Divinity: Original Sin 2

>check catalog
>no DOS2 thread

This game.... This fucking game.

Other urls found in this thread:


Should I bother getting it?

>That eternal you find underground

Goddamn that is some RNG Trial and Error shit

Is it me or did the crafting system get downgraded?


thats because its a shit game.

Thanks, won't be buying it.

Shit game. Strategy in every single encounter is "Do as much damage as you can until your spells start working"
Loot is MMO shit that gets way too big a spike in power with each new level
Writing is as bad as ever. Larian is incapable of writing anything remotely engaging that isn't just trash for braindead faggots.

It's a shame how modern RPGs are so shit nowadays. Don't you worry, little one. The savior is coming.

so what is my actual objective on the second island?
ive done so much shit and i got no clue if its even relevant to progress

All stuff you knew before hand. How about fuck off?


All hail Sawyer

Do you mean the part where you're supposed to ascend to godwoken?
Did you save the meister?
Did you go find the other powerful sourcers so they could teach you stuff?

You need to expand your source abilities to 3 source points, get the spirit vision skill and the source vampirism skill. Then it's basically just exploring, leveling up, questing, gearing, etc.

>You need to expand your source abilities to 3 source points,
How does one do that.

I'm all for it.
Instead of spending half your skill points so you can make half decent weapon that isn't remotely as good as anything you can find or buy the level of your equipment you make is just determined by the level of your character when you make it.

>but the writing!
you've never played the game. You know nothing about it outside of some meme you likely on this board.

This is supposed to be good writing? LMAOing @ Lariantards. You're making his point for him.

Do you never read the logbook? It tells you everything you need to do. If reading is too annoying, you can just speak to another member of your party and ask them "We should we do now?" or some such and they'll instruct you.

I cant tell if it's a meme or not if the game is bad

>I'm glad you convinced yourself.

It honestly feels like a pretty big decline compared to the first one, which I wasn't a big fan of to begin with. Oh well.


What's bad about it?

Guys, I don't want to let Ryker finish this ritual thanks to my HERO tag. I already have a second source point from Saheila or whatever her name was, I'm not sure where to find other Source masters to teach me though.

>It's real

>larianiggers will defend this

It's an improvement over the first in almost every possible way. What the fuck are you playing?

Read the reviews. If you don't trust the critics, read the ones on Steam. It's seriously amazing and one of the best games ever made.

If you read the negative reviews, that odd 6% is coming from people who are upset that they can't play the game in their native language.

>pillars of doorblocking
Original game was so boring I never got past the first village.
Are the going to have kickstarter self inserts in this one too?

Nothing, he's just pretending to be retarded.

true autismâ„¢

[DROOLING RETARD] *Laughs at hilarious humor only based swen would come up with*

Is there any fucking way to save the cunt during the oil voiding fight. I've tried just buffing him with frost armor but the little faggot just keeps running through the necro fire and dying.

Anyone know why Siva the lizard at the gallows is dead straight off the bat, I thought she was supposed to be hanging there with little to no health. Talking to the NPCs there talk as if shes still alive, but shes dead. Only just arrived in Driftwood, not sure if this is a new bug from the most recent patch...

>Are the going to have kickstarter self inserts in this one too?
They're removing the golden plated ones with their backstory.

it's good up to about the last chapter, then everything gets retarded. Like really retarded.
There's also some bugs and other shit aswell.

There's a lizard called hannag in the forest where you're supposed to get more blackroot
You can go to blood island and help a bunch of demons kill some black ring
You can find a Demon hunter also around the forests where hannag is near who wants you to kill those demons on blood island
You can find a succubus near the deathfog area who wants you to kill a massive abomination, but you might need flight/summon feline/netherswap to get to her.

There's a lot of options some neutral, good, chaotic good, evil etc


>Steam reviews
>"xD I booped a guards nose 10/10"
>I did thing! 10/10! GOTYAY!
No thanks

>the anti Divinity spammer troll is in the thread

Shame the gameplay will suck like the first game. Game is only worth it if you're a story fag.

Josh Sawyer sends his regards

You make it way too easy to spot you.


Does anyone have a list of what skills the source masters teach you? Can you get those skills from the two teachers you used or are you locked out of those?

>Pillars of Mediocrity
>Bland, forgettable characters and setting
>Horrible, boring, unbalanced, generic dated combat
>dated, uninteresting tech and visuals

crpgs should have died with dignity.

Is it the way I type?

Yeah, you can tell he's a spammer with no life by the fact he dislikes the GOTYAY that is literally perfect, has no flaws and will make you laugh your ass off and make you piss your pants as long as you're not an edgelord.

Keep the salt coming, obsidikids

That's literally how i imagine every pretentious Obshitstain fan, far worse living meme hipsters than Fatlus.

They don't actually teach you any abilities, you just gain more source points to use. You learn source abilities through normal means like finding and buying books.
The main source abilities in this game are lackluster and only have a few uses.

Well, redditfag, disliking something doesn't make you a troll. Making disliking something your life's purpose, does, however.

God damn it some other guy on the community forums has come across this as well, guess it's a new issue after the latest update, going to have to just wait for it to get fixed. Seems pretty seriously game breaking though as shes a main quest npc.

Does Swen have good taste in videogames?


>What do you mean you don't want to lick the lizard's asshole? You just hate fun! *Holds spork*

She is but you don't actually need her to complete her quest line. You can get something from her that will let you enter the basement. Then down there is a book that will instruct you on how to perform the ritual.

