Mark my words

Mark my words

This will be one of the games of all time

Other urls found in this thread:

Yep, it will certainly be a video game

It sure fucking will, pal.

I can't wait to punch some more nazis

oh I agree completely

i agree, this will likely be a game

that gif is so satisfying

Fuck the Nazi's

Nah it will be just like the first one. A great "expierience" that you will finish 1-2 times and then never play again.


pol will be a fun place for a while

Top 10 Games Sup Forums is too retarded to have discussions about


agreed, but the armband looks shopped

It's definitely going to be a video game.

.......Why couldn't we get another gunman game?

Violence does not make you right. I hate the nazis not just because they're racist but also because they're divide-and-conquer controlled opposition morons. But attacking them unprovoked just turns them into victims. You'd think no one would defend nazis, but there are and you're wrong to think they don't have a right to speak.
Pic related, Spencer plotting with the elite to sabotage any revolt within the right with identity politics.
Similar thing happened within the left.

>hey that metal dino game wolfenstein new order is only 20 bucks or less!
>oh wait, is it fun?
>highest difficulty level is easy as pie
>have to unlock actual highest difficulty by playing through entire game, hunting for collectables, to finally play it on hard mode.


Unlocking hard mode is the dumbest thing they could have possibly done. Im glad I researched it. Casual fucking corridor shooter, it's LITERALLY call of duty- they followed call of dutys design philosophy, it's just not called call of duty.

back to your safe space

>attacking them unprovoked just turns them into victims.

I just hate antifa, I'm way more scared of them than the skinheads.

what is a game where i can play as a nazi and kill jews and niggers?

>You'd think no one would defend nazis, but there are and you're wrong to think they don't have a right to speak.

modern day traitor

I don't recall ally soldiers being twenty-something millenials with a hardon for feminism, open borders and burning local businesses

Yes, it will most certainly be a video game.

American election simulator 2016


I really wish we could discuss this game without it being a Sup Forums baiters vs triggered lefties vs actual Sup Forums posters




i will like this game and no one will stop me from liking it

>people voicing their opinions is the same as trying to take over Europe militarily
This is exactly what the elite wants. They want you to pick fights with them and distract everyone with this crap.
It literally does not matter. There will never, NEVER be a nazi uprising in America lol. This only grows as big as you're willing to give it attention to.
Yup. They have way more brainwashed morons and they're even more self-righteous than the nazis. They think violence against those you disagree with is justified. And that makes people side with the nazis (even if they disagree with them). This is the worst part.

>AC: Origins

What are some other games it's impossible to have a discussion on?

If you can be a communist, then you can be a nazi. Or support a caliphate in America. Or whatever. I don't agree with it but this is your right. This is America. You don't get to tell people what they can and cannot support.

Tomba 2
Pokemon XD
Age of empires

and many more

AoE and xdee i get, but why Tomba?

That speedrunner from a while back?

What does that picture have to do with an anarcho-communist punching a civilian in the head?

Yeah it'll probably be a game, not a visual novel or a music track.

But these are my expectations, anything can come out of it.


It'll be another fun, well crafted game that will ultimately be forgettable, just like the first one

It's rare to see someone with actual common sense on Sup Forums.

There have been nazi rallies in america since there were actual nazis

Why are people suddenly giving a shit

Yes, it will indeed be one of the games.

Because enough is enough. There has also been slavery since there were people, doesn't mean its ok.

But there isnt slavery in america?

If only, faggot

you should be banned for this t b h

Slavery still exists, the democrats just exploit blacks for votes instead of cotton now.

What are you going to do? Kill everyone who hates niggers and jews?

How are you going to stop them from doing their rallies?

Make it illegal for them to assemble?

