Sup Forums tells me new vegas is a mature game for mature gamers

>Sup Forums tells me new vegas is a mature game for mature gamers
>it's just reddit memes like pic related

Dropped it now, any actually good games?

Persona 5

you gave her a silly hat and nerd glasses and you complain about memes?
fuck yourself

>dude adults are evil and high school teenagers are good guys lmao
OP asked for good games.

the hat and glasses are stat boosters


you have to be mature to get this joke, OP

>dick joke

Mature by definition. Children aren't allowed to talk, or even know, about dicks.

bullshit when i was a kid i knew all about the benis

oh the hat and glasses make her say reddit memes? my mistake

Indeed, it has subtle nuances that only the intellectually gifted can even begin to understand, much like my favorite television series Rick and Morty.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Your childlike brain didn't even consider the nuances of the setting and the background of their understanding of age old references (ie, how they even came to use these words).

>doesn't even post literally r*ddit: the character

>installs a mod that adds this dialoge

how does this come up in conversation

>tfw too dumb to like rick and morty

You ask her about the NCR.

Its true New Vegas does have Whedon type writing that redditors love

When you talk about NCR. She's referring to how they've been over extending themselves in the mojave.

I'm sorry would it be easier for you to comprehend if it was a food analogy you fat fucking idiot?

Is this real might.

yes it's real

Can we please euthanize 'people' like the OP already? And that goes for the ones that substitute Tumblr for Reddit in the same situations as well.

Name a game with good writing then.

You ever had a brother? say some dumbass younger brother who knocked up the preacher's daughter and his only home-away is a jail cell. THAT's the NCR. They try to stake their claim in everything they see. Nobody's Dicks that long.

is there like a meme-phobia this writing was fine with me. this fucking game wasen't made yesterday

Sometimes I wonder if people even know what a meme is.

The NCR is like a fat guy eating everything up at a buffet and not letting anyone else have anything to eat.

>reddit is bad maymay

this is what apex quality looks like

Reddit memes? It's just a silly joke nigger.
Have you ever gone outside?

filters for reddit when?

now? just filter the word reddit

I think NV is at best overrated but pulling the reddit card awards you a front line seat in the gas chamber.

Unironically kill yourself

And special is pretty much meaningless to companions.

If a buffet ceases to function because of one customer, that's clearly a low quality establishment.

Lmao I love that line
Btw cas is one of the best companions in the game

Then you were a mature kid. Honestly, is there such a thing as immaturity?

>fatlus thinks that persona 5 had good writing
It's literally just "dude what if i had friends and a girlfriend in high school and my life was just like one of muh japanese animes because i lived in glorious nipple and i got back at those stupid adults who don't understand me haha".

>replaying the game doing quests for the Van Graffs
>get to the part where they ask you to bring them Avellone's waifu
>for the first time notice the plethora of ways available where you can spare her life and proceed with the quests
>it's like the game doesn't want you to kill her
Not this time, bitch. I'm sick of your attitude and dirty jokes. It's time for you to be vaporized.

I really, really, really like this copypasta

still waiting for your example of good writing

i always start bubbling around "I'm smirking"

Best at what? Fitting in a dustbin?

Yakuza my dude

Maybe when you provide a good example of writing in a Persona game.

>have this quest on hold
>get Cass as companion
>do her quest and find out the Crimson Caravan Silver Rush conspiracy
>revenge kill Alice McLafferty
>Silver Rush 2 tough for now
>Cass ends up dying in some cave
>go back and finish Silver Rush quests

I've never said that Persona has good writing, nig nog.

You've just dropped the best game you could have played, so no, no good games left you retard.

You implied it.

Well it's good that you're proud that you started playing with your dad's dick at an early age I suppose


Really makes you think.

caesar genius

ncr dummies

>forces mixed breeding

pretty sure he was talking about

he meant breeding between different tribes to break up tribal relationships and force loyalty to the legion only

I don't go on Sup Forums or /gif/ keep yoru BLACKED mees there

you guys did go to school right?

>it's just reddit memes
What the fuck does this even mean? What is the reddit meme? Explain this to me. Why can't you start a thread without this stupid bullshit? Are you capable of forming your own thoughts or does everything you communicate need to be shoved through a Sup Forums stupid fucking buzzword clusterfuck? You jackass.

yeah, with the short bus

I was actually talking about the removal of identity and heritage, the breaking of the family and promoting mixing all together, the whole thing, Caesar does it so that he becomes the chief/god.
What would be the chief god in real life that wants to destroy heritage, makes laws that break families apart and promotes race mixing as virtuous enlightenment?
Maybe it's all just a coincidence.

>expecting good writing from a bethesda game

Quit insulting MCA's writing REEEEEEE

>is intimately familiar with reddit's memes
You need to go back.

>long penis
>a meme
t. dicklet

shut the fuck up
persona 5's story was perfect


Dumb 5fag.

Dick jokes will always be funny.

Also, I want to press the Cass.

wordfilter reddit to nigger when

You should probably tell your mom that dicks aren't classified as foods, because she's been putting a lot of them in her mouth lately.

You can only destroy collectives by forcefully integrating them within your own collective.
Not really a great realization unless you don't know anything about collectivism.

>when i was a kid i knew all about the benis
Only your uncle's penis though, and that doesn't count.

fucking kek

>a idiot
nice touch

press and cass don't rhyme