What did you think of 2B’s game Sup Forums?

What did you think of 2B’s game Sup Forums?

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It's too popular now.
Squeenix will ruin everything pandering to normies if this goes on.

If what goes on? Talking about the game?

But they already are

You wake up to this.
wat do?

best girl, best game.

story was compelling, 2B is maybe the sexiest designed character, style was decent, gameplay sucked fucking ass.

story was interesting but characters were pretty bland and the gameplay is one of platinum's worst efforts

i still enjoyed it though


As a human or an android?


I hate how so many lewds of her are completely out of character. She's a robot dammit. She keeps exposing her crotch because she literally doesn't care. They want to emulate humans and maybe they appreciate human aesthetics but they don't have an instinct-driven mammalian brain hard-wired to reproduce soaking in sex hormones at all times like we do. I want more tasteful lewds REEEE.


Beat 2B's story and got disappointed by how short the story was.
I was pleasantly surpriesed that starting a new game puts you as 9S with new gameplay.
Opening bit with the little brother robot and big brother robot broke my heart. However, the hacking mini game as well as the fear that I would have to do everything again mand me drop the game for the moment
Should I get back in?

Wasn't even the best action rpg this year.

GOTY easily. One of the GOAT too if you ask me.

Yeah it's worth it to push through. You can hack as little or as much as you want and the story continues once you get to playthrough 3 and gets a little nutty.

Wow it's like I'm experiencing every piece of science fiction of the last 60 years.

>Should I get back in?
Yes you absolute retard.
Route B is the worst part of the game. You get the opportunity of doing side quests you might have missed with 2B though. And you may get a different perspective on the story so far. But it's not different enough.
Just gotta go through it to get to route C.

I would fuck 9S right after fucking her. I would love to see his face after he cums from me pounding him non-stop from behind right after 2B cucked him with me.

>Missing the point this hard

Neck yourself kid

Jesus man fucking settle down. This is a blue board.

I wish her fan art focused more on what mattered most and stopped giving her C cups as massive balloon tits

Dont worry, 9S would mince anyone who even think about lewding 2B
>I'll kill anyone who hurts 2B. I'll kill anyone who touches 2B. I'll kill anyone who gets close to 2B. I'll kill anyone who looks at 2B. Because the only one who's allowed to look at 2B is me. The only one who's allowed to get close to 2B is me. The only one who's allowed to touch 2B is me. The only one who's allowed to hurt 2B is me. The only one allowed to…

9S is a fucking psycho. I left the game with a bad feeling in my stomach because of him

Route B has kinda boring gameplay but the best quests.
Get the Spear of the Usurper in the desert quest, get it level 4, some crit chips and melt through everything you meet.

Then there is New game plus plus

it was okay, goty for me personally but I can see why people wouldn't like it


She's lovely and I loved her game, but let's not forget 9S he was a major part of the plot and cute as well.

>One of the GOAT too if you ask me.
I'd say. I've played A LOT of vidyas (I'm 31 and I've been playing vidyas since I was 8 or so heh) and it's really all starting to look the same. But Automata was special. Not everyone will appreciate it but I think it was something significant. I didn't play the original Nier though so I guess I didn't play THAT many vidyas.

>They want to emulate humans and maybe they appreciate human aesthetics but they don't have an instinct-driven mammalian brain hard-wired to reproduce soaking in sex hormones at all times like we do

Explain 9S.

To understand why he's so fucking nuts you have to understand for his entire existence 2B has been killing him over and over again. His waifu was literally created to kill him whenever he gets uppity.

>The only one allowed to…
kill 2B. :(

>but let's not forget 9S he was a major part of the plot and cute as well
Was he? I kind of zoned out whenever he was around.
Man he seems to have caused A LOT of trouble.

You should really play the original Nier. If you loved Automata that much you'd love it too. Both very special masterpieces.

Im kinda with you.
Automata has many, MANY flaws
But for each flaw it has sparkle of genious and creativity you dont find in the boring committee aproved games

Have you even played route c?

I did the same thing. I stopped playing early in 2nd playthrough because the thought of doing side quests over again was awful. Then I picked it back up and realized that all side quests completed in 1st playthrough stay completed.

Go ahead and finish it, takes no time at all

Please release more dlc yoko taro

>Explain 9S.
Oh yeah towards the end he really seems like a teen with the angst and the raging hormones, etc. I think he's programmed differently. He is a more intelligent, more advanced unit. But also more child-like. He has the naivety and curiosity of a child. The curiosity makes him better at cyberwarfare too. I think they designed him so that he'd fall in love with his executioner. The current generation of Yorha units seem to be generally less emotional and have a more platonic kind of love for each others. But 9S is romantically attached to 2B and that's how they keep him under control.

He kinda got over this detail alone. To him, she is worth more than his own life (literally, he committed suicide several times for her), and losing her made him go full Caim

Also, going by the side material, his original data seen to be bent towards going nuclear and destroying everything. Just need a little push.

Why is the DLC $14? Isn’t it just costumes?

No there's gameplay too. Just pirate the DLC.

No thanks I’m a moralfag

Many androids seem to have genuine feelings towards other androids too.
9S isnt engineered to be the way he is. Things just happen. read mintychu.dreamwidth.org/1371.html

Also we dont know for certain how much lust play into androids lives. 2 Yorhas went crazy on the E-drug.

Yes he is, play all the major campaigns and get all major endings (A, B, C, D and E).

>Many androids seem to have genuine feelings towards other androids too.
Yeah I saw that. They can feel and they can love. They probably can have sex similarly to humans.
But Yorha are a special type of androids.
>Emotions are prohibited
Except clearly they have plenty of it. Just less and it interferes with their purpose.
Also there's that crazy shit Jackass found out when developing the E-drug.
>Things just happen.
Not to a paranoid schizophrenic like me they don't.


