Has video games ever actually benefited your life?

has video games ever actually benefited your life?

if yes, tell us how

Fuck no

I honestly believe GTA made me learn how to drive better.

Helped me make friends with losers I wish I hadn't.

Yeah, a bullet went through a wall and over my head while inserting a disc into my xbox

Im still applying Total War and Age of Empire knowledge 3 years into college

no, they fucking ruined my life
why else would I be here?

playing fighting games made me meet lots of new friends.

no, they arent black

Has eating junk food actually ever benefitted your life? If yes, tell us how.

Has jacking off ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how.

Has playing instruments ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how

Has watching movies ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how

Has learning history ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how

Has learning chess ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how

Has learning how to crawl like a dinosaur ever actually benefited you life? If yes, tell us how

Has using social media ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how

Has using 4can ever actually ever benefited your life? If yes, tell us how

I met bf while RPing on GTA V.

bf is way better at it though and bullies me while I play sometimes

ugggggggggh bf is dumb sometimes

Is this another thinly veiled insecurity thread? Why are you people so afraid of enjoying your hobby?

Strange way of saying opium

>heard that the yakuza series is bretty gud
>get all the games and played them by releasae order
>love the games so much i bought kiryu's clothes from Y1-5, Y0 and Y6
>wear them whenever i go out
>feel literally more confidence and motivation to the point i started going to the gym
>blast Y6 music while training
>currently started saving money for a torso tattoo of either majima's, kiryu's or ryuji's
>mfw the yakuza games turned me from nerd to chad

i have thousands of dollars and still haven't made by decision on which tattoo should i get. the tattoo artist says he can do them easily but needs to start outlining so i gotta make a choice.

what should i choose?

Learning english, obviously

Every game improves your life in some way, even VN's. Reflexes, Decision making, Timing and Spacial awareness, vidya improves all of these.

Further more, a lot of video games have a theme, be it story wise or gameplay wise. For example, Dark souls teaches strategic thinking, and "never give up, nothing is impossible"

I'm not sure what you're implying, user. Half of those things are beneficial and half of them are not.

>living in korea
>metal gear 2 just released
>find a calorie mate
>description made it sound half decent
>found some for sale at a 7/11 near an internet cafe I frequented
>turned out to taste better than I expected and was filling too
>lost some weight eating them instead of cup ramen, jjajangmyun, or tangsooyook when I would binge ragnarok online for days at a time

I've never had any std nor aids so there is that

I used Kiryu as a masculine role model now:

>Dress like Kiryu in public
>Drink straight alcohol, no cocktails
>Walk with a strut and a straight posture
>Lower the depth of my voice
>Work out and learning how to fight
>Talk to girls whenever I go out

I'm going to Japan next week and plan on finding a girl there using the lessons Yakuza taught me to be a man.

>Has eating junk food actually ever benefitted your life? If yes, tell us how.
Funnily enough, eating fast food has somehow made me regular. I guess I have a weird digestive track.
>Has jacking off ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how.
Sure fuck roasties. Edge if you need manpower to get through the work week.
>Has playing instruments ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how
A lot of successful people play music in their spare time.
>Has watching movies ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how
Sure, if you're not good at talking about anything else, talk about movies.
>Has learning history ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how
History is very important. It's one of the few respected Humanities majors.
>Has learning chess ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how
Once you become a finely attuned strategist, the world is literally yours for the taking.
>Has learning how to crawl like a dinosaur ever actually benefited you life? If yes, tell us how
Get on the floor?
>Has using social media ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how
No, this one was a mistake.
>Has using 4can ever actually ever benefited your life? If yes, tell us how
Sup Forums woke me up to the truth of people. You're all so fickle and callous, and yet so fragile. It's truly amazing and sickening at the same time.

Get the chun on your head.

Are you a girl (male)?

Because some of us took it too far and ruined our lives.

No, I'm a boy (male).

Yes, I've had fun.

I was always doomed to a life of isolation and failure. If I was a sheep herder in the middle ages I would be friendless loser, if I was a cyborg scholar in the 24th century I would be a friendless loser, if I was a filthy rich oil sheik today I would still be a friendless loser.

Video games make things bearable most of the time.


I once met a girl thanks to Pokemon Go and went on several dates with her - I was able to grab her ass and make out with her. Then she moved.

