Playing Fallout 3

>playing Fallout 3
>note how "rail-roaded" it feels; exiting vault, walking through Springville, following Megaton sign
>realize the faction youre supposed to side with in 4 is the "Railroad"

Was it intentional?

Other urls found in this thread:

>note how "rail-roaded" it feels
No rational person uses this as an adjective

no you retard it was a reference to the underground railroad. synths are niggers in this case.

How old is you nigga

Holy shit are you a real person
How can you be this retarded

I swear to God you're so oblivious to subtext you should browse /r/rickandmorty

She just want your dick

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Man, Fallout 4 was pretty shit but god damn is my peepee hard as fuck right now

Fallout 4 sucked but I liked how there wasn't really one "true" ending. The Railroad were pantywaist assholes, the Brotherhood invade and take technology for themselves, the Institute is only interested in themselves and the Minutemen seemed like a disorganized neighborhood watch

>siding with degenerates

Well, time to bring out Ol' Painful, my trusty M1 Garand.

So THIS is what Fallout 4 looks like?
brb preordering 50 switch copies as soon as they inevitably will be available

Mummy give milkies

>download Fallout 4 DLCs
>get really excited to play game again
>finish all DLCs
>Automaton isn't worth mentioning
>Far Harbor was ok if only because of the new setting
>Nuka World is unplayable if you're late game/not evil aligned
>desire to play totally evaporates after finishing Nuka World
Gosh, Fallout 4 had every opportunity to be good, but they squandered so much just for the sake of having a badly voiced protag.

straight fags are the worst

All the factions were such an disappointment in 4

>surely releasing immortal machines who believe themselves to be human in the wasteland will not backfire in any way a few years from now on

>If I wanted to watch another episode of "Lets bitch about the evils of technology" I would replay new vegas or any of the old fallout games

>we waste time replacing starving farmers with synths and doing retarded experiments like researching the wonders of gorilla semen because we are afraid of the surface folk, we could just kill them all and live in the surface again, but we actually cant take over the commonwealth because we dont have the necessary number of synths, but we can still afford to lose 9,999 brand new synths to the railroad every week

>Yes man 2.0

Yeah I didn't like any of the factions. They all sucked. I wish the game gave you some renegade option to just kill them all without the minutemen.

>the Institute is only interested in themselves

Frankly I'm not sure those assholes are interested in anything at all.
They've got no goals or plans of any sort whatsoever.

Railroad by far feels like the worst faction to me.
>let's save these synths by giving them memory wipes and new lives, effectively killing the personalities that are asking for our help.

At least the Institute treats independent Synth behavior as a software failure that is to be found and corrected, no different than any other piece of machinery malfunctioning and in need of repairs. That seems far more reasonable to me.

>of having a badly voiced protag.
Hey now, I hate the idea of a voiced protagonist as much as anyone else but you can tell that the male voice actor at least is clearly trying his damned best to do a good job despite the position of "voice actor the the main character in a fallout game" being basically a no-win scenario. His delivery, especially of sarcastic of humorous comments, is amazing in places.
The greatest quest in the game and the only one in the game which I feel stands up to the normal standards of the franchise.

I never liked the Railroad.

Mostly because their base sucks.

Honestly I believe both voice actors, for nora and nate, did a really good job.

Bethesda should have voiced only the main quests, and left all the small stuff unvoiced, maybe some people would get upset by this, but going this route would allow bethesda to focus on more quests with different endings, instead of just doing every quest with only two variations: Nice guy and sarcastic nice guy.

>[10mm pistol]
>[pipe pistol]

all the weapons are really ugly too

>>Nuka World is unplayable if you're late game/not evil aligned
Could you elaborate on that please? I was thinking on doing Nuka-World after I was done with both Automatron and Far Harbor. I never actually actually played it nor Far Harbor so I have no idea what to expect from either. I know Nuka-World is mostly centered around raiding what a goddamn stupid idea, but what is this about late game?

>playing Fallout 3
>just do whatever the hell I want
>play for like 50 hours before I realize I've been doing side missions for the last 40
>story is practically under 10 hours long
I wonder how different my experience would have been had I not done Moira's sidequest and gotten roped into attacking a town full of giant fire ants within the first 5 hours.

Wasteland survival guide is the real main quest as far as I'm concerned.

That bullshit with the water purifier is a mess.

I found the railroad boring since they felt like a generic underground resistance to "the man."

Between Nora and Nate, I feel that Nate was better voiced, Nora sounds like shes just reading off a script, Nate emotes his lines better.

I think the Minutemen are the best faction, they just have to figure out that whole power struggle/corruption that led to their downfall last time.

>Not choosing best faction

>siding with the Cuckroad

Not on your life, m8.

