PUBG vs Fortnite

PUBG vs Fortnite

Whose side are you on?

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SCUM is better in every way. EPIC should have the upper hand for making shooters their whole life but the animations and gameplay feel barebones and amateurish. Only thing the game has going for it are the traps.

>PUBG Devs steal idea from H1Z1
>Fortnite, the developers themselves Epic Games redefined shooters with the Unreal games, admitting to themselves that Fortnite's Battle Royale was an inspiration for their free game mode of Battle Royale in a respectful way
>Dumbfucking egotistical high off their success faggot PUBG retard Developers acting all butthurt over Epic Games borrowing some elements from PUBG

Man, I'm glad I don't play their stupid fucking PUBG game. I'm also a poorfag so I'll probably give Battle Royale a shot. And the only thing you'd pay for is cosmetics which is a good thing to know.

both are bad, and h1z1, and pubg are 100% the exact same fucking game 1-1

I dont get it.
They arent similar at all aside from last man standing in a big open map with "scavenging"

t. Someone who has played neither

SCUM looked really good at first but the stuff they've been adding lately is pretty retarded. They're just overbloating it with dumb ideas.

Depends on which one runs better on my PC

>PUBG Devs steal idea from H1Z1

But the PUBG dev was the guy who made the original mod for Arma 2 and then he got hired to make the battle royale mode for H1Z1.

>don't need PSN plus
>won't blow up your PC
>fucking free
RIP pubg. Good riddance.

Maybe this will light a fire under pubg and they'll release some actual fucking updates to their game that isn't, "added gun, fiddled around so other shit is probably different now too but not really."

Their new update schedule is going to kill this game.

I have no plans to play either but the creators of PUBG shaming somebody for stealing their the concept of a Battle Royal game is right up there with the creators of Candy Crush suing anybody that creates a game remotely similar to theirs.

Should I be waiting for Fortnite to be free on Steam? Or if I enjoy these kind of games would I have fun with it until then
steamfag here

it doesn't work like that, user. if X person works for Y dev team and makes something g, and then quits Y dev team and works for Z, he has no ownership of the things he made with Y dev team. in this case, PU working on H1Z1; he owns nothing that he made, hence the accusations that he's thieving from H1Z1.

Seems like it will be more fun after a few updates.
They are already going in the right direction so I'd say yeah go for it unless you want to wait for a sale

Ya, and he was inspired by a myriad of other free for all shooters.

I doubt it'll go down for a while, same with PUBG. I'll pick it up since I've been needing a chill grinding game

PUBG is not a battle royale. If the others guys copied it, it's not a battle royale either.

Get a computer that isn't shit, poorfag.

Lighter on the hardware, have additional building elements, will be free in a year, has an alternate PvE mode.
My choice is clear.

That said, I'd still wait a year until Fortnite goes F2P though.

Feel free to stop posting retard.

>Sony Online Entertainment (now the Daybreak Game Company) had become interested in Greene's work, and brought him on as a consultant to develop on H1Z1, licensing the Battle Royale idea from him.

Just in case you're a super dense cunt, let me repeat that.

>licensing the Battle Royale idea from him.
>licensing the Battle Royale idea from him.
>licensing the Battle Royale idea from him.

Now fuck off you ignorant fucktard.

>PUBG is not a battle royale
what did he mean by this?

And now there's apparently things about him having licensed "battle royale" and 'letting H1Z1 having the opportunity to exist with it', as if playerunknown basically created the genre and it only exists because he gave some god-given permission or some shit

Fortnite because I'm actually interested in the PvE part of the game too and it doesn't seem like the kind of game that will be in early access hell as unoptimized and glitchy trash for the next decade like all the realistic survival shooters as of recent.

I mean what I said. Battle royale would be way slower, and would allow fragfile alliances.

He patented it, he's going to defend it, it's legally his.

Yeah all he did was mod a mod, work on h1z1, and then move on to pubg. If anything he just knows when to give up and make the next cashgrab.

everyone is just ripping off a 30 year old japanese novel anyhow. i dont see how anyone has ground to stand on.

