Which FF game is best?

Which FF game is best?

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my last digit.

8 > 13 > 4 > 9 > 10 > 7 > 15 > eh

Only hipsters/contrarians think otherwise

Best FF game beginning with X: FFX
Best FF game of all time: FFVI

The PSP game?

4>9>14>X>XV>XIII (fuck you)>VII>I>III>VIII

Rest I haven't played


9 > 8 > 10 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 1(gba) > 5 > 13

I've only played this and parts of FF1, FF13, and Dissidia/012 though.

9 if the stat gains weren't so retarded but I'm an autist and can't ignore it. I'll let it ruin the game for me.
Probably 4 for keeping it simple and engaging or 12 for having a ton of content.
Or maybe just 7.

>Lots of shit content is good


Never played 2, 13, or 15, also Tactics is better than all of them.

I like the content smart guy.
Tons of optional bosses that you can fight way too early especially.

Only morons who played 7 first say 7 was the best when it is certainly not.

As good as FFA is, its technically a Mana game that was renamed FF

>t. contrarian/hipster faggot
Keep trying to fit in, autist

5 in every category except soundtrack.

9 is best there.

Which FF game has the best soundtrack?


Nostalgia kids pick VII
True niggas pick IX

Unironically 13-3. It's a shame people won't play it because it's connected to the other 2 games. Has literally the best OST in any game I've ever played





4 is my personal favorite

I really like 12 too so who knows what my opinion is worth
golbez is cool as shit




>6 lowest
get out

Regular battle theme: 3
Regular boss theme: 9
"special" boss theme: 5
final boss theme: 6


Hold on, most iconic song coming through


I'll still count it because it has 'Final Fantasy' in the name

It's probably because it was my first ff, but man 6 was god awful. Melodramatic and shitty characters, boring villian, ok battle system. Music and art was good though, but I can't understand how people can like 6 if they've played any other FF game

If you don't think that VI is the best game, you're sorely mistaken. Followed closely by XII.

How odd. I agree LRXIII is the best game with an FF in the name (Only II-IX are FFs.), but to me the OST is not that much of a standout. It's merely good overall with some great pieces. Not even dreaming of being great, masterpiece or peerless.

Seriously? Worst gameplay, horribly paced story with the villain's motivations being more clear and honorable than the protagonist's. Very forgettable cast and game with almost entirely the exception of Balthier.

9 is the best.

>yfw some faggot who doesn't even play vidya starts playing this in music class

>It's probably because it was my first ff, but man 6 was god awful.
Generally the stereotype is that people always like their first one the best.

The retard opinion.
What did you want? FFX 3 - Yunas Feminist Awakening or FFVII - Clouds Quest Out of the Friendzone?

>its technically a Mana game that was renamed FF

It wasn't renamed. The first Mana game is subtitled Final Fantasy Gaiden in Japan. It was indeed conceived as a spinoff, at least until it spawned its own franchise.

Mystic Quest

I wanted to have more political intrigue and less monster hunting. It was utterly neutered.

I've been binging the games lately and from what I've beaten, my favorites would be as follows.

>VIII = Tactics > X > VII >>>>>>>>>> XII

I'm playing VI and IX right now and I'm liking both.

6 has shit combat and too much melodrama


2 (PS) > 1 (PS) > T > 4 (PS) > 7 > 10 (original ver.) > 12 (original ver.)

If I didn't rank them, it means I didn't find those games to have any redeeming value. And yes, I have completed the entire mainline series, at least up to 13. I'm a lot more interested in the early games and the series' spinoff titles.

I can't argue with you on that point. I hope every day SE gets its head out of its collective ass and announce FFT2 or even fucking FFTA3 for Switch. I don't even give a fuck ehat system its on.


I like Relm though.

pretty sure anyone saying IV > VI is nostalgia blinded

Redpill me on 2

FFT is too easy to be considered one of the best. Some of the "final" bosses towards the end of the story could be killed in a single move.

>Tactics is better than all of them
I've tried getting into Tactics twice and can't. It's literally just a series of battles, with no adventure or exploration

It had one of the toughest starts though

How do you feel knowing that you base your entire identity around being a contrarian hipster and you'll probably die alone?

I agree with the difficulty but every FF is like that by the end of the game honestly.

Or at least all of them VII and up anyway.

Its a SRPG, that's not unusual for its genre. The story and setting are still phenomenal.

this kino

I've heard people say it's usually the one you start with, but I dunno. I started with 4 and I still haven't completed it to this day. I do have to say it has my favorite battle theme of the series.

I really like the mechanics, music and story of X (so far as to say it's one of my favorites), but as soon as it became a mini-series things went downhill into a pile of what the fuck am I reading.

V on the other hand is my other favorite. The story is barely there and Exdeath is basically Dick Dastardly with armor, but the job system is so fun to use and abuse.

FFX2 had a great battle system, but fuck everything else about that game.
I still haven't played VII.

Yes, but games should generally get more difficult or stay the same as you go along
I disagree. In chapter four pretty much every "kill the leader" mission for me was over in one turn despite not doing much grinding at all. I never once felt that powerful in a FF game except maybe in 8 with Junctioning but even then I spent more time on that than in FFT. That's not even touching the Mathematician job.
I like most of the story and characters as well, but I lose interest when it devolves into evil gods as most political based games do

I don't put tactics with the others but I like it a lot. I like most final fantasies so even 8 I like just not as much. 13 and 2 are shit though. I haven't played 15 yet.