I'm referring to after you get the two source points needed to advance the story, from what I've read apparently other teachers will give you a skillbook or something instead.

After playing the game for about 25 hours I've finally realized the party I want to play as! I'm sticking with it and having a blast. Pyro and Summoning is such a fun combo, especially with a wayfarer with that oil aoe attack.

>Playing 4-man co-op with fiercely competitive friends
>We skipped half the quests on Nameless Isle because we found the Academy early and needed to rush to make sure we beat each other to ascension

Well that's good to know, but I'm trying to do a "Hero" run and keep as many people alive as possible, I'm just going to wait and see if they fix this shit tomorrow. Fuck knows how they managed to break it.

the worst part about pyro is trying to not set your entire party on fire

PoE 1 was inferior to OS 1 though. What makes you think this will change?

Is it true there's a character that throws furniture at people for damage?

Then the place gets blown up and filler happens.

I persevered a bit longer than you did. It doesn't get better.

Why does this make me laugh so much?

what is this homo shit

>fucking a skeleton

kind of odd considering Fane is canonically straight (he had a wife and child) but if you you want to headcanon a change in taste after eons, you have the freedom to do so i guess, if you're into that


The saddest part is that I had the highest initiative so I went first and I teleported myself all the way down to the lower level and left their combat and ran to the well before they even finished a single round, divinity would've been MINE if Dallis didn't fuck everything up

PoE 1 is superior to OS 1 and OS 2

what is the Academy and what does it do that would make you be in such a rush?

>tfw have already claimed the title of arena champion over my friends in the first arena so far (not fort joy)

i am become the Eternal Divine, you'll see

The Arena of the One is there

We didn't know that it would give everyone a ready prompt so we all went and did it asap out of fear of the dickass rogue in our party who won the last two arenas being sneaky and going in alone so we couldn't compete with him

We killed Alexandar and genocided the elves but I feel bad that we never killed the Sallow Man

>agreeing to let Hannag teach you Source makes you lose the ability to speak with animals

What the fuck is this shit?

Why is this game so good!


>sneaky rogue problems

well as i understand it rain and shit dispels hiding, for obvious reasons

being that i have necromancy i can rain blood on the field so thats never a problem

Why do enemy turns take so long sometimes? Is it a RAM issue?

Not an argument.

What the dick is this "I"LL KILL YOUR SHINING LIGHTS" NPC and how do I deal with her the """"right"""" way?

I know, I'm just summarizing you with an image.

Well the problem was I'm the elemental mage and our summoner targeted me first even though he knew as well as I do that our rogue can kill any of us in one round thanks to adrenaline+flesh sacrifice+backstabbing shit, so I had to nuke him first

I'm confident that I could annihilate him in a proper 1v1, just not when he gets the jump on me after my armor is already down and my buffs are on cooldown

You're as skilled as summarizing as Larian is at writing

That's not trial and error at all, the game literally spells out what you need to do and in what order.


Well, that's better than you'll ever be, tubby.

You wait until you hit level 16/17 and kill her easily.

Cast Thunderstorm and watch it one shot the adds

Thinking about doing Tactician mode. Is it even fun?

Ignore killing her the right way and just have someone talk to her, then have another character teleport her down to the level 20 demon hunter and let him go to town on her ass.

The first couple of hours are pretty hard but it gets a lot easier once you hit level 5.
The game gets progressively easier because you have access to more tools. Gear scaling in the game is absurd.

>end up boning fane out of curiousity if one could actually fuck the undead
>progress more through the game and end up kinda liking him
>get to this segment


Holy shit I never thought a game would make me want to bone a skeleton so hard right now

I don't what the trick is supposed to be with her but she's related to the cows in some way. She almost killed me and I used that polymorph skill that swaps your HP with that of an enemies which left her instantly with like 90hp, then I just knocked her over. All you get is the key to her basement.

>The game gets progressively easier
Did you even play the game? For all the gear you get, the enemies level spike up A LOT. The Driftwood enemies go like 3 levels higher than the ones in the Alexander battle.

you!... it is you!... i have found you!... the vermin!...

>Did you even play the game?
I'm level 21 right now and the only hard parts were the first couple of levels and Bloodmoon Island because I was underleveled for that area.

My Ranger, Wizard and 2h Warrior are all two or three shotting enemies in Arx.

The game tells you enemies have more options, but let's be honest here, they're just tougher, harder, and better equipped. After the first two encounters in the beach I stopped noticing enemies having abilities they don't in normal mode. Which sucks. That being said, the game remains perfectly doable without having to resort to exploits.

That being said, is it just me or is "ruptured tendons" scoundrel skill a bit insane with the number of ticks per step?

You mean like they just stand doing nothing for a few seconds before ending their turn? Happens to me I think it happens when they have 1 ap left and have no idea what to use it on

> Out at the black pits trying to save Gwyn's ass.
> Oil voidlings show up. Eh there's a few of them but I got this
> roasting them with fire magic
> fire's spreading a bit
> It's fine I can handle this
> fire quickly becomes a raging inferno of cursed fire from all the dead voidlings
> framerate tanking
> fire voidlings start showing up
> they're healed by fire
> almost every square inch of the battlefield is a blazing cursed wildfire
> Two of my guys are on fire with necrofire
> aside from healing spells I really don't have any hydro magic except a few rain scrolls

Did you? Once you get to level ~14 you can start slapping legendary weapons on your 2h / ranger and its smooth sailing from there.

Don't even both with the water. It's an exercise in futility.