Aliens get tough too fast before I can upgrade and buy stuff

aliens get tough too fast before I can upgrade and buy stuff

Have you tried not sucking so many dicks?

shit game desu senpai desu

i havent had a penis in my mouth since I was a teenager and was skinny enough to get the tip of my dick in my mouth.

I agree

f o u n d

t h e

s h i t t e r .

You sucked your own dick? Gay.

Dont act like you havent tried

Nobody has you fucking faggot

Nobody does that shit. Your mom must hate you.

Congratulations, you're the reason why the sequel had us being guerillas.

build a lab and get breakthroughs for the rest of the game

I tried but I am gay. Its ok user it's current year

Stop being gay.

wow cant believe I didn't try this before, thanks man

Just save scum until you git gud

This game was decently balanced, but 2 was fucking trash. 3 missions in and you're already fighting enemies with 15 health that can easily oneshot any of your guys. That's to say nothing of the hilariously shit accuracy percentages.

if you think any xcom game post 2009 is hard barring long war variants, you're fucking awful at strategy games. i hate to break it to you

You're dicking around too much.
Here's some tip:
Don't waste your research time on dead cadavers until you have South America in full control for it's bonus. That said don't start your base in SA either, it's shit, stick to high money USA/RU or just stick into china for officer school and foundry perk. Get containment and arc thrower and catch some critters first though, Vahlen will just pile them up in a timeout corner somewhere until you get SA, then you can complete all those interrogations and autopsies you held up on in 1 day and not lose any speed in the war.
The time you'd waste on autopsies is time you could've spent learning meld for early game MEC's and foundry for weaponry bonuses. Which will keep you ahead on the ayyyrm's race.

Just be straight.

You're retarded. On the hardest difficulty the earliest an enemy with 15 HP will show up is the Berserker. Which doesn't show up for months of ingame time.

>That's to say nothing of the hilariously shit accuracy percentages
>what is flanking
>what are elevation bonuses


Just started a War of the Chosen legendary run, what am I in for Sup Forums?

a game that is slightly easier than LW2 veteran mode

>That's to say nothing of the hilariously shit accuracy percentages

user, did you or did you not neglect
>enemy cover
>effective weapon range

Literally what are you talking about you fag

Very Hard Early game, Very Easy Late game


I haven't. Then again, I'm not gay.

No need to lie. Its an anonymous board.