Except fortnite and PUBG are barely similar aside from "drop from a flying thing and scavenge", last man standing modes and big maps have already existed in games


Tall grasses and prone plus the fact that small early out-of-zone damage removes players out of the actual action zones and chances of encounters slows the game pace down too much.

the name, term and even circumstances have existed long before he ever could've come up with them
furthermore, bluenote's bearing their teeth at the very people who supply them with their engine, on top of the fact that Epic is owned by Tencent, the last people they'd probably want to fuck with right now

the last time someone sued Epic Games while using their engine may of been under entirely different circumstances, but that company (Silicon Knights) went under and court order forced them to recall and destroy copies of their titles. Epic doesn't play around.

Side? I am on nobody's side, because nobody is on my side, little kid.

why is it called SCUM?

>big publisher wants to kill competition to their biggest success

>epic tries to bring some relevance to their shitty p2w game

Why do I have to choose between piss and shit? It's much more fun to watch them kill each other.

>banning people who kill streamers
>loot boxes
And now this, are they trying to kill their own game?

in the good timeline both games are dead

im not on anyones side because no one is on mine.

>PUBG now scans your computer for Fortnite and bans you if it detects it

You're actually choosing between Bluehole (worst korea) and Tenchink.

I know Sup Forums is full of simpletons, but at least read what the people actually said.

Bluepoint's stance isn't upset because Fortnite added a battle royale mode (in fact they said they have no claim to the Battle Royale idea and actively welcome other people making their own versions), it's that they added one, ripped specific things from PUBG (the cargo plane, etc) and billed it as "DUDE WE MADE PUBG IN OUR GAME COME PLAY IT XD." If you don't think they have an actual cause for concern, then you're a simpleton.

Which one is free ?

Fortnites free?

Fortnite actually costs more than PUBG on every platform, you fucking ignoramus.

>one of the largest game companies gives your game a namedrop and free publicity by saying hey lwe love this game and mode se we wanted to try it too
>adds it to a game about BASE BUILDING and RESOURCE HARVESTING
>bluehole responds with wahh its muh game dey copied i needs to sue for moolah
Considering this is the guy who abandoned two previous battle royale games I'm not surprised.

>waste money to play poorly optmized games
Typical corporate cuck

The Battle Royal part of Fortnite is free to play starting Tuesday

is he the dean hall's dean hall?

No, fucktard.

I'll play the game that accommodates to the specs of my PC, and so will the many others who probably don't have a comparatively good one either and were struggling to run PUBG. I smell the death PUBG pretty soon.

>stealing their the concept of a Battle Royal game

Fortnite Battle Royale is free you dumb ass.

>pubg is gonna die for sure this time
>says man for 100th time

Whichever one pays me the most.

it's that thing where you take something other people have done and add "on a computer" and now you are an inventor

Weird that it's f2p before the rest of it but I may try it for shots and giggles.

Because we had so many F2P, polished battle royale games this year

>one of the largest game companies gives your game a namedrop and free publicity by saying hey lwe love this game and mode se we wanted to try it too
I don't think you get how this works.

>adds it to a game about BASE BUILDING and RESOURCE HARVESTING
How does this change anything? Could Disney not sue if a Malaysian TV channel did a shot for shot live-action remake of Frozen? You're a fucking simpleton that's conflating your personal ideas about games with things which are/aren't legally actionable.

My point is proven entirely by the fact that Epic is making the PUBG rip-off a free, stand-alone thing. They only did that in an attempt to cover their asses, probably after their lawyers told them they fucked up.


I've seen shit like this happen before where specs and being able to run the game without having your computer shit on itself was the decisive victory point.

Want to know why Everquest 2 died in comparison to WoW?

Can someone give me a quick rundown?

have you ever the snow queen

Wow, iut's almost like they made it free so that they couldn't be sued. Weird. Even weirder that a week ago it was a part of the paid game and they made no reference to it being free. Weirder still that only this portion of the game is going F2P. Weird.

Neither. Whatever studio is behind PuBG is 20 kinds of retarded in trying to bring this shit to court. Let's just piss away money on legal fees because copies are going to happen now and forever in all kinds of media. I can't wait until the judge looks at them and says "are you seriously wasting my time with this shit" and tosses the case.

Fortnite to spite the PUBG players because they shill their shit game under the premise "that a Million flies cant be wrong eat shit like we do".That being said Fortnite actually looks like it has promise.
>Game isnt buggy as all hell.
>Aesthetically blows PUBG out of the water
>shooting looks akin to quake and is incredibly quick.

