I'm gonna have a black cat companion and dress him all cool like

i'm gonna have a black cat companion and dress him all cool like

>have adorable animal companions
>if you say you like that you get called a furfag

Jesus, I hate furfags so much. They just ruin everything by proxy. The only fetish I WILL judge a person for having.


That never ever happened in monster hunter and even with switching to prowler in X/XX still never happened

I'm sad I wont be able to build up a bunch of different sets of cats with complimenting skills.

But those are cute as hell.

I hope you can change the hue in every cat

>Wanting a cat
>Not making a dog

that's still a cat

>to this day there are still no ghost trick related palico armors or weapons
>dead rising 4, the worst one, immediately gets Sissel's clothes
For fuck's sake capcom just let me hunt monsters with this banana hair looking motherfucker as a mini companion

So can you play as the felynes?

I like #7.

dude bottom middle of the OP

No, only in Generations/XX

reading comprehension user, I want a silly red jacket / tuxedo for my palicos or a nifty red scarf, not just fur colors. Besides, that's not even the right color, it's sort of purple-ish. a stop sign weapon with a floating ghost orb at the tip would be pretty neat as well for the whole "poltergeist" theme, but that's probably a bit of a stretch


There's my main

Oh goddamn, wrong quote.

>6 years later someone made a new version of the best image on the internet
very nice

I just want them to be playable

Yeah whatever furfag.


>No Sphynx cat
It's shit

>Ditch using cats/companions in MH3U
>Realized how much I was using them as a crutch
>Git Gudder, feel better
They can't make me use them now.

Just wait for the DLC to start dropping.


Cute as fuck

While I think playable felynes would be neat I must admit I'd never touch them. I'd love to play alongside some felyne players though.

>animal character in video game
>i'm not a furfag, but...

I want to ____ a palico!

>game only has one giant map separating different biomes
>forest are to one swamp area to desert area


>>forest are to one swamp area to desert area

>>forest are to one swamp area to desert area

>being this retarded
It's all clumped together into one big mess of zones instead of multiple zones like the previous games did
The forest area transitions to the desert area instead of having one forest map and one desert map

what game

I'm pretty sure the different biomes are they're own seperate levels, unless news has come out just recently that I have missed.

hehe same

its the same person user, check the signature on the bottom right

There was a 40min video showing the new flagship monster
They fought a rathian in the same area where they fight Anjanath
Followed by some fighting Nergigante in a swamp marsh
In another video where some japs were fighting barroth in the desert and moved into the same marsh area where Nergigante was fought


Can't wait to buddy with my cat

some types of cats have bob tails too

They're all different maps you stupid nigger they're just "connected" by areas where the two environments meet, like how biomes work in real fucking life. Jesus Christ leave it to Sup Forums to find a way to complain about the stupidest shit


Gimme dat beckoning cat. Bring good luck and prosperous hunts.

Is this monster hunter? If I can have a cute kitten with me I'll play it

pupper cat

Yeah you could have a cat following you into combat since gen 2. Recently they added two(!) cats to hunt with but now its back down to one, but that one cat looks like its going to be a lot more useful than cats have been in the past.

Please stop reminding me. I named my MH4 palico that I never used sissel just because of the red scarf