Or are you just going to """counter protest""" which does absolutely fucking nothing but incite pointless violence

Because the Nazis have political power and influence that they didn't have before.

such as?

do not say trump is a nazi

Gimme them sources

Cite me some examples of nazi agendas being made into legislation

>Why are people suddenly giving a shit
Because they have become a good way to demonize opposition to globalization. So the media focus on them and their racist crap.
Nazism in Germany took off largely as a result of economic oppression of the country following the Treaty of Versailles. If you read up on the Weimar Republic, things were really shit for them. Intense nationalism like that doesn't come out of nowhere. They wanted their sovereignty back and they fought hard.
More and more people in America are becoming poor and this is in large part due to globalization. It's good for multinationals and the higher middle class. *Terrible* for everyone else.
Globalization is nothing new. There had been a period of international economic laissez-faire before WW1. After WW2 there has been more protectionism. It was partly for security reasons, but also to appease the population and make socialism less appealing.
But now they're back at their international ambitions at the expense of the citizenry.

nah, bethesda is hitting the slides now, they had a nice little peak, no they are back to shit

>implying those type of people are anywhere on this board apart from Sup Forums at 2am

It'll be fun but won't be anything that is vividly remembered in 10 years. Nothing to do with the story or whatever political content Sup Forums is scared of, the gameplay just isn't up to snuff to be memorable.


>attacking them unprovoked just turns them into victims
The other guys would have an infinitely easier time attaining victimhood on false claims of bruised knuckles from those attacks.

As someone who has no interest in playing the first one or who dislikes FPS in general, this game legit looks really interesting to me and I don't know why. I wish the force political nazi stuff was substituted for something else but I'm probably going to get this, dishounored 2 and doom when it releases, havent played a FPS game in ages

Why does someone who would gladly throw the first amendment in the trash and then genocide whatever minority who doesn't fancy deserve to be protected by that first amendment?
>attacking them unprovoked just turns them into victims
Only for people who were sympathetic in the first place from taking Sup Forums memes too seriously.

well there's not many games where you get to play as bad guy

>Why does someone who would gladly throw the first amendment in the trash and then genocide whatever minority who doesn't fancy deserve to be protected by that first amendment?
That's not your call.
They're not infringing on your first amendment.
If you want to infringe on theirs, you need to do this somewhere that isn't America.
It doesn't matter what they think or what they want to do or what you think that they think or will do. The whole point of freedom of speech is that you don't get to judge that for anyone else.
And for fuck's sake, understand that they are controlled opposition. If you take them seriously in any way (whether you agree with them or disagree with them) you've been fooled.
They get WAY too much attention already.

>not being able to play as Nazi
>games of all time

But niggers and Nazis were best friends?
What happened?

Can't say I disagree. It definitely will be a game.


Armband on wrong arm. Actor.

you made me physically cringe. you are the reason v is shit. go back to beddit

Gonna get it on Switch just so I can kill nazis during breaks at work.

It's funny that the actual real Nazis call themselves "antifa" nowadays.

No no no, we aren't Nazis.
We aren't fascists.
We are totally against "Nazis".
"Nazis" as in everyone, who isn't like us.
As in everyone, who doesn't want our Fuhrers like King Nigger.
We aren't going against everyone, who doesn't want what we want using violence (including elderly and woman). We aren't going against even cats, because we don't like how they look. No. We do not support a crazy nigger Fuhrer ("King Nigger"), who literally killed millions of people.

Thank you, thanks to your posts I now have Aids, I hope it was worth it.


>antifa shills have spread from Sup Forums to Sup Forums

Fuck off, you guys are just as bad as nazis and fashies. I don't give a shit about you fucks and when you enter my land and redistribute my property I won't give a shit if you're doing it because of muh equality or because I'm not fully white.

To me all antifa and especially ancom cunts deserve the same treatment as nazis, but they're actually a bigger threat. Because nazis at least aren't supported my most of modern media. You'll lose a job if you have a nazi tattoo, but for having an antifa one you won't get shit. Hell, you'll be praised for it.

Go pull some more ISIS

is this big boss reincarnation?

>antifa v nazis

All memeing aside, [current year] fucking sucks. Both sides are cancerous dogshit and morally bankrupt ideologies that justify unwarranted hatred with poor logic. Antifa and neonazis are two sides of the same grotesque, dumb coin and the fact that they've both pushed people to extremes is nauseating to me. I've seen Swiss-tier neutral centrists among my friends be labeled as both antifa and nazi by opposing sides for the sin of just not agreeing with them. The "If you're not with us, you're against us" mentality is bullshit.