>I think the Minutemen are the best faction


>laser musket
>it's actually a really cool concept, a chargeable laser weapon that can deal incredible amounts of damage if you feed more and more power into the charged shot
>half the gun is a literal plank of wood, and you can't give it a nice, smooth metal casing

>Gauss Rifle
>It's a goddamn Gauss Rifle
>It looks like it was made out of scrap metal by someone in a hurry

>Gamma Gun
>it looks like it was made out of actual garbage by someone with no other tool than a tub of glue

>combat shotguns and .45 rifles share the same model
>Institute Rifle first person models are the size of a house, and god help you if you put a scope on them
>Flamers have a garish coloration
>the whole Pipe family of weapons

I miss my Ballistic Fist, Gauss Rifle and Recharger Pistol. At least the Laser and Plasma rifles are still there.

the Minutemen way to name em Todd are doomed to fail; they basically give total control of their party to a total stranger and all the power is in the hands of a single person. it's a fucking stupid faction with a shittier name and has like all of four named characters to boot

You can become a raider in nuka world, and if you part of the minuteman that is going to cause issues, preston will get angry every time you raid and conquer a settlement for the raiders, eventually he will get hostile and kick you out of the minuteman.

The best course of action is to ignore concord at the beginning of the game, and do nuka world first, the quests can reward you with a x-01 power armor, new weapons and unique perks, later if you get tired of raiders, just get the quest "open season" from preston, kill all the raiders and finish the minuteman questline.

It would be cool if the raiders could take over the institute or conquer castle/the pyreden, but they dont really do anything special.

at least this time Bethesda understood that not everything had to be pre war but on the east cost if you are smart you have to be crazy.

>preston will get angry every time you raid and conquer a settlement for the raiders, eventually he will get hostile and kick you out of the minuteman.
Interesting, is this irreversible? Because that really messes up with the Minutemen's status as default victory condition for the game in case you lock yourself out of every other faction

You clearly don't visit /tg/.

that's just you being boring. if you have rpg experience you should know not to go straight to the towns before finding anything worth selling, and to avoid any major quest triggers so you can poke around a bit first.

I know, I know, should have put an inb4. Call me weird but the shit with settlements was alright.

Also, its not like the wasteland is better with any other faction. Bethesda didn't really plan on the long-term outcome of any faction if you think about it.

>siding with anything other than the BoS
Ishygddt degenerate scum

>laser musket
it's a neat idea but i don't see how a hand crank could ever provide the power for a military laser. not to mention the clipping animations
>pipe weapons
more clipping animations, look too shitty to use, are too shitty to use except for the first three levels
>combat rifle/shotgun
I will never understand why Bethesda doesn't just model and rig a simple robust pump-action shotgun, and I'm fucking clueless as to why the combat rifle is chambered in 45 ACP, which isn't even used by modern militaries to boot
I thought it looked good.
>plasma weapons
too bulky looking for my taste, especially the horrendous plasma pistol

The Shroud is legit good. But his voices could have been done as part of a special perk ala Wild Wasteland.

>they basically give total control of their party to a total stranger and all the power is in the hands of a single person

They did not give the control to anyone, because truth be told, there was no one left aside preston, every other minuteman either fled the commonwealth, or was raped to death by raiders/deathclaws.

Since you are the one who built the minuteman again from the ground up, what's wrong with having power to decide things?

And the power being in the hands of a single person is better than the lack of leadership that caused the minuteman to crash and burn before, the problem is that you dont have anything else to do but accept quests from preston, there is no way to organize the minuteman in ranks, set trade routs between settlements or get better military equipment and set up training regiments, all you can do is rescue the same settlers with a kidnapping fetish over and over.

The name is pregnant with historicity and is very fitting for a jolly militia roaming the countryside protecting settlements

In and of itself it's far from shitty, what's shitty is Bethesda trying to shoehorn 100% unironic American Revolution reinactors into a weird future setting while also being unwilling to perform any actual effort making it work.

You're supposed to side with the Institute, the player has no attachment to anything other than Shaun and siding with another faction because you think he's being a bad boy is just as retarded as whoever wrote this game

This faction was fucking retarded.

>Would you give your life to save a synth?
>Well that depends on the situation and what it did.
>That is not how it works.

What the actual fuck.

the samefag is real

What the fuck kind of retard has attachment to this lifeless placeholder?

I dunno. I'd imagine that if she asked if you would risk your life for another person you'd probably just say yes. All exceptions are kinda obvious.

