ITT: subtle video game attire

ITT: subtle video game attire


>shit character to boot

there is nothing redeeming about that shirt

That's boy in the shirt is cute

I wear this from time to time on campus.
People always give me compliments for it.


might be alright if you aren't a fat neckbeard

talk me out of it Sup Forums

you have to be 18 or older to post here

But why?


>black mesa? never heard of that company. you work there user?

i just got it as part of a promotion or something


fake company attire is best

>over 15 years old
>still wearing graphic tees


even when i was 15 i was usually embarrassed to wear that shit
now that i'm 27 i'd consider it but only something like

Not vidya, but I have this shirt. Only one person has ever recognized this.


easily pulled off if in the right scene unironically


That game is older than you kid.

That's aesthetic as fuck.

It's not too recognizable, is it?