What went right?

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Literally nothing

not much really

>switch owners

nothing at all

It was pretty comfy when shit managed to line up right

Kingslaive was ok.

Pretty much just the soundtrack and the city design for Insomnia(which we didnt see much of).

That Square Enix survey doomed this game. It showed that the development team knew exactly what was wrong with the game, but they were only willing to add improvements in the form of paid DLC.

Nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
Nothing at all!


and that was it

Not the Story.

A great story, just poorly told. And based Ardyn being the best villain ever


>All that money wasted on mobile shit that could have been used to improve the game

>A great story
it wasn't great because important shit was cut out and sold in DLC/Implemented in patches/sold as a movie


Why wasn't any of this in the game?

I kinda teared up when they started playing stand by me followed by the final goodbye scene

>a mobile version of the game instead of actually taking the time and budget to improve the real deal
what the fuck is Square's problem

that part falls under the "bromance" part of my post

The ending.

The soundtrack

Weapon warping was cool, and keeping all his weapons in magic hammerspace for you to switch between was pretty awesome.

I always found it weird that he kept his fishing rod in there, too. Is it a royal fishing rod, or can Noctis just store whatever he wants in there? Like, can he store a slice of pizza in there and take it out when he's hungry?

As someone who doesn't really like fast travel, is this game tolerable? Like is there decent fast travel? Or is the world not actually that big but dense with unique assets/locations every 30 seconds?

Nyx was the hero we needed.

>Like is there decent fast travel?

you have a car and that is the fast travel. You also need to pay to refuel the car for some fucking reason

World is a decent size but outside of 1 city you have:
1 Big gas station
1 small beach restaurant/resort
and a fuckton of copypasted Gas stations & Diners

there's also a city that is Venice but you can't fast travel to it directly. You have to warp from a campsite after getting to it.

Im still made all we got of insomnia was one destroyed city chunk in the final end of the game and one one arent where you fight ifrit

Kingsglaive is a mess of a film.

>one one arent
that one fight
Jesus fuck i cant type

Cruising in the Regalia was nice. Sort of a zen experience for me I guess. I barely ever used the fast-travel because I found the rest of the game less interesting.

Cidney and Iris were both pretty top tier.

Some of the soundtrack was really good...

...I think that's about it

Everything except final fight

Yeah it should be tolerable. You can use your car to autotravel to places and if you pay a small fee(which is essentially nothing), it just takes you there directly instead of having to sit through the car ride.

The game is fairly fun

Travelling the open world is awful:

>Driving is just holding down the accelerate button and tapping left or right when the games tell you to
>Driving exists to make the game look longer than it really is
>Fast travel takes forever because the games takes so long to load

You won't enjoy travelling the open world, trust me.


There is a ton of open space, and it takes forever to get anywhere. The one good thing about this game is that after you have gone from one place to another, you can fast travel, yet you can also (eventually) tell Ignis to manually drive to the destination. You can also take control of the wheel and take 3x longer.

I wish they would finally move on with XVI. But no, let it drag on for another 10 years, like they did with XIII and their sequels nobody even wanted.

Same. I just kicked back and listened to tunes that brought back old memories.

The open world from XV is the most unpolished, uninspired mess you can possibly encounter in recent open worldish games. The only decent region the game has, was the one where the demo took place, since its probably the most effort they put in.

Just travel by Chocobo, they're way more useful in this game than any other. I barely used the car and just traveled by chocobo for most of the game. It also lets you travel at night in the early parts of the game

And even then, there's nothing there:

>Its just empt grass fields with trees
>One linear cave

I don't get why so many people are obsessed with large, empt worlds. It's quantity over quality.

They're much slower, so you'll be wasting more time doing that. Also, just camp or sleep at a hotel at night. Problem solved.

I wondered that myself at first, but the explanation for it seems to be that the whole trailer is sort of a 'what if Noctis would have set out on his own instead of with his friends' type of scenario that's been revealed to Regis by one of the Astrals, which is why it's called "Omen"

Also the game's soundtrack is pretty great OP
Still have this one stuck in my head from time to time
Yoko's stuff is just too good

It will only go right if they release it on Switch.

