Why does the gunplay feel like such hot garbage? Why didn't they just implement Max Payne 3's controls?

Why does the gunplay feel like such hot garbage? Why didn't they just implement Max Payne 3's controls?

No recoil so you can play online with a slow connection.

Next update will remove guns. Trigger button will be used to purchase shark cards.

I thought that. On paper, the gunplay is fairly similar to Max Payne 3 but it feels shit.

None of the weapons feel unique or powerful to use. Firing a pistol in MP3 is more satisfying than an RPG in GTA V.

I liked GTA IV's pistols. You could play through the entire game just using the Glock if you made headshots.

To think that GTA's gunplay was much better in 2008 than it was in 2013. Pretty embarrassing desu

The only reason to use other weapon than a Sniper Rifle is because you just want to try something else, in sp you are unstoppable if you can aim.

If Rockstar pulls this shit with Red Dead 2 I am going to be fucking pissed

Get ready for Red Dead 2 Online with no DLCs :)

>attempt parkour
>character doesn't even attempt to grab the ledge, smashes their face into the wall and falls to their death

Rockstar are already pulling this shit.

Why do you think an entire posse are featured in artwork?

The weapon selection is the worst I've ever seen as well. Weapon wheel is consolized garbage in the first place, but selecting a weapon with a number doesn't even instantly equip it, if you Mouse 1 to select it faster, you end up shooting.

>None of the weapons feel unique or powerful to use.
Another huge reason why the gunplay sucks. The only fun thing about the game is driving and flying.

>buy GOLD to progress your character faster
>purchase a mine and get gold faster!
>faster horses available for more gold than you'll ever get in a year of grinding
>look at these premium Saloons and Whore houses, only 500 gold pounds
>Acquire 1000 gold for ONLY 10 bucks

The console deadzones are massive, and the sensitivity curve is garbage, as the entire game is developed with the hard lock in mind. The weapons have hardly any recoil, and the semi auto's have very low fire rate caps that make them all feel like garbage.

It's a third person shooter designed like a very slow first person shooter.

> Press X then B
I got so much enjoyment out of ragdolling into random shit. I wish Online had it.

Why isn't it in Online? There's no reason not to have it.

I have no idea, I've always assumed that ragdolling was actually a bug that they decided never to fix, because it's never mentioned anywhere, ever, at all, for any reason. And the bug didn't carry over to GTAO.

That would be fun that you don't have to pay for, goes against everything GTA Online stands for.

like paying $100k for a single weapon skin

Ragdolling adds more variables, online has problems as it is, adding a chaotic feature wouldn't help.

Gunplay's fine. They did try to implement MP3's gunplay, but they did it poorly. It's a far cry from hot garbage, though, stop being a melodramatic bitch.
All GTA games have poor gunplay. Yes, especially IV. I went there, you OCD cunt.

an absurd lie

All the other GTA's having garbage gunplay isn't an excuse for them not to improve it.

It would help it be less garbage at least.
Literally less than half a year before GTAV come out, I played through Max Payne 3 on 360, and it handled perfectly, not a single time did I ever feel like I couldn't aim properly.
Come GTAV and it's the clunkiest garbage ever unless you turn on the hard lock. Which there is no downside to doing.

All the games have poor gunplay, but GTAV had no excuse, Max Payne 3 showed you can do it great.

Every NPC becomes utterly incapacitated in a single bullet anywhere on their body, even armored swat teams and the marines whom also essentially die after that first bullet.

I don't mind it; it's not total shit, but there was definitely things that could've been improved upon.
The weapon wheel is a nice addition, though, and the crosshair isn't as dumb as 4's.

GTA IVs cover system is fucked.
Sounds like a problem on your end.

No, drop the user error bullshit. I never had issue aiming in the Mass Effect trilogy, Gears 2, the Dead Space trilogy or Max Payne 3.
GTAIV and V have terrible aiming controls, lazily calibrated due to the existence of hard locking. The problem is Rockstar's incompetence.

if movement didn't feel so mo-capped gunplay wouldn't be so bad

the slow start up to movement, the stumbling characters do, vaulting up and over something when you want to just climb up, turning around requires walking in a slow circle

playing in first person feels like trying to control a stubborn donkey. Fine tuned movements are just not a possibility when under fire doesn't matter which control scheme you use.
frankly, it's my biggest complaint with the game. Thankfully, driving and racing is a lot of fun

>Why didn't they just implement Max Payne 3's controls?
They did though?



what, the flying is fucking garbage, planes are too sensitives to input, and helis have limited turning/tilting capabilities

That challenge where you have to land a Helicopter on the airport, holy shit.

I did it with the 3 characters, I got nothing.

It's fun

>the flying is hard
jesus christ, how often do you break your fucking teeth drinking a glass of water? how many door handles have you broken off. by god if you wore glasses youd of been blind 20 years ago. how can you have this POOR level of co-ordination? its the most fucking casual fucking flying ive ever experienced

Yea, the flying is much easier than in GTAIV, the random air resistance is irritating, but I've never had real issue flying.
Just with the terrible aiming controls.

Yeah even San Andreas had more complex flying and that shit came out 9 years before V

on the airport?

i have no problem with flying in games with actual good flying, like BF4

You are fucked if you can fly Battlefield's planes fine but not in GTA

GTA's gunplay has always been trash. I don't know why Rockstar can't fix it. Get rid of this white dot auto-aim bullshit too.

>Get rid of this white dot auto-aim bullshit too.
GTA is a game for casuals though, always has been

It's fine on pc. You 2 must be the casuals if you've ever only experienced GTA with auto aim

Nah fuck off, the movement and cover animations are ripped straight from max Payne 3, who's got that webm comparing the GTAV trailers to max payne 3

There's a flying school on the airport, you can do some flying challenges in there to increase your flying stat, one requires you to traverse part of the city and land your Helicopter on an almost hidden Helipad, you have to do it fast to make it in time and precise enough to not crash, shit's frustrating.

>comparing the trailers to ingame

>Max Payne

Max Payne is indeed best experienced when avoiding using cover

The movement in GTA 5 feels nowhere near as responsive as it does in Max Payne 3.

Is it true there are separate GTA free-aim and Auto-aim lobbies?


It's a shame the free aim lobby doesn't also hide you on the map like in RDR. Ultimately I've just been using the assisted auto aim just so I can dispatch of NPCs faster. I mostly just drive around and maybe snipe people on rooftops anyway, if I end up using a rifle, at that point I just want to lazily kill someone

It'd be real nice if you could customize lobbies at all in GTAO, like to remove the fucking cops

>I got so much enjoyment out of ragdolling into random shit. I wish Online had it.

I remember playing GTAO when it first launched and being able to ragdoll in it. Then they took it out.

every rockstar game ever has shit gunplay

You can ragdoll yourself on command in numerous other ways, like bailing out of a car.