DOOR STUCK is 10 years old today

DOOR STUCK is 10 years old today.

Feel old, Sup Forums?

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that one sucks

I remember disliking that video 10 years ago



Door Stuck is 10 years old? Why the fuck did I only hear about it like, a year ago. Fucking forced memes.

Youtube had star ratings then.

>10 years is 2007 and not 1997

someone please bump my thread
i put so much work into it

>10 years ago is 20 years ago


Not as old but by far the funniest CS video of all time.

i feel like i can't make it bro.

>i've been posting here for 6 fucking years

Is this like the height charts that change over time to trigger people?

Is champ there?

>2010-2012 is oldfag

I have never played CS
can someone explain to me why people change to their knife constantly?

Your movement speed changes with what weapon you have out. Knife is fasting running.

Holy shit why have I been doing this to myself for 10 years what the fuck.

Get the fuck out.

ahhh ok, makes sense now, I was always under the impression it was an autismo thing, like wanting to look at your shit tier expensive knife skin

yea you're a retard

2005 and counting...fml

Skins are a relatively new thing. It was a different kind of autism because it let you move like 1% faster so that have you the edge in a fight.

>10 years
I regret nothing. It was either living alone as an autistic fuck or living with you guys as an autistic fuck. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now this is some good bait

You could still check out your knife skin if you downloaded one off the internet