Honestly Sup Forums, why don't you have a gf...

Honestly Sup Forums, why don't you have a gf? Are you just gonna play video games and talk with strangers on the internet your whole life?

My heart belongs to Fuuka

My GF is better than I am at Overwatch

I have a wife, play video games, and talk to strangers on the internet. I wouldn't mind holding this pattern til the light behind my eyes fades for the last time. Sure.

I can't even hold a conversation with my family, let alone a girl I like.

I'm about to get a gf but she's fucking crazy and clingy, i'm having second thoughts. You should be careful with what you wish because you might get it

fuuka a slut who makes her own vibrators

Because I don't deserve happiness, and any potential children don't deserve the health complications.

That's the plan.

Because I've had my heart shredded to pieces by women and almost got really fucked over by the last one. I'm pretty much done with women for now.


Luckily for me the last thread holding me to my family died recently, so no more awkward conversations!

Please refrain from spreading libel about angels such as Fuuka.
She's a beautiful and pure individual that deserves respect.

Why not? It's what I've been doing for the past decade anyway.

Because I value my freedom too much to include another person in my life.

When the only obligations you have are your own, life is simple and easy.

Because I don't engage in any activities in my community. The only girls I hang out with have boyfriends.
Also my first and only gf was literally too good, and now I can't find anybody who holds a candle to her. We've cut contact a while ago, so I don't know how she's going. Her tastes were exactly the same as mine, and she was beautiful. I miss her dearly.

>Are you just gonna play video games and talk with strangers on the internet your whole life?
Yep, that's the plan

i cant trust people so yea video games till im dead

because i'm not a dyke
le >implying
insert other obligatory response here

I don't want to give too much information because she just might be autistic enough to be a Sup Forumsirgin but long story short she's obsessed with anime and even has a waifu (yes waifu not husbando) who she fucking worships, she also has spent literal thousands of dollars on mobile games. She sends me complete text walls about every single thing that she does or feels and never ever asks about how i feel or what i'm doing
She's cute, nerdy and conservative but i think she's a literal autist

All the women in my life have been either frustrating or disappointing and I can't divide my time further for dating.

>tripping with your bento

I am ugly

dumb slutposter

I do have a gf, she lives in krygystan though

I can't make friends. It's too hard. So relationship would be impossible.

Just take care of her and get some puasy while doing it

I've had a GF for about two months as of today.
I still have no idea what I'm doing,
but it's pretty nice.

just 360 and walk away user, it's not too late. make sure you fuck at least one of her relatives/friends first.

I hope she cheats on you and you are heartbroken.

>not being a dyke

Fuck you too, man.
She's really cute and we watch anime together.

There's nobody I really like to the degree of wanting to date them, I have no money to treat them with so even if I had a gf, I'd be pretty crappy and finally I tend to do college and fill in the college gaps with work-study so I have very little time to spend with a theoretical significant other.

relationships are hard and stressful. i don't want to commit to someone forever. maybe i should get a friend first

I'm too fucked up emotionally right now to maintain any sort of healthy relationship. I have hope that I can make it happen in a couple years once I've gotten my shit together

>a girl that's into anime
Yeah, she's fucking nuts my man. Big red flag.
Does she have tattoos too? Unnatural hair color?

I'm balding

She dyed her hair black for a bit. No tattoos or anything.
She was the one who asked me out,

no such thing as healthy relationships. people just pretend things are fine.

>Don't have spare money
>Live with your parents
>Busy with university or a job
>Don't have a vehicle
>Have any form of anxiety or social-impairing mentality
>Suffer from any form of physical limitation (deaf, missing a limb, etc)
>Don't have the next five years of your life planned out and set in stone
>You ever are in a situation where you even think you like a girl more than she likes you

If literally ANY of the following above apply to you, most likely nine out of ten girls will not want to date you. Women are extremely superficial and always crave the absolute, very best they can ever gain (or be given). The only Anons that have girlfriends are from pure dumb luck and happenstance. I can guarantee none of y'all who do have girlfriends went, "I'm going to get myself a girlfriend" and got a girlfriend. Shit doesn't work like that. Shit doesn't work for most of us period.

I, personally, don't have a girlfriend because I'm busy with university, have no money to spare, live with my parents, am out of shape and struggle coping with crippling anxiety on a daily basis. Like hell any girl would take an interest in me and for good reason. I'm in zero position to support a relationship and won't be any time soon.