Drunken gaming

I can only enjoy games these days if I am at least tipsy. Sometimes I need to more drunk than that, even wasted. This goes for both single and multiplayer. Whenever I try to play sober I get bored after just minutes.

Anyone else have this problem?

yes. My brother and I only play fighting games against each other if one of us is drinking anymore.

That's kind of tradition for me. Getting older my friends and I don't see each other a lot but during the summer it's always big cookouts, beer and lots of fighting games. Nobody gets really shitfaced but its nice to have a good beer, enjoy company and go inside to kick somebody's ass in 3S or motw.

Have you considered that you either just don't like games, or are an alcoholic? Or both?

Any Souls game is fun; death means nothing and you're more bold than usual

Same, except instead of videogames it's my whole life.

alcoholics are weak self pitying losers

not your blog, back you go

Only multiplayer games for me
I can play single player games fine sober

There is nothing funner than getting plastered, muting your team, and enjoying match after match of DOTA.

It's because you're entering actual adulthood. Are you in your mid twenties? As an actual adult, you will begin to increasingly feel psychological obligations to be doing something productive for a considerable portion of the day. You will also feel a psychological revulsion to be wasting your time on frivolous things.

The boredom you feel when you play games sober is your adult brain telling you that you're supposed to be doing adult things, like reading The Wall Street Journal, or filing your tax returns 2 months early so you can invest in the stock market. Or READING. Getting drunk, however, is enough to overpower this impulse to do responsible things. In fact the video games are obviously irrelevant to your enjoyment, the thing your are seeking out is the alcohol. If this weren't the case, you would still be able to enjoy video games sober.

One part of your brain has tricked the other into getting drunk on a semi-regular or regular basis, in order to avoid the impulse to start doing adult things.

My advice is to stop drinking for a week and see what you end up doing with your time.

I'd rather smoke some bud OP

Underated post.

any science facts to back this up because its the same case for me?
Not OP, but I tend to rush to do smt productive when i am completely sober, rather than not dousing myself with 500ml of whiskey every night
I don't play multiplayer games that much but the only game is Overwatch. If i am sober i will not feel any adrenaline packing a punch up my brain anymore as i used to when im a teenager

Single games like tactical games i can do without alcohol though

quit giving good advice on Sup Forums

Does the loser haveto suck the winners dick?

Yeah its called alcoholism you dipshit.
Well, if the only way you can enjoy something thats supposed to be fun, and stress-relieving, is by getting drunk, you have a problem.

it's repitition by association user.
I used to listen to music 16 hours a day (no tv or vidya) and then I started to get drunk while listening to music that i built an association that music=booze and visa versa.
Now I rarely even listen to music in my house, because I don't want the cravings for booze.

>smoke a few bowls
>have this intense focus while playing vidya

I do productive things to "earn" my drunken night.

same for me but with weed, i hardly ever drink.

although lately i noticed that if im really into a game, playing sober works as well

Yeah i dont quite get this, when i play after smoking, i have way better reaction time and focus. Yet my buddy cant even hold a controller properly after toking. Different effects for different people i guess.

Former alcohol here. Blew a .49 on a dui. 6 months sober.

>tfw used to regularily meet up with a friend to toke and play vidya all night but I let the friendship die out
Fucking sucks, he had top-par taste in vidya and got just as immersed in gayms as I did.

Seek help.

>i have way better reaction time and focus

No you don't. You only think you do.

Well normally id agree with you, but when i can see the positive gains in mmr and ... a certain other statistic id rather not say, then im gonna have to go ahead and say fuck off idiot. It affects everyone different, just because you suck shit, and hate weed doesnt mean everyone else does.

Productive hobbies, being responsible and planning for the future is important but I've found the people obsessed with 'maturity' are often the worst to be around.

And usually die regretting everything theyve done. All that hard work doesn't mean shit in the end, except maybe not making your family have to shell out for a coffin.


League of Legends is my drunk game of choice.

I have performance anxiety generally, but when I drink I stop giving a fuck.

The best part is that since I don't play mechanically intense champs (adc """"""main"""""" my efficiency doesn't even go down much.


It's called being an addict. Are you slow? Seriously how could you not immediately come to this conclusion on your own

The lack of self awareness on here continues to blow my mind. Anyways I was the same way. Hardcore alcoholic for 15 years. Been sober for years now. I'm 32. If you quit eventually you'll be back like you were before booze, able to enjoy things sober again. Takes a long time though

I'd recommend you euthanize yourself for being such a weak person and failure

hes not wrong, alcoholics are such complete pussies, and degenerates. At least a heroine junky will stab a bitch for a fix, an alcoholic will just cry or go to detox when hes out of booze. Fucking useless.

