Should game companies just do away with split-screen multiplayer?

Should game companies just do away with split-screen multiplayer?

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No pls

That's pretty funny

He's not wrong

No. Just the opposite, more of them need to bring it back.

All this does is make us all wonder even further why in the unholy fuck this wasn't made for the Switch instead, where portable split-screen is actually part of the marketing of the damn system

Stop shilling this terrible twitter account.

Nintendo hasn't done a single thing right since the Wii.

They rarely do it anymore anyway. It makes it so you buy less copies.

4 people with 4 Switches, but each Switch displays 4-person splitscreen. Sounds pretty stupid to me desu.

>friends want to have a game night
>realize only half of us have modern consoles
>realize only half of those people have PS+
>decide to just play magic the gathering instead

>what is docked mode with everyone using seperate joycons/pro controllers

It's 3DS.
I like it because I can peek at how other people are doing, but I understand why people would like the option.

>twitter thread

fuck off

>do away with split-screen multiplaye
Why would I buy one then?
What is the point of more than one $60 controller?
Why would I buy a game on a console when I can on a PC.
Who would buy a console when they could just get a really good pc and multipurpose it?

Oh, then thats even fucking worse.

if you ain't gruul you ain't cool

Pretty much this, except me friends and I took up board gaming. Fuck all these games having multiplayer but no local mp.

>That resolution
Jesus, why? I wish the 3DS was dead already even if it means more obnoxious Switch cancer.

Fuck off Josh


Yeeeee boi, that's my deck!

Nothing in that fucker costs more than 4 mana, but I have serious issues with card drought when I inevitably blow my entire load early as fuck.

Luckily that normally kills them.

This guy just can't get over this game lol

>removing options
Of course not.

>tfw too poor to play mtg

It's the guy himself shilling his Twitter

Post your diaper pics for us baby boy


Doesn't this guy run a Nintendo youtube channel or something? Why does he shit on Nintendo so much?

How much would you pay to attend Josh's public execution?

I wasn't expecting an actual response, nevermind taste that good.

Split-screen is already dead

Thanks PC

Whoa... So this is the power of Nintendo haters...

He only really cares about some of the Nintendo franchises, specifically Animal Crossing

He uploaded this today, he's kind of faggy

This is why I always keep the N64 and Gamecube close at hand.

Don't you or any of your friends have a computer? Just have them bring controllers, plug them in and play.

I love it dude.

Everyone is so goddamn scared of Bloodrush that I can bluff people out repeatedly.

It's fucking amazing to just stare down your opponent with a poker face and dare them to risk getting Ghor-Clan Rampagered on a block.

He had a problem with Nintendo and still angry

He cried and pooped his diaper because they decided to stop sending him free stuff on the count of him being an asshole to the company and their partners. The reason he still keeps a Nintendo fan channel going is because he is literally insane.

>friends want to have a game night
>no splitscreen
>half of us have differing methods of playing games
>everyone has laptops with enough juice to run shit on low
>no one wants to buy anything new
>offer MtG
>salty fucker with a billion year grudge bitches about other peoples decks even though he's invested the most money
>no game night occurs

>check his twitter
>he literally didn't have a single positive thing to say about Nintendo for the entire month

Why exactly does he run a YouTube channel about Nintendo again?

Animal Crossing

I rent an apartment with my brother and sister and it's fun to occasionally play splitscreen games.

this is when you build a cube so they have no excuse

mtg is shit, play some goddam ttrpg

Hell no. They need to bring it back if anything. When we were kids we played on tiny ass TV screens in splitscreen. Nowadays most people have 40+ inch TVs so size is no issue for today's babies.

You deserve it for trying to play a shitty game. Just get some good old fashioned Pokemon TTCG.


Split-screen multiplayer is literally the pinnacle of gaming experience.

>pokemon tcg
>when EX''s and GX's exist

Old fashioned, user. Just Gen1, with maybe 2 if you're not so nostalgic.

