Monster Hunter World Character Creator

Monster Hunter World Character Creator

Thanks, OP. You were not a faggot, today.

>show a bunch of niggers in the western reveal
>make a cutie for the jp stream
based Japan

>get in-game
>she's actually ugly


Who cares about her, show the felyne one.



oh damn this looks good

i'm gonna make my oneitis

Holy shit, that starting gear is cute as fuck.
I was gonna make a male character, but not anymore.

I don't think she looks good, mouth looks weird

her side profile is horrifying

>no breasts sliders

for some reason they made her bottom lip too big

why doesnt someone just make a character creator and sell it to weebs for 60 bucks

>Non MMO game
>Vast character creator options
>No option to hide headgear without crippling stats

Oh look, *points to watch* it's EVERY TIME.

That's exactly what Dragon's Dogma was.

Looks better than anything Monster Hunter did on Nintendo

they wouldn't show something like that in the stream you dumb motherfucker, Dragon's Dogma had it so it's safe to assume this one will have too.

>kokoknakooname shonaska nenenenenskonmoakhoihoihoih

stfu you fucking chinks

You're thinking too small.

Sell it to them for $60, add customizable options for a limited $120 edition, add in skinner box loot grinds and then kidnap their character every month for with a $15 demand to let them free.

In all honesty, the mobile sippy doesn't bother me as much as it seems they made the enviroments much less flat and restrictive to mobility in general

>watch japanese stream of a japanese game while being allergic to japanese language

It's a Japanese stream there no reason to not show it

not that im complaining or anything but is there any reason why the character face creator is so detailed?

im guessing they are doing this because your character shows up in cutscenes similar to dragons dogma?

>watch [something you don't like]
You just described Sup Forums in a nutshell, how will this board ever recover?

Well the game is dragon's dogma: mon hon edition, so that makes sense.

huh i guess korea beat me to the punch then

any info on if you have multiple save slots or will it be like dragons dogma where one character only?

ive always made male for the armors but want to make both chars eventually.

It's not hard to copy paste saves on PC.

You see your characters face a lot more in this game compared to others. Cutscenes, basecamp, etc.

No idea. But i don't doubt they'd just take that away.

>why the character face creator is so detailed
Because waifufags are stupid with their money.

This, and MH is full of headgear that completely covers your face.

I played stories, i can't go back to this artstyle, is too late.

playing on PC

>all these details you can put on your character
>game doesnt have the option to hide helmet

totally calling it right now.

unless it was already confirmed

Enjoy your single save, 30fps, low graphical settings, and paying for online.

playing on an inferior system

WHO /goingtomakeacutebrowngirl/ HERE?

>wearing a helmet
What kind of a pleb are you?

I think I remember seeing it on a screencap of the options from one of the demos actually. It was in German.

Don't forget mods!

just jack of to porn thirstards

I always make tomboy looking brown girls and choose the husky voice if possible.

im guessing youve never actually played monster hunter.

casualized westerner bullshit

I am impressed. I hadn't much interest in MHW since its reveal cause I didn't care for 4, but I'm liking this character creator. Tho I am terrible at creating these things. Probably just use a preset or copy what someone else makes online to have a cutie pie hunter. That first monster they failed at wasn't too bad either. I feel like I'm at "one day I'd buy this" ATM.

I'm not a pussy.

is there PKing in this game? Can I pk stupid waifu faggots?

>story heavy MH

>he thinks armor is only good for defense

yeah, youve never played it before. especially since thats your only "come back".

As always

>he thinks I'm a pussy who wears helmets in any game for any reason
except MMOs since those are so stat based and having real humans as opponents really accentuates that disadvantage.

>they all have the sunken, red rimmed, meth head eyes

They showed off the black hunter many times on JP streams.

>8 hairstyles

>japanese games rarely even have character creators compared to the west
>manage to make a character creator that has more and better long hair options for male characters than western games ever have for even female characters

Lol no, they only showed it once and it was them just cycling through all the presets. Maybe you should watch the stream.

The rest will be DLC.

>Better than anything MH did in nintendo
I disagree, pic rwlated is my evidence.

Not me. QT redhead master race.

>>japanese games rarely even have character creators compared to the west
the fuck are you talking about

Nigger I've been watching them on niconico.
There are even saved videos of the black hunter on niconico.

You kidding me? Japs are masters at making good character creators.

honey select characters all have the same dumb look on their face though...

Unless you're trying to argue that Enrique Hernandez from the character creator in the OP is black then you sre indeed retarded.

Probably gonna make the blackest Tyrone I can muster. I don't often make black dudes in games, but I feel like it's time with MHW.

It's a blue eyed jap.

Good enough to give Cidney an ass?

>White hair
>Yellow eyes
This is my go to style in every game for some reason, for males and females.

Im not talking the OP stream.

This user knows his shit.

Is there a muscle slider? I want to make a /fit/ swordfu.

They already look pretty fit user.

The guys maybe, but the girls are still a bit too scrawny. Whatever, I'll still enjoy this game.

I guess you've never heard of honeyselect

I didn't see one. I'm worried

>different lighting options so you don't end up with a character that looks fine in the creator but retarded when the game's lighting takes effect

I don't think body customization is easily implemented in a game with a ton of armors to wear. Would always have to scale

>he doesn't wear a helmet that covers your entire head at all times
Filthy plebeian

cool but that isnt in any way relevant to what I said
learn to read dipshit

Looking cool is more important than being protected, you loser.

Past games have had the option to hide your helmet after equipping it, and it has already been confirmed and demonstrated in MHW videos.

>tfw the shiny water effects on her bare thighs

Helmets are way more cool than dumb humie faces

Do male characters get to choose the big pompadour from the previous games?

If not I'm not going to be playing a male character in worlds

>Past games have had the option to hide your helmet after equipping it
Are MH threads going to be filled with retards who never played the games before, now?

No but you can trip people with your stupid fucking longsword like the shitter you probably are.

Sure if you're a pussy who is afraid of getting brain damage.

Do female characters get that too?

Of couse I don't want brain damage, I don't want to end up like you

i cant wait to make a qt trap in monster hunter

Threadly reminder that waifu faggots are cancer and should be gassed.

Sorry, I was second guessing my self too, so I was just looking it up and it turns out I was thinking of a MH clone with the hide helm option. Either way, it has been demonstrated to be an option in world.

friendly reminder that making a cute girl when a game has a character creator doesn't make you a waifu faggot

You're a true patrician

>i-i want to protect my glasses and brain
Fucking nerd I knew you were a loser.

Wearing a helmet isn't cool.

pretty sure half this thread are dumb faggots that have never played monster hunter before and are just pulling info out their asses.

whats the point in lying online?

RIP Undaunted.

Yes it does, and so do these