The protagonist you are supposed to be roleplaying as in this supposed roleplaying videogame

What's that, you wrote a computer program, made a little website, you uploaded some videos to Youtube? Well, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you, the monkey learned a trick. Look at you, uploading comments. You're already spewing your vile filth all over the computer, huh? Congratulations! You must have an IQ in the double digits!
Here's a little piece of advice. The next time you're gonna unload your jealousies and inadequacies online, here's a little piece of advice. Here's a little piece of advice, slick. Next time you're gonna go on the computer (mommy and daddy bought you a new computer!), you're going to unload your jealousy and inadequacies on somebody else, on a stranger? Just make sure you don't pick Sam Geno, the son of the Papa Geno Pizza empire. I've bought people like you. I've destroyed people like you. It's nothing for me to call up my father, and have every pizza jockey in the nation have a photo of you, right above their oven. Thinking about you, my personal army of pizza makers.
They'll put sauce on you. They'll lay you out. Swing you around in the air just like in the old movies.

Then they'll destroy you. Piece by piece. Piece by delicious piece. Cheesy piece by cheesy crusty piece. They'll destroy you.

That's option one. Option two is you can apologize to me. Just say you're sorry. Takes a big man to apologize, don't it? Humble yourself before a god, a pizza god?
Anyway. That's about it. Go fuck yourself.?

>tfw you rp hardcore BoS paladin toon and find of Brotherhood George Clooney is synth scum.
>BoS Clooney was super bro tier companion
>tfw when you have to stick to your virtues and end his degenerate diseased self

>a mode where Brian T. Delaney makes fun of literally everyone and everything he comes across in the game in a self-aware fashion
This will never exist and I am sad now.

>far harbor
>i hope you like eye straining minecraft mini games lololololol

Sadly no, until a certain point, you can still get the quest open season from preston and go back to the minuteman, but if you go full raider and conquer settlements for raiders Preston will become permanently hostile, its possible that after doing open season the minuteman soldiers will turn back into normal allies, but preson and most minuteman quests are lost forever in that save file.

Its always best to do nuka world earlier as possible while avoiding concord until all nuka world quests are done.


Why would you like that? Why is "everything is shit" good to you? What's so bad about a faction with no downsides? NV had two of them.

>no dialogue options for every conversation where you're just a fucking asshole regardless of the context
if only

>ex-lawyer housewife somehow has a lifetime of rigorous power-armor training and is able to immediately jump into a suit and punch a Deathclaw to death unphased

What the fuck role am I supposed to be playing, exactly?

>Since you are the one who built the minuteman again from the ground up, what's wrong with having power to decide things?

that's exactly the problem. the player character is the only person with any agency whatsoever- no one else in the MM is capable of even defending themselves.

the concept of a down-on-their luck faction that needs help isn't a bad one. what's bad is that the MM are represented by a single person. there is no council of minutemen, no named characters aside from Preston Garvey and a handful of others (who only appear when the Fort is restored, and none of whom actually offer a quest, or even memorable dialogue). There are no younger, enthusiastic members who might benefit from guidance, or older members who have fallen into cynicism and need reassurance. There's no doctors, no drill instructors, no captains, no scouts, no weaponsmiths, supply train people or veterans amongst them- all the things a citizen militia would need to sustain itself for a day. There's only the eternally optimistic Preston, who gives you the group's highest rank within an hour of meeting you. everyone else is a hat

I'm not even bothered by it because it's what i expect of bethesda. they consistently under-deliver

the thing is when I think of "minuteman" i think of sexual innuendo for underperformance first and ancient colonial resistors second.
maybe that's just me, but for a faction I have trouble taking seriously, the name seriously doesn't help.

the only thing i liked about the MM was the artillery. that was a fun idea and well-done

I wouldn't know

to be fair power armor training wasn't a thing in fo1 and fo2
it is still strange that nora knows how to build shit and shoot assholes

>implying that's in any way out of the ordinary
Law is a very cutthroat field, user

>makes mom and dad white
>baby can't be black

>dedicated to the preservation of technology
>ending is to destroy the entire Institute, not just destroying the synths and keeping everything else

So if you are late game nuka world you either become enemies with the minutemen or just kill all the raiders in nuka world?

>maybe that's just me

That is absolutely just you.

You know that power armor training is just a way to stop players from grabbing a power armor set at lv1 right? You dont actually need to study ten years of theory and then practice power armor field training for another ten years just to do something even drug crazed raiders can learn in one day.

alright, maybe you're right. what i was trying to say is that the game's weakest faction being called the minutemen is basically setting everyone up for dissapointment

You have no idea what the brotherhood's actual goal is.

What is it then?

are you joshing me, dude? the elders at Lost Hills would go apeshit for the tech the Institute has.

>even drug crazed raiders can learn in one day.

Yet one more incongruous fuckup.

It's kinda differnt from game to game
The fallout 4 BOS was the worst of them all

>In and of itself it's far from shitty, what's shitty is Bethesda trying to shoehorn 100% unironic American Revolution reinactors into a weird future setting

As someone who is as big a history nerd as your mom is a faggot, I can't get enough historical parallels in Fallout games.

What annoys me is that everyone in the Commonwealth is wearing 200 year old clothes that would have disintegrated from wear already. They should be wearing clothes similar to buckskin style outfits from the colonial period, with minor punk/Mad Max elements integrated into the style.


