What doom wads does Sup Forums recommend? No brutal garbage pls

What doom wads does Sup Forums recommend? No brutal garbage pls

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Sunlust, Scythe/Scythe 2, Going Down, Ancient Aliens. For gameplay mods Demonsteele, DoomRL Arsenal, Metroid Dreadnaught, High Noon Drifter, D4D if you can find an old version before the current dev fucked it up

My personal favorites are;

Smooth Doom: refine the core game to the extreme; enemies have more frames, etc. If its your first playthrough, I recommend it.

Doom the way ID did 1 and 2; if you want MORE QUALITY DOOM CONTENT

Hentai doom you know the one

courtesy of /vr/

I played some weird touhou wad.

Also, go to /vr/. They have a good thread for Doom.

Pirate Doom

Suspended in Dusk

Legitimately amazing when you consider all the effects shown were done with vanilla Doom 2 in mind

Baron's House


Sunlust, and going down.
Play it vanilla btw, no brutal autism

Action Doom 2

I really like playing Doom RL arsenal + Doom RPG.
There's a fucking lot of things going on and with all the upgrades it's easy to get lost playing it for hours.
Personally I think it works best with custom oblige maps so they never run out.

Been using Demonsteele's music wad whenever I play, unless I'm trying a TC or something.

High Noon Drifter



I really fucking loved this wad, because it just did everything right. The new additions are all fun to have around, the levels are absolutely outstanding, and the difficulty is extremely well designed, with no point in game outside map 31 turning into a slaugherwad

Also had some of the most creative things I've seen in level designed, including probably the best use of map 7 special tags. It still sticks with me how unique that map was and how priorities changed upon trying not to fuck things up

My favorite WAD is wow.wad.

I forgot about that ancient shitpost of a wad
Ah the times

On the topic of that, what's everyone's favorite jokewad?
I loved the Turbocharged series personally, it sits up top alongside It Only Gets Worse

Hell Revealed. It's an absolute classic and I don't understand why I don't see it mentioned anymore. The second half of the wad started the slaughtermap craziness but it's not like that all the way. It's just a bunch of well designed simple maps that get harder as you go along and some of them are very creative. (map26 and the secret levels come to mind)

Why is brutal doom hated so much here? Aside from the obvious "it's popular".

why people hate brutal doom?

even romero said he loved the mod

It's a clusterfuck, and contains a lot of stuff ripped from other peoples mods. Also the creator is a jackass.
Ask /vr/ if you want a documentary on why it's shit.

its reloading isnt it? be honest

>It's a clusterfuck
Elaborate, I have no idea what you mean.
>Ripped from other mods
If that's true then yeah I can see the hate
>Creator is a jackass
Doesn't affect the mod desu.

can you run more than 1 mod at the same time?

>hitscanners are way too deadly, unbalances a shitton of WADs
>retarded fatalities
>retarded voice clips
>retarded things like the Icon of Sin turning into fucken Godzilla

Optional, there's a classic mode. Also there's literally nothing wrong with reloading.
There are no hitscanners in Brutal Doom, what are you talking about?
>voice clips
Optional. I've literally never used them.
>Icon of Sin turning into Godzilla
I played Doom 2 three or more times with Brutal Doom and never saw this.

>Doesn't affect the mod desu.
It does when other modders reach out to him in an attempt fix up some of brutal doom's balancing issues and awful spaghetti code, only for him to be a complete hassle to work with.

Reloading gets in the way of the fast paced action that normal doom has, but it personally doesn't bother me much. It certainly doesn't endear me to the mod, but I dont' really care.

Lots of shit is unbalanced, and the code is a hackjob.
The creator being a dick matters since he won't do anything about it except demand you suck his cock.

Yes but they're not always compatible. That's another problem with brutal doom actually in that it breaks a helluva lot of other things and theres always demand on other mod creators to make their shit work with this bloated mess.

doom2 had reloading
>>hitscanners are way too deadly,
as they should be, fucking casual
>>retarded fatalities
>>retarded voice clips
optional taunt only
>>retarded things like the Icon of Sin turning into fucken Godzilla
so what?

Yeah, that's a good point. I'll still play the original levels with Brutal though, but outside that you've convinced me it's not worth it desu

Back to Saturn Ep 1 & 2
Deus Vault
Phobos Revisted
Knee Deep in ZDoom

I really need to play some Doom again, it's been too long. I feel myself longing for it

Brutal Doom is only hated by shittposting faggots. It doesn't go well with the original levels but it's a great way to spice up a custom level wad.

It's a fucking mod, use it at your discretion.

don't be a fucking idiot m8, super shotgun's "reloading" is just an animation rather than an actual reloading mechanic. that's completely different.

you cant shot while that animation is happening therebefore it IS a reloading

Both of you better stop and make up or I'll rib ya arms off

>Doom2 had reloading
One Gun!

Most of the weapons have animation delays you fucking idiot. Super Shotgun's reloading animation is just a glorified delay to make up for its tremendous power. Again it's completely different to having magazines and clips and reloading them or whatever.


>contains a bunch of stolen stuff
yeah but I don't care
>creator is a jackass
still don't care
its fun

Have fun


for you

Arcane Dimensions for Quake.

made by an edgy cunt
stolen assets
designed to make doom more like a trashy modern shooter
obnoxious fanbase that thinks it's the DEFINITIVE EXPERIENCE and starts screeching if anything isn't compatible

Can't you just turn reloading off? Anyway, I prefer project brutality.

>obnoxious fanbase
I swear the number of people who bitch about the BD fanbase must outnumber this so called fanbase
>pic related
it's the number of people in the BD fanbase that complain when a mod doesn't work with BD

Have v8.