Well would you look at that it took awhile but finally theres a DECENT Survival game on the fucking market.

>spend millions developing an fps with a sort of unique gimmick for it's gameplay
>at the last minute slap a battle royale mode in there to cash in on current trends

Hilarity ensues.

Also Pubg doesn't have her.

>but its just like pubg

So a game about going prone and hiding in grass is now comparable to a game with no prone thats about destructuble environments/building bases and bunkers.

Damn you sure got me. They way you enter the map is clearly all that makes a game!

The "paid" Fortnite is going to be free to play once it releases too. The paying is just to play the games early, and I assume to get some early player exclusive stuff.

Its sad because Pub G is just a game mode, the only thing that singles it out as being its own unique property is the scavenging system. Even then thats not exactly unique, Pub g just took all these elements that exist and brought them together and refined them.

Pub G either needs to find a identity that is unique to it, otherwise other games will include it as a optional mode and the fad will wear off. Unless they really expect it to become the next Dota and spawn a entire genre.

too fat

>Pub G
You realize PUBG is an acronym and not a word right?

Again, you're being reductive and edgy because you're on Sup Forums, but that doesn't change anything. It's the fact that they didn't build a battle royale mode, but that they built a PUBG knock-off and specifically talked about how they were knocking-off PUBG in the process. That's what makes this actionable.

And like I just said: you might have had a point if it weren't for the fact that epic just severed this from the base game and made it entirely free all of a sudden, it's clearly a response to legal pressure. Believe what you want though.

THICC Constructor is going to ruin PUBG.

In the end, waifu always win and is the deciding factor.

I can't defend Fortnight because their battle royal mode is a quick attempt to salvage their game after everyone found out it uses a shitty F2P model and cancelled their orders.

Don't waste your time, Sup Forums is faaaaar too stupid to understand conflicts of interest between devs. The retards here are just happy to have more "ammo" to "shit" on this game making millions of dollars.

tell us about these conflicts of interest

>He thinks you can copyright the concept of large scale free for all deathmatch games

Okay buddy, you take that license to court and we'll see how long it takes the judge to wipe his ass with it.

>pay to have early access to an F2P game
>it has an F2P model
holy shit

Yeah, you're right.

There's nothing he could say that'd change your mind.

nice body, but the face and hair are shit

>and refined them.
only thing it refined is how shit an UE4 game can run

Show me the patent where he owns the idea of battle royale.

PUBG is more developed, but Fortnite is free and I never pay for games so Fortnite it is.

Fortnite, simply because of PUBG acting like they made up the genre

Annoying, right? It's what all the hip streamers are calling it. Get used to it.

probably because you don't know what a conflict of interest is

neither, they're both shit. I already played the better version of PUBG, DayZ Epoch mod for Arma 2

i dont want battle royale to be forced into every game
especially fortnite that everyone in the world has fucking hyped up as a great co-op game
why would they even consider making it a pvp game?

But people are already paying $200 just to give their non fat waifu a skirt in PUBG.

>Company uses X engine to make game
>Company depends on X engine's creator to add features needed for the game
>Creator of X engine suddenly clones game
>There is now the possibility that X engine's creator will intentionally fuck with feature development in order to hamper Company's game and propel their own, competing product.

This ain't rocket science.

Do us a favor and google "conflict of interest," read a few definition, then come back yo us.

>Only thing the game has going for it are the traps.
brb downloading

They only legitimate complaint is that fact that they used PUBG name in their ads. Even then, they can go fuck themselves because as everyone knows "Genesis does what ninten-don't"

You literally cannot copyright game mechanics. If that were the case CoD devs would make billions off modern shooter concept. And guys who created killswitch would sue every cover shooter in existance.

no you get the engine source with ue license there's nothing that epic can do to hamper your development
you lose

if the tables were turned Sup Forums would be laughing right now

your irrational hatred of this game is pathological

don't (You) me

I'll side with the devs who don't activelly fuck with their playerbase and make the game less enjoyable with each update.

It doesn't matter if something is free or not you retard, if they got a claim they've got a claim. But they don't because you can't own ideas.

hahahahaha you say that like it holds water in the court of law


>Greene tries to sue Hunger games because they stole his idea

You subhumans sure are fucking stupid

So neither?