What went wrong, Sup Forums?

What went wrong, Sup Forums?


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What went wrong? It presented an interesting idea, and then went the open world crafting survival route.

One thing that went wrong was the price. Way too expensive. Should have been max 30.

Have they explained yet why people are taking drugs? I know it's because they all did something terrible years ago and they need drugs to not think about it or they instantly go insane and depressed.

The heady themes mixed with the Bioshock aesthetic and Shakespeare references in the cheevos were too much for brainlets to handle OP.

People wanted the BioShock like thing it advertised itself as and not the Open World Survival Crafter #47,002 it actually was

something something jim sterling

Game-play lacking actual consistency
artstyle/visual conflict

take your pick

Don't they all just take drugs as a populace control method? Makes them complacent and 'willing' to do do reprehensible stuff.

Axis won WWII and it's a mandatory "Happy Pill" to keep people in line.

Wasn't it always presented as a roguelite from the very beginning? I'm pretty sure this game was announced the era of everyone wanted to put survival mechanics in fucking everything.

It looked like some sort of Bioshock ripoff at E3


I was going to buy it, that was until they got that stupid price hike when they decided to be published by fucking Gearbox. The devs had a good idea but decided to suck cock instead, so fuck them.

Here's a hint, there are no children in the game.

You know a person is a moron when whenever they see something with a 60's artstyle they scream BEE-OOH-SHOK

Ummm sweatie, this game is literally what Americans are living in under the Trump reich at the moment.

>survival rouge like crafting early access game
they alienated me instantly

not a linear story driven game
instead its a boring survival game

It has the same artstyle on top of the 60's vibe AND it was going to originally be a Survival Horror. It was a bioshock ripoff man.

Alas, the same post.

>It has the same artstyle on top of the 60's vibe
Bioshock is Art Deco, which is 20's-40's style, not 60's.
>it was going to originally be a Survival Horror.
do you have a single fact to back that up

Randy Pitchford

They took too long to develop it, didn't communicate properly that storymode is planned on release, and then decided to go with fucking gearbox as a publisher.

Thats outlast 2

I love how mad the people who backed them are getting

>Had an interesting plot and one of the most unique visuals of kickstarter games yet
>Becomes a bunch of buzzwords taped together and handed over to the single scummiest fucks in the industry right now

It's a kubrickesque lynchian lovecraftian kafkaesque rogueliteesque survival minecraftesque. What's not to love?