A korean company manages to create THE most popular online shooter ever on PC

>a korean company manages to create THE most popular online shooter ever on PC

wtf, asians developers are now dominating pc gaming as well? why are we letting this happen?

But playerunknown made it.

What do you have against them? Would you actually care about who the devs are, rather than the quality of the games they produce?

I don't know. Why are YOU letting it happen? Kimchi cocksucker

Wouldnt say they created it, more like stole the idea off a game that stole its idea off the game that came before it. The next big battle royale game is just gonna be a rip off of pubg when its popularity dies down.

It would actually be an interesting case to study to find why exactly PUBG became so popular. There are dozens of other free for all/survival type games out there, so why did this one in particular rise to the top?

it's a piece of shit technologically but also mechanically superior to all others

>Would you actually care about who the devs are
But that's ALL Sup Forums cares about. Who made this, is it a SJW, is it a cuck, a nu-male, whatever name they call it. They don't care about the quality of the game. They don't care about games at all.

other survival games where a chore where it was difficult for new players to become powerful in game because all of the veteren players snatched up anything good.

pubg however, places everyone at the same level because the rounds are so short.

Relatively quick matches, instant rematches after losing and the constricting player arena seems to make it more eventful than its competition.

cause the west is cucked

Because they invested everything they had in paying off streamers.

Playerunknown being apart of the mod community for Arma 2 and Arma 3, having close connection to alot of streamers to pump up the initial interest in the game. BR being popular already with H1Z1, The Culling before it died, but not having a breakout solid game. Not extraordinary amazing game, solid. H1Z1 was not a solid game and the Culling was fucked by balance issues.
So the game comes out and its fun, but gets a huge boost since EVERYONE on Twitch is playing it since alot of top people on Twitch played or have played H1Z1. Videos go on Youtube, Youtubers make videos and get a crowd in.

Its different enough from everything else on the market to have no competition for solo, duos, or 3-4 friends to play together for something new.

I honestly had no idea it was Korean developed game. It seems to present itself as a Western developed game.

it's only published by a korean company, playerunknown is the head dev and he's from the west and was deep in the battle royale mod scene over the last few years

hopefully bluehole is smart enough to be hands-off regarding the mechanics and monetisation because this game is pretty cool as it stands right now


Seems much more mechanically refined, simplistic, and accessible than any of its survival/battle royal/etc competition.

it's the only one that isn't fucking trash
everyone wants good multiplayer survival with a fucking half ounce of depth
minecraft was the first to REALLY do it
this is the second

>They don't care about games at all.

now you're getting it!

It's still Korean developed you retard. Unknown worked for Korean developers.

Honestly, that always factors into whether or not I buy a game. If I don't like the opinions of your Art Lead, I may not play your game. Simple as that. As a developer, you should be aware that everything you do will effect the sale of your game. Including the expression of your opinions outside of the medium.

whoa we got us an expert over here folks

It is casual, in DayZ it takes forever to get geared and its easy to lose it all, its much faster in PUBG and there is no real punishment for being careless..

>cuck developers
>make survival game
>thinks having the player grind and farm for hours for resources is "fun"

>based developers
>push resource gathering to the side and make it extremely easy
>place basebuilding and combat on the center stage

why do so many developers (esp indies) think grinding is fun? it's fucking not.

Its a Korean dev team, a big majority of them are Korean. I remember PU said its hard to hire people for a Korean company, western programmers and such don't want to fly and live in Korea to develop the game.

A game this successful should have a bigger dev team to keep the content going.

Anyone played Fortnite and how does it compare?
I do think battlegrounds would be a fun game but would rather shell out the dollas on other things instead.

I wonder if PU gets paid more than just his salary what with the popularity the game got.

Can somebody explain to me why the battle royale genre, the genre based on the battle royale book, has yet to have a game that's actually close to battle royale? The reason why PUBG is more popular than the others is because it's actually more like battle royale than the others, but it's still not the same since the way the area restriction works is way worse.

Basically this. If one wants to express why PUBG works in a one word, it’s ”pacing”. It’s fast enough that dying doesn’t feel like the end of the world, but still slow enough to have that downtime that makes you feel invested in survival. Also, the shrinking zone dynamically forces people to move and relocate, which is probably the best way to make a game like this.

I would love for a battle royale game to have more in-depth stealth gameplay (metal gear solid/hitman)

The only reason why it is popular is because it allows people to think that they’re just like their favorite streamers when they play it.

Visibility systems are too hard to balance and nobody wants to put in the effort.

the monkey typing the code is ultimately unimportant, what matters is the mechanics in the head of the person telling those monkeys what to code

PUBG is a western game fundamentally and i hope to god that it never loses that quality to asian hypercapitalism

i guess it streamlines all the survival games and put it into a easy to play package where its a shortened to a 30 minute round or whatever

kind of like how mobas streamline and repackage an mmo into 30-40 minutes pvp matches filled with pve elements

They would be hour plus long matches otherwise. People just waiting for their random ass square to blow up, almost no loot, pure as FUCK RNG on the bag at the start. It works in a movie, kids are scared and can't kill no issues. In a game, if the first person who walked out has an automatic weapon with 60 bullets the "Battle Royale" would be over.

Circle restriction is far better than "random ass squares that go in a specific order as to tell a story". I don't even think a single person died because their square went red and triggered the collar.


Player Unknown is just the idea guy, gooks are the ones actually responsible for making the game.

They could tell him fuck off and copy everything from Arma 3 BR.

He's doing a shitty job then. You could literally place him with the Battle Royale book and it would do a vastly better job.