The production value of the OST is so uncohesive, like some tracks are great and were composed well, but many tracks on the other hand were bland and just "ripoffs" of other soundtracks. Clearly the weakest perfomance of Shimomura so far, imo.

Even you think about it, so much of this game feels like a waste of time/padding:

>Driving takes for fucking ever
>Fast travel takes way too long to load and most of the time you'll be fast travelling, just to get back in the Regalia straight away so you can drive 10 minutes away
>Too many enemies have high HP and feel like a grind to fight
>Waiting to do certain dungeons at night
>Can't take in multiple hunts at once
>Fetch quests everywhere
>Almost everything between chapters 1-9 is literal filler
>These chapters are generally irrelevant to the main plot
>Chapter 13

Who would have thought that a Yoko Taro game would be better than a FF game?

>They're much slower, so you'll be wasting more time doing that.
I don't mean exclusively use chocobo's.Its a much comfier way to play the game
>Also, just camp or sleep at a hotel at night. Problem solved.
Lame. I actually had fun exploring areas way further than I actually should have been in the game.

Quite a few of the songs were good in XV, but a lot weren't memorable. Most of the tracks I liked in XV felt like they should have been in KH.

Personally this track from 2.8 was better than a lot of songs in XV.

You know, when I think about it, I'm 99% sure that they stopped people from driving at night to make the game feel longer. Without it, the game would look much shorter like it actually is.

Homo Erotica

Well its the signature sound of her work in general, but I agree on this point. I think she excels more on battle themes than on regular tracks.

the boiz

I come platelet agree actually. I've just been playing KH2 today and overworld music isn't as strong as her battle music.

She excels at battle themes and game/character themes (Somnus, Roxas' theme etc)

the characters stories and bonds yeee

if someone doesn't mod in THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN for Insomnia on the PC version i'll be sad

why not Backstreet's Back?

I honestly don't think that's the case. I mean it's not like it really takes that much time to camp, it adds like 5 minutes and then you're back to travleing

The monsters in hd. It's the one and only thing that kept me going.


Game is terrible, and the only remotely likable or memorable character is Ignis.

>just announced in an ATR that the game will have DLC and updates throughout 2018

welcome to Early Access games

>idiots with the worst taste on the planet will support it along with the infamous autist

There was a lot of garbage in this game, but I can easily think up a few things I enjoyed personally.

Soundtrack was really good. Especially after going back and listening to it again.
Pitioss was a nice change of pace. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
... Prompto pictures were actually kinda fun.
Bromance(camping, banter, cooking, etc)
New DLC presentation.
The pit stops, when they were not copypaste, were comfy.
I liked a lot of the cast. Especially their aesthetic.
I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Definitely a lot more bad than good, but I'm willing to give the game credit. I enjoyed it. ..I'm looking forward to more DLC.

>Pitioss was a nice change of pace. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

shame it's post game and required flying the abomination known as the flying car

I hated this game's plot, until the last chapter where everything weirdly fell into place. That may be slightly generous, but learning that Noctis' entire purpose from childhood was essentially to act as a sacrifice ended up being more tragic than it had any right to, especially with how awful the pacing was. Ardyin fucking won, the Lucis family were wiped out just as he planned AND he finally got to rest in peace. What did Noctis get? He lost his friends, his childhood love interest (who he never even got to marry) and comes home to find his kingdom in ruins, with Regis and Luna's corpses hanging from the fucking ceiling. Yeah, he saved the world, but who cares about them? It's only because he was born into royalty that it falls on him to forfeit his life for the greater good. This is all in the same game that lets you go fishing with your bros as you take selfies, camp, hunt monsters to earn money, and ride chocobos through the wilderness. This game has a LOT of problems, but somehow it ended up being one of the more memorable experiences of the year, for me at least.

Exactly. The story is legit tragic and depressing. Its just hampered by bad pacing and a lack of "the big picture" until the very end.

