Forced vidya memes

If it was forced I'd know what this is
What is this

I would make a post but then I took an arrow to the knee
Man... Remember that shit?

Yep, that Mii sure is a forced meme.

I doubt any of you remember this, but at one point vinesauce went on a huge rant about how much he hates long island and called them a "bunch of nigger lickin fags"

he also once told a story really early on in streaming how his friend dared him to grope ass in a club. He got his shit slapped and thrown out

I can believe that. Vinny was pretty Sup Forums back in the early days. It's a shame he's so watered down now.

Tomodachi Life was around the time I stopped watching because it got too memey for me.

why not just complain how forced it is in a vinesauce thread rather than making a thread about it? pretty autistic to me.

he also one april 20th had a hitler tribute stream where he seig heiled a framed hitler portrait and cried into his bandana

I still miss them

what the fuck

What the fuck happened to that guy's asshole?

You tiny, tiny man


must be the work of that ROTTEN RANDY

Looks like a case of BAD ASS to me

How nostalgic

>mfw opening up the channel to see those three episodes of that game released a year ago

Just when I thought they were finally back

it's only been a year and a month since their last video.....but yea their Cry of fear videos are one of the best lets play's i've ever enjoyed.

IDK maybe they'll do something.

Just how Sup Forums was he exactly? I didn't start watching until he began streaming full time.

whoops AOM sry AOM is the best

you got me

Well Vinny started by advertising his streams on Sup Forums back when linking your stream to get people to watch it on Sup Forums was basically accepted.

I'm still curious though.

Carlos, you can get deported last.

that ROTTEN RANDY corrupts everything he touches you gotta watch out for him

Every joel memes.

Just tell me what really happened nigger

That grand dad/fleenstones shit wasn't forced by him at all. It was forced by the SilvaGunner audience.

i think rotten randy touched his butt hole if you catch my drift

This is very epic!!!

That meme could have died in peace if it wasn't for those faggots

Joel isn't a fan either.

rip Mr. Man

this isn't a joking manner ROTTEN RANDY will come to GET YOU

I think it's the same guy from that pic that has a wood log shoved up his ass, possibly a homosexul deviant.

I know he hates it too

Speaking of memes that were never funny, how did DO A BARREL ROLL become a huge thing back then?

Does a video of that exist

>Wood log shoved up his ass
Why the fuck would someone shove a wood log up their ass?


[citation needed]



>Forced meme

>Glue man
Nah. Shitty "Jerma is short" jokes, le denz swordsman meme, and the rats are extremely forced.

is this the guy that beat Flamelurker FIRST TRY?

Was anyone in that one shot meme thread about mario jumping out the window? Shit was hilarious

No, just mario flushed down toilet

I inquire you guys to go to youtube, search "mario flushed down toilet, and in the search options set it from relevant to upload date. Have fun


I don't understand, is my filter stupid?

Jerma for vinesauce team when

HE THICC is way more forced then Sponge.

Do you really want Vinny's furfag mods and fanbase to take control of his channel?

memes in the past were applied to other images or situations, so there'd be content made for it that was funny at the time until the joke got old


Remember that time Vinny streamed a video of him and Mike driving downtown with Vinny hitting Vietnamese people with a plank from the window of the car?
Man, that was wild.


He was really depressed before 2014. It's also because Twitch is stingy on the rules when it comes to streaming.

that was before the plague hit

Found the pic, looks like an accident.

