Guess its mr BEAN now haha

guess its mr BEAN now haha

it wasn't even funny the 1rd time

Lighting doesn't strike the same place twice

Just watch as this thread gets more replies with every repost

i want to FUCK that mouth ass pussy

who was the baby?


This was a really cool part of the story though, Breen regrets his decision to be the puppet for the combine and pays for it in his slug form.
Could this be the secret to immortality the Combine was talking about? Being reborn into a clone slug?

I've been feeling pretty depressed lately and I've even been having suicidal thoughts. I'm a NEET and can't afford therapy or meds but don't really want to die. Everything feels empty now. What should I do Sup Forums?

bean... lay off the meme


Marc Laidlaw


Have you tried weightlifting? Not like being a /fit/ faggot about it, just slowly doing them and noticing tiny gains. It like, reassures you good things can happen over time, and imparts you with more confidence. Just find like, a cool video game character and try to be the embodiment of him as gay as that seems. I just started talking to this girl who was generally a harlot and I'm such a virgin that I've never even been in a relationship. I am going to stroke my confidence upon this girl, and once it comes down to sexual relations, I will deny her of it, and stay a virgin moving onto the next one. I think this is the journey to finding myself.

I can't afford weights or even a gym membership. I'm a crippled virgin NEET with a bum leg after a traffic accident which is why I don't have a job anymore and can't really stand up to do much exercise. I'm not fat since I can't afford much food to begin with. I wish I could lift, it's at least something to kill time and I'll look better, though I'd probably wind up with chicken legs due to the injury.

not him, but try isometrics
here are some examples


Neat, thanks user I'll give that a try.


Played through Episode 1 earlier today, and now I'm just bummed Episode 3 will basically never happen.



How to become a buff serial killer: the post: the fag


I'm BREEN BEAN, Gordon!

mmm that cloaca mmm

The combine turned me into a bean, Gordon! I'm bean breen!