It also has the matchmaking system that ensures that solo players go versus other solo players, duos vs duos, squads vs squads etc.

Because let’s face it: the only way one could enjoy Day Z was to play it with a huge squad, because if you didn’t have one, you got fucked by other ganksquads. But in PUBG everyone is standing on an even ground on that aspect.

>tfw no korean team to tell my great ideas to

Jesus. It can't be stopped

they could, but PUBG would never have succeeded to this point without the mechanics it's got, which all derive from the head of a person who's designed multiple battle royale mods and games and has an elusive "gamefeel" for the genre

good point
solo players make up the vast bulk of 'gamers'

ASSFAGGOTS are nothing like MMO games. PvP in MMO is basically laser tag without the aiming.

>why are we letting this happen?

Lol who made the concept of making video games an 'us vs them' argument? You'll still play the game, other people will still play the game, who actually gives a shit?

Trying to find conflict where there is none baka



Its popular because it's perfect. This is an old recipe cooked very, very well. I can't think of a single criticism except maybe the poor graphic optimisation, but every fucking PC game suffers that these days.

I just wish i had enough ram to run this piece of shit badly optimized game

>it's hard for Korea to hire westerners
This is interesting, isn't South Korea experiencing a massive economic boost right now? Wouldn't that make it a great place to move to? Get a cheap house with the well paid job, would be a nice place to start a life.

western devs are too far up their own ideological asses to make a game let alone a good game.

It's like DayZ with only half the suck and an actual objective.

just wait until the current NK missile crisis to be over

>t. streamfag

It's the opposite, the game is solid concept and gameplay wise but it's a mess on a technical level.

>tfw AAA devs are too fucking stupid to copy indie/small dev game ideas

I'm pretty sure most popular online shooter is a cs clone by tencent.

You have to learn a language to not only work but then to also live a daily life, versus any Western studio which will primarily speak English
It is, Crossfire. Seems so buggy and janky, watched a tournament the other year

Dude that 'crisis' has been going on for decades with basically nothing happening except a few incursions by handfuls of soldiers/naval shenanigans for political weight. Niether nation wants reunification, or war. Everyone will still be yammering on about it in 50 years time.

Reminder the developer of pubg is the same developer that brought Elin to us.

The way the circle works is shitty and there is no stealth.

Oh shut up, player unknown.

>The way the circle works is shitty
It needs some tuning (the early-game circles are too easy to camp in) but it's solid overall.
>and there is no stealth.
Footstep hearing ranges are kind of fucked, most noticeable in buildings, but stealth is great and a lot of fun otherwise.

South Koreans love PC, it's just a shame they don't care about single player

It's the Japs who hate PC for some reason, though that's changed a bit this gen, speaking of, PUBG is really popular in Japan

Sight range is also fucked. People need scopes to hit things that are well within iron sight range in real life. Camouflage doesn't work(and never will) because graphical artifacts always cause people to stand out. There is no justification behind making the circle deal damage instead of causing death after X seconds. The circles are created sequentially instead of being decided in reverse order, which causes many circles to end on the military base.

playerunknown made battle royal

>Sight range is also fucked. People need scopes to hit things that are well within iron sight range in real life.
git gud
>Camouflage doesn't work(and never will) because graphical artifacts always cause people to stand out.
That's a technical problem.
>There is no justification behind making the circle deal damage instead of causing death after X seconds.
Instant death timers suck. It's more fun that way.
>The circles are created sequentially instead of being decided in reverse order, which causes many circles to end on the military base.
Rebuilding that is probably backlog item #28197, at the game's rate of development, they'll get to fixing it in ten years.

As someone who's been around since Arma 2 mod and how we made fun of player unknown for his name and having "winner winner chicken dinner" as the victory quote being simply a 'place holder' till he find a more clever quote, I can tell you exactly how it got popular.


People camping in the blue while spamming med kits then shooting you in the back is fun?

That's extremely expensive to do late-game, I don't have a problem with it. I already said early circles should be stronger.

There are a lot of factors, but most of all it's because it's catchy. If every video game were a song, PUB-G is the catchiest of the most popular genre.

Isnt bluepoint an american company

like this?

wtf is that boy

>classic neckbeards are nu-males now

>arab doesn't get made fun of
what did the creator of that image mean by this?

Everyone is a nu-male and an SJW now. Didn't you get the memo?

"Nu-male" is a retarded meme but none of those dudes even qualify.

>tfw half of those numbers are chinese bots

classic paul dano

Koreans made Counter-Strike?

dead meme, even the CS pros are getting into streaminggrounds

And where do you think PUBG is going to be in seventeen years?

>even the CS pros

Shroud. Literally just one professional. One.

summit (^:

Relentless shilling on places like this


>guy gets to gun before me, I die

>camp room and slowly inch myself towards goal point, always do well, always bored

>run around looking for fights and/or supplies
>50/50 chance of running up on someone from behind and assblasting them - or that happening to me

it seriously is not fun 75% of the time

unironically streamers and how accessible it is

The RNG takes away the fun for sure, but it's not too bad if you're playing with friends.

That being said, the idea is solid as fuck, but the game is fucking dogshit. The engine is fucking dogshit. The gunplay is fucking dogshit.

Fuck, when thinking about it, H1Z1 was actually pretty good compared to this fucking pile of horseshit.

streamers and the fact that the name has "playerunknowns's" which is good from a marketing perspective (like sid meier games or tom clancy games, etc)

I would like to see slightly less item spawn RNG and a more sensible area choice system. It's fucking retarded how random it is sometimes.