That depends if you doing the minuteman ending, if you already are finishing any other faction quests, is better to become a raider and get the unique perks.

If you still want the minuteman as your fallback option, its better to kill all the raiders, the perks are nice, but if you are already at the late game, they wont be that impressive anyway, nukaworld is only worth doing for the perks if you do it between lv 10 or 20.

Doesn't matter. The concept of needing training to operate power armor is solid. Disregarding it and letting every raider use it is a step back to the times when bandits wore dadric armor in Oblivion.

>willfully ignoring the full sentence to intentionally get angry at a slight that literally does not exist

Nah fuck you.

it sucks that the premier post-apocalyptic vidya game series has been taken by a company who doesn't know what the hell they're doing with it
>far harbor's level action rifle still has a bugged reload, more than a year after the DLC launched

They literally murder human children without remorse to save robots.

I don't understand why they didn't swap the careers based on whether you choose the husband or wife as the protagonist

Not. it's not that. It's this simple. Listen well. Their goal is:

>Prevent dangerous technology from harming humanity.

Okay? You got that? That's it. Thanks.

That wasn't their goal in fallout 2(not that we see much of them there) or 3

Why was their no independent ending in 4?

>tfw everyone in this thread is properly cynical and dismissive of what is consistently a terrible developer
feels good man
>The original mission of the Brotherhood was the preservation of technology and knowledge for future generations, by recovering, restoring, and recording knowledge and its practical applications. Beyond recovering technology and knowledge, the Brotherhood continued to research theoretical and practical aspects of science, including biology, physics, and chemistry. Practical applications were particularly emphasized, as weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, and so on were exported in exchange for food, water, and other necessities. Exports were limited to conventional technologies, with restricted, advanced items strictly controlled and only provided to those deemed responsible enough to use it. Their power armor was intended to be a symbol of hope, the harbinger of restoration as the Brotherhood waited for the right moment to restore the battered Earth to humanity.[86] Until then, it would preserve knowledge and control it, so that it could not destroy humanity again.

They made their own technology in fallout 1

It was. They collect dangerous technology protect humanity from it.

that's the Minutemen, down to brass tacks that Preston Garvey is the exact equivalent to Yes Man

What? You are not doing brain surgery, you are just piloting a suit of armor, anyone who is not brain dead could learn to pilot those things in one week.

Its just a suit of armor, made to be mass produced and used as soon as possible, the fact that Nora can repair and restore the delicate servo motors of a power armor is much more harder to understand than some mystical power armor training.

Making Nora a power armor mechanic instead of a lawyer would have made the game plot more easy to stomach.

Right. COLLECT, not destroy.

Did Bethesda already fix the flamer VATS bug that only causes it to deal the first tic of damage and then the enemy becomes immune to further damage in VATS, making the flamer unusable in VATS?

>Doesn't matter. The concept of needing training to operate power armor is solid

Solid enough to be used as a anti-level 1 power measure in Fallout3/new vegas, and then dropped forever.

t. only played 3 and 4.

>supposed to side with railroad
>siding with the only faction dumber than the institute

I mean pure independent

As in, Capture minutemen settlements to make them your own and use railroad technology to make the captured synths fight for you alone

The only reason why I even considered joining the Railroad was because Desdemona looking eerily like my dead wife, almost uncanny and coincidental, that I decided to roleplay as my character being a massive cuck and did everything she asked since she reminded him of his late wife.

>What is it then?

First of all, there are multiple BoS chapters and they have different values.

The West Coast BoS is way more reclusive, is more into confiscating weapons technology and is the original group. Their main concern was collecting dangerous technology so that random people can't use it to recreate the destruction of the great nuclear war. They think that other people can't be trusted with such weapons, so the BoS has a duty to keep such technology out of human hands. They don't care about mundane or helpful tech.

The East Coast BoS from Fallout 3 era splintered off ideologically under Elder Lyons. Their major goal was protecting the people of the Capitol Wasteland, destroying the mutants and directly improving the lives of the common people.

In Fallout 4 the East Coast BoS under Maxon went back to their roots, but the Lyons ideological bent isn't completely gone. Their most urgent mission is opposing weapons of mass destruction or existential threats to humanity. Maxon cares about the common people like Lyons did, but believes the original BoS mission is the best way to help them.

Destroying dangerous tech serves their mission just as well as confiscating it.

The factions in FO4 were shit, but the attempt to make them all imperfect was appreciated, they all have glaring flaws upon closer inspection though not related to being organizations run by imperfect people, but by a lack of consistency about how well they follow their own doctrine, for example with the exception of the Minute Men who is just bland personified upon closer inspection.

It still has this shit?!

>>willfully ignoring the full sentence to intentionally get angry at a slight that literally does not exist

I'm not angry or slighted.