I use facebook to keep in contact with old friends and for work purposes since my field requires a high degree of networking, and I've seen so much heinous bullshit being thrown at the "other side" for unrelated cancer. This motherfucker posted this right after Harvey hit Texas, he's an antifa piece of shit who regularly posts #punchanazi shit and has even endorses a public registry similar to the sex offender registry for anyone he considers a nazi so they can be publicly tracked. I live in the south and always thought racism wasn't really here in my town until I saw some cunts at university surround a black friend of mine and shout "nigger whore niggress cunt" over and over until they got detained by campus security.

Fuck both sides, everyone's a garbage piece of shit and I hate all the faggots who support either side, ironically or otherwise. It's fun to meme anonymously but the instant it gets out into the "real world" with real names attached it's disgusting to me. I don't feel bad for the nazis getting punched at all but I think the antifa fuckwads escalating to violence are just as bad, if not worse, for turning words to violence. It's reprehensible, fuck everything about this. Sup Forums is the only site I can even voice an opinion at all without getting labeled this or that and subsequently ostracized by half my peers. Fuck social media, fuck nazis, fuck antifa, fuck violence, I just want to shitpost in peace.

>unironically saying current year
>middle of the road fallacy
You are the problem with america

Antifa are bad but nowhere near as bad as nazis, yet you're comparing them as if they're equal? That's how we know you're a false-flagging Sup Forumstard.

Fuck off.


A smartass image-only answer? Not going to try and justify your nazi-sympathizing "le-centrist!!!" self?

Go back to your containment board and leave us the fuck alone.

>Sup Forums hates nazis now
what happened

so your the only thing worse than a centrist. a liberal

>nazi-sympathizing "le-centrist!!!"
This is the exact stupid bullshit I'm talking about user. Fuck nazis, they're all dogshit, and fuck you retard.

Despite what Sup Forumstards might say, there is absolutely literally nothing wrong with being a liberal.

>Fuck nazis!!
Is this supposed to convince us?

>reddit: the thread

Please go back.

If you are a jew, who likes to destroy progress.

>Is this supposed to convince us?
I'm a socialist-leaning Native America Christian living in the South, I'm probably more annoyed at people on "my side" being fucking cancer like your everyday libtard, and antifa. I think nazism is one of the most reprehensible ideologies out there, and I don't respect anyone who endorses or embraces it. I think it's a vile, perverse, and antiquated form of hate that has no place in the modern world. I also think antifa is just as bad for being so willing to label anyone they disagree with as a nazi, and enact violence to suppress opinions. Violence is wrong in every instance except self defense. Attacking a nazi on the streets gives them a moral high ground in that instance and it's disgusting. Fuck them both, and retards like you who only see things in a strictly binary us | them dichotomy. You're part of the problem, and Sup Forums is a circlejerk of retards.

Shooting nazis is fine but all the bs around it feels like a forced political agenda
>muh strong sassy black chick
>muh all whites are nazis fantasy
>get it, trump is ebil

Diversity and identity politics should not be in vidya. Vidya should not be used to condition kids into a political mindset

I just want to play as an all american action hero who kills mustache twirling bad guys and sleeps with sexy women

why does everything have to be political these days, Im not even american

>both centerists and leftists are faggots lmao

I really can't take these people seriously. They only see two answers to every issue, and if you don't fully agree with them then you're a faggot.

Strawmanning everyone as a liberal stopped working since not everyone who isn't pro Nazi is a liberal, so you just tossed in centrists so you could cover every little base.

>unironically posting actual Sup Forums-made disinfo

Could this be a game?

>only reply to this post was "I BET YOUR ON X SIDE"
Man fuck this.


>Antifa are bad but nowhere near as bad as nazis
yeah, they're worse

it blows my mind that people can see whats wrong with one side but instead of thinking calmly about the situation they just go in the opposite way and start flinging shit. that doesn't help anyone. it jus perpetuates the cycle.

Will it have a multiplayer? I'm normally not a mp guy, but the gunplay in TNO and TOB was so extremely satisfying I would love to play mp with these mechanics.


It's sad how many people bought that. Shows there's no shortage of retards are on this board.