In your eyes, when did Pokemon outright jump the shark?

In your eyes, when did Pokemon outright jump the shark?

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When there started being so many I couldn't keep track anymore.

that last sentence is edited right

Arceus: All of it.


That took a hard left turn man

No one talks like this

This is either fake or it's some furry forum

Imagine having to look after this dumbfuck and listen to hit go on about children's games all day

Gen 4, when they added a literal God Pokemon.

Gen 7 also jumped the shark with S/M's story, but it also had plenty of goofy shit to balance it out.

I can't I'm sorry

I made it to 25 seconds and I had to stop the video, I'm weak

Justin is all too real.

People like this shouldn't be on the internet.

>photoshopped himself into a picture where his own reflection is clearly visible

Ever since Pocket Monsters Green & Red on the Gameboy.
The series STARTED with shark jumping.

Its fucking J.T. homie hes like Chris Chan but the pokemon version.


An enemy stando

A Jojo reference.

I'd love to insert my penis into pokemon's tight feral vaginahole


Aahahaaa. Oh, I get it OP. It's just like the thread from yesterday where we marvel about how autistic this guy is for some Gen 4 or whatever legendary Pokemon. Haha, can't wait til someone posts the YOU HAVE TO EAT ALL THAT picture too and it gets 60+ (you)s. Gotta love repeating threads from yesterday because we're so devoid of unique daily discussion.

Mega Evolution; it didn't just kill Pokemon, it brutally murdered it and maimed it beyond recognition. Shoehorning it into the plot of RSE with ORAS was one of the most fucking insulting things I've ever experienced in a video game.

JustinRPG is Chris-Chan if Chris was a pokemaniac and instead of trying to get a girlfriend he photoshopped himself inside various pokemon's stomachs

Justin's bi as well, tho


Oh you

Is justin back? I thought he disappeared, never to be seen again.

When it first came out. I have not met a mentally stable person who enjoys pokemon so far in my life.

Invaders from another dimension, That you can coincidentally can enslave just like pokemon,

Humans in the Pokemon universe have diabolical and horrifying technology, Where even little children and capture and tame dimensional hopping eldritch abominations for fun,

Could you imagine what Humans would do in times of war?

Nah, he's still keepin' on keepin' on.

Jumped the shark at megas. Z moves kept the momentum going.

The image of Moltres taking a fat dump with its stretched asshole that's seared into my brain disagrees with you

>Justin is still alive
>As in not active, but actually living and breathing
Color me surprised.

gen 2 with useless baby pokemon

Around the time a autist fried used diapers in the microwave and wore them afterwards.

I will never ever understand vore. Stomachs are not empty, fleshy sacks like in cartoons. They are filled with enzymes that digest food. It would not be comfortable at all in a stomach.

It would be dark, cramped and spooky.

Gen 3, when they introduced sharpedo.

Alright Sup Forums for 1 week, whould you rather be anthony burch or JustinRPG's dad? And no suicide it's not an option and also if you choose to be Justin's dad you can't walk out on him

Gen 7, they added a bunch of gimmicks instead of building off of the solid but lacking base they had in gen 6.

Instead of fixing and building on megas, which was a neat, if imbalanced addition to the franchise, they dropped them but added not-megas with aolan forms, which was an inferior and dumber version of the same concept, same with Z moves. Plus, they just gave every pokemon signature moves and abilities out the ass

>wah how dare they make more

How stupid do you have to be

As ridiclious as a god pokemon is the lore being arceus and the creation trio is really well done.

this is what the internet was made for. Besides you wish you could be as happy as justinrpg

If anything, we need more people like this to document and observe.

>July 27, 2017
>He's still alive, the facebook posts about him getting into a scooter and accident and dying weren't true.

It was true, but it turned out to be another Justin Coolidge.

It's a Pokemon from an alternate universe. It's actually one of my favorites now

That's truly the saddest part in all of this. Someone's respectable son died so he may live.

can someone really be so tone-deaf and timing-deficient?

Just looking at that picture makes me sad.
Just look at his smile
A broken, incomplete smile
That one of someone that never had any real friends and has never been shown parental love
I feel bad for this guy

Gen 6 with Megas. They go against one of the most fundamental things i saw on pokemon.

This. Shitposting isn't even fun anymore. I can't even look at a good shit post thread without thinking "this is probably just a repost"

in a similar vein i always thought it was bullshit that digimon would devolve after their asspull plot-armor evolution. it ensured no progress was ever made but they could bullshit themselves out of any happening

ok gramps

Gen 5 is where it jumped the shark for good.

