

how about a superior turnbased/puzzle/mystery/RPG featuring The Thing

Damn, his entire left side side doesn't work.

He's doing a bit better now.

Just buy IT (2017)


They already made a game about The Thing and it's not a bad game

I legitimately liked that scene because I laughed my ass off but it was also shot in a very weird way.
The movie overall was much better than I was expecting, not scary at all but it was a fun dark comedy.

Kek what a slut


almost as if it was written by some man

Remember that level with the never ending face hugger looking things? Its like level 4 or 5. I dropped the game there cause i couldnt figure it out. You just dump ammo into these fucks till u run out and they swarm u. Fuck that game

The Flute lady haunts you throughout the entire game.

Something like Until Dawn would be pretty neat.

Was the IT mod for 50 Cent's Blood and the Sand not good enough for you?

That is not true at all.




Watch the movie mate. The fat kid sees a headless guy and the jew kid sees a weird lady. Not everyone sees the clown.

All the kids in that town are fucked up. One of Bower's friends gives him a handjob then tries to suck his dick, then after that goes to a fridge where he keeps his small dead animals.

Like hitman but instead of traps you go around setting up spooks for kids then lure them in to the sewer to eat

Is this movie really that good? Guess I'll give it a go.

IT's pretty good

No, it's not that good. It's average, it's just that it's refreshing after all the sameish horror movies.

IT's the best thing in theaters. Yet I can't remember the last time there was a movie worth watching in theaters.

It's pretty fun and not really that spooky except for some scenes. It does overuse jump scares though

>. One of Bower's friends gives him a handjob then tries to suck his dick


One Piece Pirate Warriors 3










Project Highrise


Ryse: Son of Rome


Steamworld Heist




Shadowrun Returns


>posting them in text so bots will get them immediately

fuck you

Is that... moot?

I don't give a shit, the clown is the MOST seen in the movies and is barely in the book.

Though, you want my opinion for an actual game? Great. Survival horror game, playing as the kids running around and avoiding IT, but alternating (like the book) to the future where the kids are adults and fighting back, probably a little more action oriented area, but still with elements of horror like low supplies of silver. Plus, I'd be happy because that kid kills himself and that means Pennywise isn't around for all the adult shit. Though, thinking on it, I'm not entirely sure he's the one who kills himself between the time skip, it might be the fat kid.

I think my biggest criticism of the movie is the scenes don't flow together very well, but yes I did still really enjoy it.

The Virgin Manual Input vs The Chad Bot

If it was based on the modern movie it would be nothing but jumpscares with loud noises.

wrong. they get lost on the way out of the sewers and she decides that by showing her love for the group in the most intimate way possible they can overcome the magic or whatever that's keeping them lost and it works. it's about as flimsy a reason as quiet needing to breathe through her skin so that's why she's almost naked all the time, but at least give the right reason when you're bringing it up.

I probably already know this but is there 'the' gang bang scene filmed in the movie.

Either a survival horror game where your constantly being chased by pennywise, kind of like that newer alien game. Or you play as pennywise and you stalk kids and murder them

>ywn get lost in a sewer with your friends before finding egress through running train on the only female of the group


Yes. ITs graphic.

Their bond when they're all together is what gives them their strength. It's a concept explored in some of King's other books; a supernatural strength that flows from the bond of a group when they're all together. That power begins to wane once It is defeated, and Beth fucks all of them to try to rekindle that bond for a little longer.

Who wins the bethbowl in the end?

It's either clown Todd memes here or people crying about it not being Tim Curry over on Sup Forums in between day long threads about Beverly.

yeah there we go. been quite a while since I read the book, thanks.

still kinda a flimsy excuse to have an 11 year old get fucked by a bunch of other 11 year olds, but I'm a filthy degenerate so I'm not exactly complaining.


Feels more like a dark comedy than an actual scary movie. Fucking girls I know say it's the scariest movie they ever seen. Unless you just flat out have a fear of clowns you're not gonna be scared at all. The movie also uses loud noises as jump scares a lot. Kinda irritating.

Tim Curry was best Clown.

Prove me wrong.

Still an excuse for King to write Pedo shit. Just look at Beths dad.

>Their bond when they're all together is what gives them their strength
>a supernatural strength that flows from the bond of a group when they're all together
So just like every JRPG ever?

Is he /ourauthor/?

the super power of teamwork and having an orgy in the book.

After they defeat IT, their memories rapidly start to fade, and the town rapidly turns back into a normal town, before the entire cast moves away, aside from Mike (the African American).

As she grows up, she is in several abusive relationships with guys just as bad as her father.

Fair enough, but honestly all the adults in It are their own brand of shit. In the book and the newest movie.

Is there a decent torrent out there for the movie yet?

I don't remember Ben or Bills parents being that bad. Even though bills parents were a little mad, but their son just died and all.

I honestly don't remember Ben's parents much, I don't know if they got much time in the book or the movie, so you may be right. I know in the book Bill's parents were indeed not bad, but the death of their son did sort of break them even a year later. If I recall they were still mopey and ignored Bill to an extent.

Silly user, even though IT has staying power in theaters, modern Hollywood tries to push out Blu Ray releases as soon as possible.

Pennywise is already in a game though.

>Ben barely gets hugged, a shoulder tap and a "awww thanks for the poem" from Betty
>the fucking stuttering cunt gets all the love

Fuck this fucking shit. Life will give Beth a goddamn lesson. I will wait patiently

What's wrong with the town?

but Ben becomes rich and attractive as an adult and gets with Beth in the end.

Most adults in the town turn a blind eye to the excessive violence and bad shit that goes on in Derry. It's implied that It's influence is responsible.

IT had slight control over every person in the town and even animals. Based on how good/evil/fearful they were, his influence could range from slight illusions to temporary mind control. It made everything intimidating because he was always watching.

>Atlus makes a Persona styled IT game.
>You play as Bill and all the losers have their own ability and skills.
>Pennywise shapeshifts so he comes in different forms for boss encounters
>Your party gets stronger the more strong your friendship becomes.
>Your party members get Persona like stands from the fears they over come becoming their powers.

Would play!