Daily reminder that PUBG will get the GOTY award and there is nothing you can do about it

Daily reminder that PUBG will get the GOTY award and there is nothing you can do about it.

your dad won Gay Of The Year too but you're not talking about that

first post was a fail. i feel bad for your dad



>e-celeb shit

opinion discarded, thread abandoned. don't bother replying

>don't bother replying

what did he mean by this?

Fortnite is better and more polished and cheaper.

I'd say Zelda would probably get it but ok

it's still not called PUBG, so it's kinda irrelevant

imagine being such a pathetic sack of shit that video game streamers are within the realm of fame

>Fortnite is better and more polished
um.... no?

>he says posting on a Taiwanese ladyboy lithograph consortium

>this somehow makes it less pathetic

>fortnite drops in a week
>pubg dev just gave them TONS of free coverage

I dunno m8, I think they just shot themselves in the foot.

But for real, Marios gonna take GotY this year.

>going out in public and sharing your interests with others
Yes it is much less pathetic.

>That time he defended PewDiePie for saying nigger

The doctor seems like a cool guy

You're right, but this is a bad thing

Not him but it's literally all of those things and it's not even a good game. Back to Twitch pubgcuckold

can you have fun in pubg without friends

Holy shit, doc is a DILF

>watching streamcucks
>being a streamcuck
>going out in public
Hahahahahahahahahaha holy fucking shit how pathetic can you get hahahahahahahaha

That you cap?


nice thread op

Daily reminder I give no fucks about your shitty arma mod.

lolololol, you so funny.
