Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?

On The Greeeeeen

>golfing as a dirty fleshbag

Shot Maker, obviously. What, you don't want to make your shots?

why does Brazil look more Australian than the Australian?

looks like the german and American faces were mixed up

German guy looks like he's straight out of American Chopper

Brazil guy is just Steve Irwin

Australian looks like a hardcore Southerner,

Shotmaker is the best


does this prove brazilians are white/

young hero for his power drive. He hits further than power golfer for some fuckin reason.

John Carmack

GOAT golf game


well, Sup Forums?

Because he's got decent stats and looks looks the coolest.

Lee Carvello

>looks the coolest

he looks like fucking steve buscemi

>A fucking gun vs broomstick, frying pan, rolling pin, fists, and hammer

you must give up this hole

>sneak up behind assassin
>unsheathe pan

nothing personal, granny

>crafts a trap with the tools on an specialist
walked right in it

That's pretty cool.