>FFX2 had a great battle system
Honestly prefer FFX's. Much snappier, ATB is cancer

Personally, that's why I actually prefer Tactics Advance and A2. Not only were the worlds far more vibrant (being set in the Golden Age Ivalice), but those games had a lot more side quests in which you actually participated in, and plenty of things to unlock.

I think the jobs in Tactics is superior, but it doesn't make up for dumb shit, like not being able to see where on the map you're placing units, or even seeing the map itself.

>it devolves into evil gods as most political based games do
That sounds ridiculous but you're not wrong. Though I enjoyed the corrupted church and demonic apostles aspect.

Composition? Tie between IV & VII. Actual soundtrack? VI.

IX is the overall best. It has the best plot, art and main characters (Dagger, Vivi, Steiner and even Kuja development where fucking awesome). It also has some great musical scores though i personally think VIII has the best OST overall.

IX also has chocobo hot&cold and the treasure hunting providing some of the best sidequests FF has ever delivered.
Admitedly triple triad from VIII and Blitzball from X where great but there where tons of boring chore sidequests on those so IX takes the top again.
VII does have some good ones like goldsaucer (even though i only played the basketball game for the tickets), chocobo breeding/racing which was also kind of neat for materia hunting so it´s really good too.

So basically i pretty much agree with this guy here...

Except maybe i would put VII before or after X. Around the middle. I liked VII... but i definitely liked IX and VIII better.

Which was the best FF romance?

>Which was the best FF romance?
FF1, because there was no romance.

Best Overall: VII
Best Gameplay: X-2
Best Story: VI
Best Art Direction: IX
Best World: XII

Squall/Rinoa is my favorite. It initiates a great character development in Squall.

Are you me?

It's a fun game that gives you a great deal of freedom with character customization, and it has a coherent story that isn't a fanfic.

Not trying to be a hipster. Some of the other games had interesting gimmicks like swapping in and out of classes, but they weren't also supported by genuinely well written characters or scenarios.

>Great character development
>Can't even say "I love you"


It is the most fun game in the series

Do you prefer games that give you a lot of options and side quests (like 12 or 10) or ones which are very concise with good pacing (like 4)

Any FF game that didn't include a romance plot.

That has nothing to do with his character development.

There are other ways to convey your feelings anyway.

A saga game before the series was made without the things that made them fun. Star Wars plot and terrible dungeon design.
Anyone who puts 4 in high regard is.

>Redpill me on 2
Plot is a pointless cycle of "New Guy has joined." "Oh no, somebody betrayed us!" "New Guy has died." "Another New Guy has joined."

Battle stats either turned every fight into a massively annoying grind, or turned the entire game into a joke if you managed it right. The same thing with equipment: I've heard that the final tower is an absolute pain of instant death fights, but I had 99% dodge on everyone with Poison Axes so every fight was trivial.

>Biological super weapon designed for planetwide genocide
>Weakest protagonist mechanically

I prefer games that don't hold my hand. If I want to spend 20 hours simply grinding and then rush straight to the final boss, I should have that option. Don't push the story along on rails, or require me to hunt down a bunch of plot coupons to trigger the progression of the story.

FFX is the only one that felt real.

>Weakest protagonist mechanically
I thought Cecil wasn't all that hot either but I could be misremembering it

Agreed. Playing through VIII after X and seeing Squall and Rinoa's antics made me really really miss Tidus and Yuna. I still like Squall as a protag, but not as much as others.

Best Tank in the series

Wow, those graphics look so real. But why were Tidus and Yuna remodeled to look Asian?

Any romance besides Laguna/Raine isn't compelling. And that one wasn't even on screen practically. All the others have something underwhelming about them at best. I guess the runner-up among the prominent ones is Locke/Celes. There should be no romance as far as the track record goes.

Zidane and Garnet which is entirely carried by the ending being absolutely perfect


i love how ridiculous the final boss theme is, in general the ending is so good.

Truly, the happiest of endings

Perfect doesn't mean happy

I think the games that best represent the series are FFV and FFVII because the Job and Materia systems are really fun to play with, but I also liked FFIX's Equipment Ability Learning system as well as FFX's Sphere Grid. I want to say that X-2's Dress Sphere system was fun, but it's been way too long since I last played that game, so I barely remember how it worked. Personally, though, my favorite was FFXI's Job/Subjob system as it was a more refined version of FFV's Job system.

In regards to everything else, I don't know if I can really make an unbiased decision, but I'd have to say that FFXI probably had my favorite mixture of soundtrack, story, setting, and artstyle. Other favorites are FFIX, FFV, and FFX because they stood out to me from the other games in the series as unique or just really good, like in FFV's case. I see people also listing FFVI, and it makes me regret not being able to really get into it. It seems fun later on, but the beginning feels kind of meh.

hard to rank them on the entirety of the soundtracks. Every game has some godly tracks and some average tracks.

Could only compare on amount of godly tracks or the best song.

The beginning is definitely a drag but once you get pass the waterfall section the game becomes more fun.

>I want to say that X-2's Dress Sphere system was fun, but it's been way too long since I last played that game, so I barely remember how it worked.
You equip a sphere grid for a character, and equip dress spheres into each slot on the grid. During a character's turn, you can instead shift their position on the grid one spot. Some spots on the grid gave a stat boost, while others held the dress spheres and let you switch jobs in combat.