Could be worse.

Could be activision-blizzard

and nothing of value was lost

Either you're saying that Vivendi would be taking over Activision-Blizzard again, or that it would be worse if Activision-Blizzard took over Ubisoft.

Are they going to cancel Beyond Good and Evil 2?

For honor 2 never ever

user, Vivendi is the reason WoW hit rock bottom and the reason for Diablo III's real money auction house. The obvious sad part is that after Activision bought Blizzard back, they continued with the same money making schemes that caused people to leave.

From what I heard they'll heavily focused on mobile and shut down shit like Rainbow 6 and might cancel Beyond Good and Evil 2

>From what I heard they'll

You haven't heard anything of any meaning because it hasn't happened and Vivendi hasn't released any investor statements. Guessing is irrelevant.

Ha! Look at Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. They will forage any and all semi-complete content, then release it for $59.99.

user there is only one company in common there. It's blizzard. They are just full of incompetent jewish retards. Don't get why you fucks don't understand this.

They brought Gameloft haven't they? I'm pretty sure that's the route they'll go for

That's Square Enix

>We will never get a proper sequel or successor to Far Cry 2
>Or stylistic shit like Blood Dragon that requires a lot of creativity and thinking outside the box to work
>Assassins Creed has morphed into a Frankenstein's monster of mechanics from the most popular games on the market with a historical backdrop rather than a stealth/action game
>No more cool conceptual games like Dark Messiah M&M, only low budget 2D indieshit retreads.
>Splinter Cell on the backburner
>BGAE2 is a fucking prequel with no Jade or any of the characters that matter after 15 years of waiting
>For every decent Tom Clancy game, there are two garbage ones

They deserve everything they get

>shit piling over more shit

I guess the sjw tactics didnt help

>caring about Ubisoft

jesus christ, you guys

>Sell out and ruin innumerable franchises to avoid hostile takeover
>Even ruin Heroes of Might and Magic with their bullshit
>It didn't work anyway

Eat shit, Ubisoft.

So is this a positive, negative, or neutral thing? Because as much as there is to hate about Ubisoft, they still occasionally make a good game.

Why does Vivendi want Ubisoft so bad?

That would genuinely make me angry, because RS6 is actually pretty fun and the only good game they put out next to Red Steel 2.

They're a multimedia giant of some sort and they wanted a game publishing company to replace Blizzard. I don't really know why they went for Ubisoft, but here we are.

Positive in that their shitty business practices are now biting them in the ass

Negative in that Vivendi is now in charge of such a large development company


How can they just take over Ubisoft? Don't they have to agree to sell the conpany to them?

Hostile takeover. They just keep buying shares until they hold a major share in the company and Ubisoft is forced to accept an offer.

Ubisoft is publicly traded.

But why Ubisoft?
I mean, I know they make some successful games, but I feel like the general public is also starting to hold a negative opinion of them as of recently

the free market at work my lad

>sjwsoft is finally dead

good riddance

Shit company tries to buy out other shit company

What next, are you guys gonna freak out over some war in the balkans?

We should have seen it coming really.


are you sure about that ?


ubisoft must be really nice now and delivers good content otherwise into some mobile trash gaming it goes...

forgot the pic

>shit company is taken over by shit company
Oh no, that sucks.

Unleash the 3D Rayman.

this, who gives a fuck about suits fucking each other in the ass over who gets to piss all over us

Can't even pretend to care.

>They deserve everything they get
Siege is most popular FPS with avg 2+ million players daily and sells like hotcakes
Watch Dogs broke sales record
The Division broke even bigger sales records
Wildlands is the best selling game this year so far
For Honor is #2


wouldn't it be funny if Vivendi fired all the frogs and put in people who want to make good games again instead of peddling identity politics simulators like Watch Dogs and AssKANGZ

Hope I don't lose my fucking job

NOICE fuck jewbisoft I hope they will do nothing but churn out shitty f2p hero arena and battle royale crap for the rest of their lives.

What exactly about Ubisoft's strategy this year caused shareholder approval to go up?

Your in Montreal? lmao

I genuinely like the division and siege


They already have microtransactions for 60 dollar games that have 120 dollar editions that have diffrent preorder bonueses from each retailer, ontop ofseason passes that dont give you all the dlc

If it happens, that seems pretty likely.