>They probably can have sex similarly to humans.
Not sure why I say that actually. I assume they would have programmed it in to make them more humans (so that they can relate to them, so that they keep fighting for them). But it might be much different for them and maybe they don't care much. Maybe they turn it off. Maybe it got phased out. Who knows. I assume that they are generally much less sexual than humans in any case. It's not a bad thing, they'd save themselves a lot of hassle. 9S commented on the human genders relating to each others in a very weird way when doing Jean-Paul's quest.
9S clearly wants to either fuck or kill 2B though and according to Jackass' research the two might be similar for them kek.
Damn this is interesting. Their models have a long history and they keep doing kind of the same things. Still not clear to me exactly what is covered by "the cycle" desu.

I like all these close up pics of toobie's face with detailed lips
makes me feel like I can lean forward and kiss her

>kiss her
Huh I wouldn't want to leave my gross biological residues on her.
I don't know if she's afraid of human cooties or not but she should be. We're gross.

>Still not clear to me exactly what is covered by "the cycle" desu.
Im not really sure either. They want to cover up the whole deal with humanity is extinct, but im not sure exactly why they need cycles to do so. Its mostly a plot device to keep the story going.
Also Prototype 9 was insane when he created it, so maybe it isnt supposed to make sense.


>We're gross.
Meanwhile 2B dont like baths, A2 is fucking filthy, Commander is a slob pig.

hehe thanks for the flower toobs

why is everybody so built for sex

So we can jerk off to them, duh


Why do the machines look like wind up toys?

Someone post BECOME AS GODS.webm

say that to my face fucker not online

>Meanwhile 2B dont like baths
Androids don't sweat and don't shed dead skin cells, and leak lymph, etc. And they're made of less gross material. Not trillions of gooey cells.
>A2 is fucking filthy
Oh c'mon it's just dirt she's outside a lot.
>Commander is a slob pig
Yeah by android standards.
How filthy can you be as an android really? Unless you're damaged and leaking synthetic blood or whatever you're not leaving much waste matter around. Unless they cry weird large fluid droplets.

It's worse than the original, especially plot and character wise but that's to be expected, since they are androids.

yoko taro really likes girls

- Ubisoft/MGS5
- shit side missions
-shit gameplay

+ character designs and atmosphere
+ ok story

Felt like it was the best they could do with the budget. I feel It could have been way better if given more opportunity.

I am a complete sucker for family shit
When eve went insane because Adam died, it hit home hard as fuck. Goddamn I loved the bit.
I always love revenge due to dead family because it shows how close brothers and stuff can be, even though me and my brother aren't that close.

Great game even if she's only the guest character.

Environments all looked very brown and boring
Combat looked very boring
Machine design did nothing for me and it seems to be the only enemy type in the game
After watching 20+ hours of the game at my buddy's place I felt no desire to play the game and in fact actively hoped it would be over quickly

>Commander is a slob pig
So how exactly did 6O know that? That conversion could have gone into more details. A lot of things in this game aren't very well explained desu but this I really want to know more.

You can really tell the autists and the brainlets.

It's autistic to want colours other than brown?


Dont drag best girl in with your shit opinions faggot.

>You will never play DoD 4
Why live


Come on Sup Forums where are the 2B lewds?

Do I have to play the original Nier and the rest of the Drakengard games to enjoy this?

Its fucking trash, the pirated version freezes every 20 minutes, how am i supposed to finish the game?

i have almost 2 hours of gameplay but i'm almost dropping it, its unplayable.

>Nietzsche quotes
>shitty babby's first existentialism nihilist plot done to death
>mediocre gameplay


>the pirated version

>pirates game
>Has the nerve to call the game shit
Just buy it you fucking poorfag

At the very least, just play nier via RPCS3, you'll enjoy the small detail more

Get the fitgirl repack, it got the FAR mod which fix every issue that squeenix supposed to fix by this time

Or just google how to apply the FAR mod for pirated version, you just need to change 1 line and probably someone have it with the edited line

9s has better PU$$Y

Most of the lewds of her are too lewd. It's stupid. It's not 2B, it's just her likeness being lewd.
Even the qewts of her are too qewt. 2B isn't "cute", she's self-assured, dignified, implacable and deadly. She is sexy as hell though and that's fine.

Best experience of the year.

It would honestly have been better if it was a flop. The more people who have the game and enjoy it means that collectively there is less enjoyment for each individual person. It would have been more fun if the normie masses had ignored it instead of stealing the enjoyment from us.

Post your personal favorites. I need some for my 2B folder

Now i'm using the fitgirl+far crack, game makes the Metal Gear Warning sound and closes.

I want to wipe my ass with 2B's blindfold and then force her to wear it.

those are just her other models

Heh yeah. You can call it that. For Taro Yoko everything is incidental to making the player feel things. He said so in an interview. This game is a really, really good example of this mindset. And of using visuals and the music to accomplish it.
Some of the most intense moments of the game you get are those action-less textual stories with the sentimental music. I mean holy shit.
I'm sure I sound like a huge faggot kek.

>Wah muh game is too successful and people are ruining my personal experience
Remove yourself from the gene-pool friend
Pic sorta related

What's your pc spec? A friend got crash when playing in a long time but the more he plays, the less the crash is. Iirc he's using some GTX 1060 or something but he's playing in a fucking ROG laptop

You're another piece of shit that reduced my individual enjoyment. Also, it's too late for me to remove myself from the gene-pool, I have two kids.


At the very least Andromeda was a finished game. Nier Automata didn't tie up any of the loose plot points.

I'm sorry you're too much of a collectivist to enjoy things for what they are without relating to other peoples opinions