>learning from the past, looking to the future
Fucking bullshit.

>there are people who bought a 60 dollar early access game that needs an additional 100+ dollars of DLV, 5 tie-in movies, and a metric butt-ton of mobile phone spinoffs just to get the "full experience"

Reminder that Tabata and the team have decided to support the game into 2018 too.

>Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata took the stage to explain the various elements of the game’s expanding Universe of cross-media titles, and revealed that the team has plans to continue creating content for the game into 2018 based off the feedback from fans. They deliberated whether or not they wanted December’s “Episode Ignis” to be the last DLC for the game, and decided they would want to create more stories that fill in what fans feel is missing in the main game.


the phone spinoff is a plotless Mobile Strike clone

>Not enjoying the car drive and just staring out watching the scenery pass.
I actually love it. Never payed the fee to auto-fast travel.

Does anyone at Square realize how much of a hack Tabata is? Why hasnt anyone stopped that man yet?

>model viewer
Excuse me?
What is this

I'm actually enjoying King's Knight. I'm gonna make some of the girls in Honey Select as well.

>that fill in what fans feel is missing in the main game.

and charge them out of the ass for it

apparently some bestiary update a month or so ago.

The execution is so off but the story really is interesting. Lots of missed potential with this game.

>What went right?
It appealed to cucks, fags and normies by having a lack of depth, oversimplified gameplay, decent graphics and marketing/pr.

The game is total garbage, though.

The bestiary was a free update for this month. So models you can't rotate though, such as Shiva.
Some of them seem to be free, like it looks like the Ifrit/Shiva one they won't be charging for.

>King's Knight

that's a real game?

Oh please, don't act like the story had that great of an impact emotionally. The only one it had, was Noctis saying farewell to his friends, because that's the only keyplot which had a decent buildup. And even then, it wasn't that great, because it only relied on cheap emotions, which has been done thousands of times before and in other media. Everything else was too scattered around in either shitty movies or animes, resulting in an unspired mess: important plotholes were never really explained or anything else happened offscreen, playing with tropes and satisfying the lowest common denominator. I know it's a big budget game with a troubled development cycle, but couldn't they put at least a minimum of effort into their newest entry of their flagship franchise?

It still amazes me how the pacing went to shit after chapter 9 and suddenly everything fell into place at the end, this game had potential to be so much more, but still somewhat delivered.

I never fast traveled until I beat the game as I loved listening to the music in the car and had auto pilot on while I was on my phone.

Now it is. I think irl it's a remake of an older Square property, it got put in FFXV as a reference initially.

>So models you can't rotate though, such as Shiva.
Whats the fucking point then?

They didn't want people to be pervy I guess.

Reminder that Versus XIII was planned to be more than one game from the beginning, what we got with XV is arguably better since you don't have to buy 2-3 games to understand what the fuck is going on.

>include a model viewer
>make it so players cant be creeps and zoom in/rotate
Fucking Tabata.

I agree, never seen someone as untalented and unvisionary as him, yet SE hands him over a main entry and a whole new IP. Playing safe and be mediocre is what SE strives for these days. sadly.

You get to take a monster truck offroading. That's a rare thing.

Most of them you can rotate, it's just that Shiva + like 2 female demons you can't do it. I think Aranea can be rotated just fine.

instead I have to buy a movie and an anime and DLC filled with the same shitty combat

it's not much better

instead you need to buy a movie and a season pass and watch a free anime thing online to really have any character depth or understand what the fuck is going on


>+ like 2 female demons
What a waste of a feature


Where is this from? Is it official concept art or something?

This is your Ifrit for tonight. Say something nice about him!

At one point there was a mini dump of the artwork Nomura had did before the game got rebooted. I forgot where from though, that pic is actually a little be longer.



Yeah, there were a handful of Nomura sketches in the XV artbook which still hasn't been released on it's own.

I think there is a version of the artbook for sale.

damn would love to see it all, love his art, thanks for posting