Friday night I'm playing Ys Oath in Felghana while people are drinking cheap beer and paying 25 dollars for a burger in...

>Friday night I'm playing Ys Oath in Felghana while people are drinking cheap beer and paying 25 dollars for a burger in a cold night with many drunk and addicts nearby
feels good

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I haven't had beer in awhile . Just some whiskey.. maybe it's time

Is it better than 7? 7 was pretty great if you ignored the fact that normal enemies were completely harmless wastes of your time.

Dem bosses though

you have never been invited to go hang out with friends have you?

>drinking the hydroxyl jew

Oath in Falghana is a hard game, I never trusted Sup Forums ''dude I beat on hard first time'' meme. It's not as good as Origin but still a good game. I'm actually playing 2nd time because I don't remember much of the game. Sometimes I beat a game and 8 months later I forget

>live in a condo full of young normie working adults and uni students
>people love making small talk in the elevators
>going to get food on a friday night is like running a gauntlet

I hate that shit so much.
Why can't people understand that some humans prefer to be left alone

Never live near students. A cheap 200 dollar apartment in a small city is better

user i live near mexicans and indians, whatever bitchery you have is nothing compared to that, its ad both groups are always doing loud family shit at any time of the day or night, i regularly get woken up to either samba or whatever stupid nasheed shit the indians/pakis are listening too.

You need to find another house

Why would you not trust that? I think a lot of people don't really see the appeal of playing Ys on a difficulty below nightmare because the whole point of the franchise is the super hard bosses.

>Be invited to hang out with my normie colleagues from work
>Have to drive a fuck ton
>Expensive beer
>Go for dinner
>Bill is rather high and the food wasn't particularly amazing

Welcome to normies OP

>whole point of the franchise is the super hard bosses.
That's false. Nightmare mode is only included for autists

>friday night I'm jerking it to anime bitches while people are getting laid
feels good

You never smelled club women pussy. It's worse than motel whore
The only way you can enjoy a good night of sex is drunk+cocaine or meth

I wanna squeeze those thighs

Never got this 'going out' meme. I went to many parties as a teen/young adult and to be honest, I hated it, would have prefered to stay home.


I'm going to get a soda and a burger or some fries with hotdogs and watch spoony or something, but I'd much rather be banging a woman.

Beating the game on inferno is easy. Grinding to level 60 is a real challenge.

Women hate thread?

really made me think


Good job OP, Ys is some good shit.

buy one hotdog for me. Potato, onions and ketchup only


>Spent my high school on messenger
>they never replied
>later I realized they were the first ones to leave 200x messages for chads
true story

This shit is why I like traps.


Sexbots soon though lads

Where do you live? That fucking shit is inexcusable. Who decides "hmmm perhaps Ill turn on some durka durka music at 3am." What goes on in these households?

At one time I was living in an apartment complex in Seattle, got fed up with the loud fucker above me constantly stomping around and threw a bag of flour from the first floor at his balcony window. I was drunk.

Fucking Losers.

Don't get me wrong, these women are whores but let's flip the tables for a second. Would you message/reply to an unnatractive women on one of these sites? These types of sites are literally for hook-ups and shit, you Sup Forumsirgins are some hypocrtical fags.

Well i have seen it all man. Drank till i passed out, got in to fights with police. I am to old now to be dealing with it all. "going out" is something you grow out of.

Damn. it's not even that she was a whore. She was a dumb whore. Still, doesn't top that one chick who accused her dad of molesting her ruining her family's entire life all because her friends were "molested" and she felt left out.

>t. roastie
Don't worry, there are enough providers in the world for when you get bored of the carousel.

t. roastie

Did you even read the profile, dumb nigger?

Those kinds of people actually hate being left alone and assume you do too.

Prepare yourself.

I fucking hate this. Why don't people just hang out at home? It's better in every single way possible.

Yes, and that's completely besides the point. They simply want to fuck an attractive dude, because that's what the site is for. In their head, even if the profile's fake, there's no harm in trying.

Wow, you sound a little bitter.

>I don't have any moral standards so I will white knight whores on the internet.

>spent $60 on some packs local seasonal beers I wanted to try
>got some Indian food with a friend before he leaves to study abroad
>about to hunker down on the couch for some video games all night
Feels good. I think I'll pick up Citizens of Earth from the bundle I got the other day.

not an argument


Wow, where you get that picture of me.


>Yes, and that's completely besides the point
Fuck off

Just stopped drinking earlier this years, kinda feels like going back in time haven't been sober regularly on the weekend in over 5 years, it's comfy.

those fucking comments lol, im surprised she hasnt taken the vid down


>Birthday comes around
>Order Chinese food and relax with a good video game
>Get some sleep
>Watch some anime
>Feel good
>Regret nothing

>mfw just realized zyzz and pianoman are dead

Sweet and Sour Chinese Chicken?

She's right in some aspects 2bh

General Tso's chicken, pork fried rice, fried dumplings and a couple meat buns. Not all at once but over the course of the day.

lol she'll be over it in 3 months and on hard drugs too

not him but it IS an argument you cuck.
