Things that happened

Things that happened.

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Wasn't it for charity? And if it was for charity, why the Yogscast out of all people?



Why does he look so fucking dead?

oh wait

Is the person as punch-able looking as his cartoon model in real life?


Did you guys remember this?

Papa Burch seemed like a genuinely decent old man. Shame he probably really does hate his own son now instead of it being an act.

And the even more forgettable GoldenEye rogue agent



Is it weird that his is my favorite racing game?

You can be the judge

I have 007 Legends on WiiU
It’s fucking poop

>Win an action packed trip to Detroit

You can't make this shit up.

I loved this game. Was actually looking at my copy of it earlier today.





What the fuck even happened to Yogscast? There used to be threads with gossip from their studios a few years back but nothing since.


I still think this would've been awesome for a horror game that got more intense the faster your heartbeat got.


it didnt happen though

I thought that got cancelled after battleborn flopped. Like they knew they couldn't compete with OW

imagine having to model this.

Released in 2011 the 5th model for the PSP, it lacked wifi and only had mono sound, it was released on muslim countries for whatever reason

>lets dew it
every time


This looks like the most obnoxious place to be.

>DLC to literally become Anthony Burch
No wonder this series died

Multiplayer was actually pretty cool until hackers started to spam remote mines everywhere.

But it's a single-player game.

damn completely forgot this existed and it was just released


It was both a snore and a chore, so much that I didn't even bother with it after a week. It was like the ironic hipster spin on Saints Row IV.

That reminds me. I still like the form of this machine despite the Shadow the Hedgehog color scheme and it otherwise being the most worthless version of the Wii.

>undertaker's special attack where fucking ghosts came up from the ground
what a fun game

What does Yogscast do nowadays?

Wait, is that what that is? Please tell me that there isn't DLC to become Anthony fucking Burch of all people.



This was pretty damn good for a remaster/make. Split screen is still fun as hell.

Wasn't the wii mini impressively bad?
Not just a step back, but 'why would you ever' tier


I wouldn't call it an abject disaster but it was basically a budget Wii with every worthwhile function but the ability to play Wii discs gutted out of it.


The solid eye was an attachtment released for the PSP bundled with Metal Gear Ac!d 2, it allowed you to play the game in 3D and watch weird idol videos and cinematics from MGS3 and trailers for MGS4 in 3D as well

it's literally fucking call of duty with a goldeneye skin and wiimote controls

which desu makes it an ok run through for shits and giggles



>yogscast doing any sort of charity work
>they pocket more than 50% of their earnings for charity because they feel like they deserve a piece of it as well since they are "e-celebs"

Eh, I liked World at War on Wii. Besides, it had some of Goldeneye's stealth and mission structure.


all the CoD games on Wii and Wii U
and WaW on PS2

How could I ever forget that glorious year on Sup Forums

>on Wii and WiiU

You mean DS, right? Because CoD games were on DS.

Was tester 3 and king of the nerds in the same year?



Hot off the presses

Eh, the DS versions were deviated from the originals enough to be a fun novelty... whereas the Pii versions were just castrated ports


they looked like shit, and in black ops the all the cutscenes were low quality videos

>completely flat




Fuck off. That never happened.

MW3 had a ton of real life locations in its maps

The reason they did it is because they were already gutting regular wii casings and selling them for $99 alongside backwards compatible ones.

I'm sure it was to prevent a PR disaster by making a major distinction between GC enabled Wii's and the ones that weren't.

Isn't this where a kid gets blown up?


They actually welcome flat girls. Though they do have to appear sexy.


Fair enough. Speaking of castrated ports, or rather the lack thereof, pic fucking related happened. Still can't believe it pulled off early 360 visuals and 6v6 on a fucking Wii.

fucking Blops 1 looked like an N64 game

Pretty sure it was, those King of Zimbabwe vids took my sides into the stratosphere

>Capcom: Yep, that's what Peter Parker looks like when he's naked.

Strange, but I oddly want it.


It was good since it was made by Eurocom. Even if it was just a COD, they managed to remake the movie splendidly.

has any game ever gone so far as to look more like?

It triggers me whenever anybody calls this a remaster. Hell, you would have to have an IQ of 50 to think this game has anything to do with the original GE007 other than the name and story. It's fucking COD not GE007.

This was a translation if I recall right. It's supposed to be that he's good with the ladies, not a feminist.


Manuals happened. A long time ago

A single player hero shooter?


No they're NPCs that follow you around in the game. Why you would want Anthony Burch to follow you around though...

This game has ingrained itself in my group of friends as "shitty game." That's all we call it, just Shitty Game.

It's actually really fun to play together, it's just that turning is so fucking slow and there's no aim assist. And the story is like a fucking fanfic.

That whole week where we were playing "ace combat but underwater" was a good week

>had cod 4 and w@w on wii
>had fun dicking around and using the smg's sideways
the were pretty shit but I found my own fun with them
now Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 on wii, that was fucking rad.
>server browser on a wii game
that shit was dope. I remember joining servers with team kill on and only bazookas and just blowing everything up
the shotgun in that game was pretty satisfying too IIRC

Why were people mad at this other than yoda being op as fuck

That's better but still awful.

I will never not be mad they bungled it so hard and killed the franchise.

That game's singleplayer is beyond trash despite being entirely functional but I can imagine multiplayer being killer with friends.