Paths your block


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>blocks your bad videogames

Fight me faggot!

Is that Gamedude?

Can I watch campy horror movies with you guys?

>Sup Forums so astonished that a human being ages that they make a collage out of it

we haven't seen an old person besides our parents in years, maybe a decade, more?

We find amusement in a guy getting bald patches before he's 45

That's most men.

What ever happened to him? Is he still chopping up and reposting his videos in a vain attempt at making them better?

He was on the run after receiving a restraining order from his ex and made all these videos obsessing over her

Because baldness just happens overnight, as we all know.

why would james upload a video of that guy making fun of him losing his hair?

I hope he's doing alright...

I have bald patches and I'm 19, and I starting getting them when I was 14.

Both Metokur and Larry are doing videos on the guy based on footage BFK archived and recorded so we'll know soon enough

Will he ever return?

no, but he will start his own channel

fellow young as fuck balding bro here, sucks user I know, 22 now, it's gone.

started when I was 16, basically had this by the age of 18 but worse

He thought it was funny rewatched the video he was close to laughing

Most men start going bald between the ages of 16 and 30. I believe it's something like 70% of men and 40% of women, but I don't really remember the numbers.

I guess I'm a bit more lucky. I'm 25 and it's going in the front.

I miss Bootsy.

>friendship ended with Bootsy, now Ryan is my best friend

Because there are people who can laugh about themself.

Ryan needs to have a heart attack and orphan his daughter already. Fat fuck makes me feel physically ill just looking at his greasy blubberous hide