Short games you've beaten dozens of times

Short games you've beaten dozens of times.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cave Story

Mirror's Edge
Starfox 64
Super Metroid
Ridge Racer Type 4


Dead Rising

Ghouls'n Ghosts

I'm not a speedrunner, but I managed to beat Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Metroid Zero Mission each in 3 hours.

I love short but sweet games. I don't know why modern devs are so scared of making them. They always bloat their modern games with meaningless filler.

i guess this is one of those times where in my head im like "oh ive beaten loads of short games multiple times" but I cant think of a single one
kill me
do rouge-lites count?

Mass Effect 2
Both Bioshocks
Various Pokémon games

Dozens of times? Probably just Mario Cart: Double Dash.

Starfox 64

Mass Effect 2
maybe [Prototype]
RAGE, I think

The first four Metal Slug games

MGS1 and 2 (skipping cutscenes)
All Genesis Sonic games

Sonic 1+3&K
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror
Donkey Kong Country

Why the fuck would you play any of those more than once, let alone dozens of times?

I was young and didnt have many games
I really liked ME2 though


Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3
I beat that one dozens of times on a single day

Same here, I think I managed to die less that 50 times once.
Love the game. Terrific level design.

I remember in 6th grade I wrote an "essay" about mario kart Wii after a class where we all learned about the ancient Greek consuls. The bitch that peer-edited my paper changed all karts to cart and all consoles to consul because she was a queer


Symphony of the Night


Potatoman Seeks Da Troof

>New Super Mario Bros Wii can be beaten in like 8 or 9 levels
yup, done it in one sitting

The music was incredible

serious sam games in general i just love em

>short games

now i dont know how it is with you speedrunners out there but my last playtrough was above 18 hours

I usually play through this at least once every autumn or winter.

I agree it's really a short game, but I can beat it in like 5 hours.





My nigger.