>Take all of the things that Gen 4 did right
>Do them wrong

where do you draw the line of "too many pokemon"? does any current gen game even contain half the pokemon in existence now?

I missed having autism general

Do Americans really keep posters of burgers?

>that last sentence


So is he dead

>they dropped them but added not-megas with aolan forms, which was an inferior and dumber version of the same concept, same with Z moves. Plus, they just gave every pokemon signature moves and abilities out the ass
What is this fucking retarded logic. Also
>how DARE they make mons more unique

Either gen 3 or 4. Probably 4, the ones with literal god Pokemon and a story that involves the fucking creation and destruction of a universe. Gen 4 was a fucking mistake, that entire generation should be deleted.

Mega evolution. I wouldn't be mad if it wasn't blattant fan service
>give two to Charizard
>give one to Lucario
>give half to gen 1
And gen 1 pandering to death.

Nah, it was another guy with the same name.

that thumbnail looks like it has a thicc ass and is slapping it.

>wooow, I can't keep up with all these new pokemooon im so confused!

how does it feel to have a toddler's brain who cant memorize shit for anything.

Your average modern Pokemon fan

>wasting time and brain capacity to memorize fucking pokemon

Gen 2 or 3

gen 6, then it was shit with ORAS and SM as well. Ohmori must be stopped

You don't, there's no upper limit.

explain how it's retarded.

Jump to 3D with a massive content loss compared to shit like Plat or BW2

White "people"

Same but, with unbirthing too.

Gen 4's extra pokemon. When they started making LOADS of extra legendaries for gen 4, that's what fucked pokemon. It's never recovered.

So this was just an elaborate way to say he swallows?


I wonder how he imagines Arceus' dick to look like?

I like to believe Justin was pic related

With the last gen, since they added this silly bondship dance and these weird ultra beasts or whatever they are called.

I enjoyed that you could see the actual pokemon while surfing etc.

Things they need to change to make pokemon great again:

- Bigger world (this recent semi-3d overlay is nice, but needs a lot more freedom and exploration. Think of turning a 2d map like Sapphire or Gold, into a full 3d one.

- Don't make it so childish.. (Statistics show that all the way till mid 30's, people still play Pokemon. The main audience, from 13 till 28.
An option to choose from "child" to "young adult" in the beginning, is long overdue, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Clothing etc was very nice, but took em enough.)

-Spice up the character design and especially Pkmn design (Okay some of the recent npc's look interesting, but the pokemon are absolutely atrocious. It's like one of those tumblr artist came up with designs. Just compare some from Gold and Sapphire as example.

-Keep the same formula that worked since forever, but spice it up with little things (Mega evolution was a nice little gimick, but this dance shit and ultra move or whatever... like wtf.. where is the "find flute to wake Snorlax" charm, and secrets like the Incognito ruins, or some creepy stuff.

Fk, this shit is getting reduced into a flashy mobile-level game, without any substance.

Don't want to shame people for liking Lucario, but maybe pic related should have been postgame.

What is it with autists revolting fetishes?

>People like this shouldn't be

don't feel bad about shaming people who like XY


because of literal autism. What else were you expecting. Theres something definitely wrong with this guy mentally

>have an inability to properly understand social interaction
>like something socially unacceptable

This is the only sighting of him in public as far as I'm aware.


>Mega evolutions could have been a great chance to give Pokémon who needed a stat buff a real chance in the meta
>instead fucks it up and gives them to Pokémon who don't need it
>gives the two overrated popular Pokémon 2 mega evolutions for fuck all reasons
>still pull this with z moves basically and Pokémon who have special ones

Jesus Christ

His life: It goes on and on and on and on, somehow.

when nintendo took over the card game from wizards and started releasing a new set every week

i still buy that shit tho

That's just extra sad because it means he has literally nobody to hold the camera and take a picture of him. Not his parents, not a friend, not even some kind of handler, it's depressing. Though that begs the question as to how he takes care of himself.

This is what anime does to your brain

i am gonna be honest this looks cool, but it doesn't look like pokemon

Is this high functioning Autism or brain damage?

Why hasn't he fucked any of the Gen VI/VII Pokemon?

>jojo made up posing before a fight

Fucking off yourself.

Considering the physical/special split was the only good thing to come out of IV and it's still in place today I'd wager to say you're wrong.

you must be retarded if you cant see it