I used to have a World of Warcraft oriented YouTube with 2,500 in its prime - this enabled me to make many great, close friends that have been such for almost a decade now. I also was greatly familiarized with the online entertainment and marketing industries. I learned how to use various Adobe products as a result of creating content.

Halo: CE motivated me to learn how to make maps, which in turn enabled and motivated me to learn proper model editing.

Hatsune Miku rhythm games have both honed my musical senses and my reflexes, sharpening my thinking processes to such a point where I can certainly say its improved my reaction time.

Typing of the Dead, in specific, has helped me accomplish an average of 115 WPM.

ArcheAge taught me important factors in regards to macro and micro economics, which have played into the use of stock exchanges.

Playing what fittan' gaems I have motivated me to build a MAME arcade cabinet with my dad.

Halo's Cortana (among other various games and television series) inspired me to work on my own digital waifu AI personality. I've only just recently realized I could port her over to my phone (as simple as it was).

I could go on and on and on in regards to how video games have improved my life, but I can say beyond any shadow of a doubt that they have, in fact, improved my life. I'm still as healthy an individual as I would be otherwise, I'm fairly sure, and am only all the better a real human bean because of them. Thanks for asking about me and reading my blog, Senpai.

Oh cool.
I wish I could find a cute femmy twink to fuck and play vidya with. Women don't enjoy vidya, they just pretend to because they want your cock/bank account.

Based. Power to you, user.

They taught me that people are stupid and isolation is the best way to live.

They gave me friends that supported me when I was kicked out by family at 18 and they continue to give me something to focus on whenever I start to get really depressed

so yeah they're pretty okay

Runescape taught be about macho economics and stock market crashes but most MMOs do that now

i got a DWI and spent my 2 years of probation immersed in fallout3. probably would have killed myself had i not had such an immersive game to play

The distraction and escapism it gave me kept me distracted from my parents constant fighting and kept me distracted long enough to prevent me killing myself after my mom died

SS13 taught me to type fast.

I used video games as the basis of my 8th grade science fair project and I got a good grade on it.

But I was also a loser for the rest of the year.

They teached me english (first Resident Evil and then Shenmue, both were the best english teachers i could've asked for) and entertained me in my lonely life.

I made a group of friends who were all into the same weeb game, they became a 2nd family to me.
One of them got hired at a certain company and recently offered me a job in the game industry. Now I'm pursuing my dream and my best friend is my boss.
Thank you Disgaea.

Persona 5 reignited my fire for life when I finished it. Ever since I finished it way back in June I've just felt as if the message of that game reinvigorated my spirit. It sounds incredibly faggy when I put it that way but I've been running everyday, I'm a better student at uni, and I've taken the time to care about the people around me. I genuinely feel that game changed me for the better.

You think a hobby can never be harmful?

I learned to read by playing gauntlet with my dad.

Morrowind helped me get rid of my brain fog.

History major?

>They teached me english

Apparently not

Of my trash English knowledge around 95% what I learnt from gaymes.

They are the only reason I havent blown my brains out.

You're too good for this board, user.

Christ, I thought this post was undulating, but it was just the cancer waves radiating from it.

How many languages do you speak, then?

Yes. I work with in vitro fertilization and the analog controls really helped with the sensitivity of my fingers when controlling the needles on the microscope. My teacher at college kept saying that people who play videogames tend to have less difficulty with ICSI due to our refined finger movement skills.

Video games has never benefited me, they're just fun to play.

So in summary:
>video games have made me better at video games or things related to video games

Videogames and anime inspired me to major in Multimedia and Communications. Now I have an office job and get paid $13.00 an hour :)

>Has playing instruments ever actually benefited your life? If yes, tell us how
Did you just seriously ask that question? Have you been living under a rock inside a black hole?
>rest of the examples
yeah, yeah you did you spaghettified ass

Video games are the only reason I haven't killed myself yet

Met my wife in study hall because I brought a shitty laptop that could barely play Oblivion.

She was a furry and I modded an imperial with static cat ears and tail.

Been together over 9 years because of it. I owe everything to my video game addiction

Yeah, basically.

I know people I can talk to halfway around the world from Bulgaria to Austrailia for playing some shitty MMO. I also learned how to use excel to do some math for me, apparently that is some kind of skill.