>actual advice on Sup Forums

>hes amazed children cant think for themselves
You're 32 and this fucking stupid? Go back to the sauce faggot, i'm sure you were more likeable then.

Its common sense for anyone with half a brain you stupid nigger.

This is all basically horseshit

Alcoholics are basically mentally ill. They once used videogames to escape reality then tried booze. Rest is history . Doesn't mean you don't genuinely love vidya Op

Yeah I'm amazed the living jokes I encounter on here lack even the least bit of self awareness, kind of like you just now reinforcing my point

Neck yourself degenerate

I'm really good at Dark Souls shitfaced. I think drinking shuts off a lot of higher functions that muddies up my focus. I'm shit at the game otherwise and couldn't beat the nameless King until I was 5 shots deep


Bitch is distractingly ugly

Don't be mean, man!

Whoa so intellectual and adult

Truly this person is possessed of great maturity and stands head and shoulders above the rest of the anons posting on this Bhutanese Waxworks Geocities Page at 12 AM on a Saturday

What if I work 5-6 days a week, 12 hours a day and still need to get drunk often enough to warren being a borderline alcoholic? A lot of times I don't feel like doing anything unless I'm drunk, even after a week or two of sobriety.
I can tell you it's not out of a habitual need to get wasted (with the slight exception of when I'm tanking in some social situations), but instead I just get bored despite how long I haven't had a drink and don't even have the motivation to do anything unless I'm drinking (adult or otherwise).

Get help, Kuvo

Tipsy or a bunch of coffee in me. The only games that can keep me enthralled when I'm sober have to have hot ladies for me to ogle at. I couldn't even get through BotW until I met Paya.

Clinical depression

Your brain chemistry is abnormal, getting drink makes your brain produce chemicals that you have a lack of by default . You need medication or therapy. Years of drinking will fucking destroy your body

Also it takes a lot longer than two weeks to enjoy life sober again after drinking regularly for years

What said

I have personally gotten on Lexapro and it's pulled a 180 on my attitude and habitual behaviors. Spent 5 months seeing a psychiatrist every two weeks. I'm feeling great now and can control my habits with a lot more strength than before.

I too masturbate with the WSJ to how intelligent and classy I am as I sip whiskey and file tax returns like a responsible adult.

Yeaaaah this is me. Been drinking since I was 16, been depressed since I was like 6, 26 now and it's just gotten worse and worse. I'm so scared of 36

I don't even play much Vidya these days, I have adulty obligations and goals I'm working on. But the consistent thing is always drinking

32 yr old telling kids to kill themselves, after preaching about how hes such a reformed man now.
Holy shit dude, no wonder you drank so much, you're completely delusional.

Listen, i'm being 100% sincere right now, i think you need to consider suicide. You're a middle aged faggot yelling at kids on the internet, you're worthless. Do your family a favor please.

You weren't fucking depressed when you were 6 years old you idiot. Stop self diagnosing, and go get some fucking exercise or do us a favor and lay on the rails. Whiney faggot

I bet you're fun at parties

What went so wrong with your life to make you such a bitter abortion of a creature

Holy shit me too... ditto with most TV and movies. It's a bad habit, but now in my mind i associate drinking with those activities.

video games huh

>mfw it is weekend and I will be dropping acid, smoking weed, dmt, drinking hard liquers and beer, while fapping to all sorts of guro, gay, scat and loli stuff
I only play video games after work

Sounds like you have some problems in your life that keeps you distracted unless you are drunk. I suggest solving that.
This guy's an idiot. I don't think there is a single person who enjoys filing their tax returns or wasting time getting knowledge he will never use.

>generalized bullshit is a good advice

Man, a few years ago i never thought i could get into that disgusting shit. But this last year or so I can see myself sliding down the rabbit hole. It started with asphyixiation, then ryona, then the other day shindol.... and im ashamed to admit lesbian scat/coprophagia. I'm a little concerned im gonna need to start killing hookers soon to get off.

It's a classic symptom of addiction and isolation. The games are just a means for you to get your fix or high. It becomes less about the game and more about the drug.

t. guy who found out the term normies was coined by people in drug recovery.