The game-concept looked pretty shitty at E3 though, so it won't be much of a loss.

who cares shit dev hasnt made a good game since chaos theory

like I give a fuck

>When you realize none of the team from Chaos Theory are in Ubisoft Montreal Studio

Fuck you. Fuck you, I don't care if its not a sequel. I want Beyond Good and Evil 2. Fuck you.

Vivendi is also frogs

They should be taken over by the largest waste disposal company in France, have all of their offices liquidated, their IPs sold to other companies, and their logo used to adorn a fleet of garbage trucks.


Good. Ubisoft has been shit for a long time. We need assassin's creed and other terrible series to die.

Why did you guys let this happen.... he just wanted to make fantastic games that everyone could enjoy.

That's sad. For Honor and Siege are part of my weekly playlists.

The only things I give a fuck about from Ubisoft are Prince of Persian and Rayman.

Valve should just buy them out & rename Rainbow Six Siege to Counter Strike Siege, add in a marketplace & loot crates like GO & Valve will make back their money in 6 months

Also cancel everything else except maybe Rayman

fuckthis asshole, he hired all the sjw scumbags from SGD Wake tech community college so they can game test the division

fuck them. I am gonna laugh so hard when Vivendi cancelled Beyond Good and Evil 2!!!

No, the RMAH was Rob Pardo's idea 100%
& Activision don't own Blizzard, Activision IS Blizzard, people still haven't figured this out, they merged in 2008

Though Morhaime likes to do his own thing with Blizzard so they are somewhat independent of each other, Bungie had to convince them to put Destiny 2 on B.net for example & Blizzard still refuses to put COD on there

Super Mario Xcom 2 never now.
everything else in ubisoft can die in a fire though.

my brother works in Cary, he left to finish school and is starting again soon
you imagine if Vivendi cuts people and my brother loses his job?? I would go to france and fuck them hard


If they do i hope they trash that stupid fucking uplay.

Hows that virtue signalling going ubisoft?

How dyed is your hair?


I'd actually like more titles like Child of Light.

Weren't they specifically trying to prevent this with the maneuvering they did in spring?





>scum getting forcibly taken over by scum

Nothing to see here.

>the end of the open world meme era
thanks jesus

Don't call it an end, it is the future you chose

>Diablo III's real money auction house.
That was a good thing, fuck you

Once they removed it I had to go back to key selling which is a pain in the fucking ass

>cancer consuming other cancer cells

>All these shitposters shitting on Ubisoft
Sure, Far Cry, AssCreed, R6Siege and Watch Dogs are total shit but
>Anno series
>Grow Home/Up
>Trackmania series
They published some good games too

Rayman is a genuinely solid series they make.

good. fuck ubishit

I'd love a new Trackmania like nations.But nu-Ubi would fill it with microtransations, making you buy a ramp for $1.99 dollars

I don't know how fags can hate Ubisoft, they've made many of the best titles in last decade, they come up with their own concepts instead of just fishing out the same shit like other developers.

>total shit

so you're just going to ignore Ass Creed then?

Considering any sane person is already avoiding their games there's really no damage done here.

>I want Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Nigga, you're getting it. Monkey paw is in full effect, though.

As person who has hated Goobersoft for while now this news makes me happy and the fact that they have not made good game in while means that nothing of value was lost when these new overlords make the company worse.

Sell Rayman to Nintendo quick

>forcibly take over

How the fuck does this even happen? Do they buy stocks through shell companies or something? There was also apparently an attempt on CDPR's stocks from EA, for example.

the fact that nothing they showed for it at E3 was even real at all whatsoever should have told us something was up. it's like they just threw up the IP name for hype garnering

Will their games have better or worse servers now?

This. The only things of theirs that they'e released recently that are worth touching are the Rayman reboots and the South Park games (if you're a fan of the show).

Activision and Blizzard teamed up and made Activision Blizzard, their new holding company.

Then they bought out their contracts with Vivindi, blizzard hasn't been part of Vivindi since 2008.

WOW started going downhill hardcore after that, really makes you think...

this tbqhwy

They'll make R6 Siege a pay to win shit or free to play aren't they

What a nice 40 euro waste

I'll miss the watch_dogs series.
Watch_Dogs 2 was good.

SJW grads are cheap hires user.

Both activision and blizzard both became shit when they left vivindi