>game night
>friends want to start with Magic
>already know its going to be a bad night
>they lend me one of the 10 decks they all brought and play the free for all format
>dont know how to play still because i dont care
>friend 1 is pretty chill tells me what i cant do
>friends 2-4 start getting into arguments and get pissy with each other
>rounds come and go
>2 gets knocked out and gets pissy
>i kill 3 who gets pissy
>4 kills me and starts gloating
>4 kills 1 and celebrates like he won the lottery
>3 wants to play again
>repeat and i sit out while playing FGO
How do i meet new nerds? DnD, Arhkum Horror, Catan, Fighting games, pokemon I dont care as long as you arent a whovian just save me.

Isn't he the fag who says that fire emblem is not a Nintendo franchise even though the series is older than him?

Legit, the loss of split screen is one of the biggest reasons I hate 7th gen with a passion
But god damn how was Nintendo so stupid as to put splitscreen on a 3DS game?

I actually have IRL friends that play games so no. Splitscreen on a Switch is retarded though

>Used to be a respectable youtube channel for Nintendo coverage
>Gets blacklisted by Nintendo for being an asshole
>Cuts ties with gamexplain just because Andre liked some political post on facebook
>Sucks Trump's cock and tweets racist things
>Degenerate diaper fag in secret
>Fails to maintain a somewhat professional image
>Has a meltdown on twitter over a Mario Party game

I feel this guy is going to commit suicide one of these days

>because i dont care
You deserve to have a bad time.

>Should game companies just do away with split-screen multiplayer?
absolutely not, having local multiplayer is a must if you have multiplayer
that being said, having splitscreen on a 3DS game is completely retarded -- splitscreen is used because the other players don't have screens of their own, which isn't true at all with multiplayer 3DS games

don't play magic
actually, don't play card games

I hate it how Splatoon 2 doesn't have local splitscreen. I want to do 1v1 deathmatches with my bro but the only way is if he buys a Switch too (not happening).

Screenlooking is literally a feature

Sup Forums - Twitter screencaps

For a handheld like 3DS it's retarded. For consoles it's fine. The Switch is a bit awkward because it's both, but if they're playing local multiplayer on one Switch, obviously split-screen is the answer. If it's multiples Switches together, it shouldn't be split-screen unless there's multiple people using each Switch.

This is literally how my gaming club died in college.
>lots of people join cause they like vidya
>everyone plays on different platforms and has different accounts
>most of the games aren't split-screen and only one of the game/console in the building
>only option was LoL and CoD or nothing

>Nintendo does stupid thing
>We can't criticize stupid thing because le nintendie hivemind and their victim complex

>tfw you play a splitscreen game and all of you abuse the shit out of screenwatching.

>having friends
normie detected

Are you implying split screen multiplayer is still a thing?

It's been dead for years. It's in so few games that it's not even worth acknowledging.

Nintendo will eventually stop it as well, remember Nintendo is always behind technology/mechanics wise. They just now realized the internet is a thing that you can use for more than just shitty pokemon battles.

Give it a few years and you won't see anything splitscreen related ever again in new games.

>tfw you have mexican standoffs around corners
Screen cheating makes the game more fun

Oh god, ffa mtg is the worst. No one wants to attack and if anyone actually does, it leaves you open to attack from everyone else. It was never fun every time we tried. You might as well roll some dice to decide the winner, it'll probably be more fun too.

>have game night
>sit up til 5am playing uno with friends
friends aren't that bad sometimes

Split screen is pretty terrible, but I do like multiplayer games where the screens don't have to be split.

>Autists on Sup Forums are now posting this autist
>All because he hates Nintendo
Is there anyone more pathetic than OP?

Every game dev needs to take notes from D:OS and Terraria's couch co-op, it's not that hard

Believe or not, people have friends who don't own the same console and/or game just so they can hook up online. People still play multiplayer locally so no

Fun fact: OP is that guy.
So he is not only a faggot but also a diaperfag