Can we have a thread for actual fans and express our worries and let Capcom know what we find shit? You know, without all the literal shills?

>extremely jittery and unpolished animations
>healing while running, positioning less important
>almost no blood (literally dust and pebbles instead) but damage numbers that tell you everything and ruin the whole kinesthetic element of the game ("learning by doing" and helping each other)
>weapons barely dull and sharpening is casualized
>"epic" cinematic monster fights that deal more damage than you and cinematic environmental traps everywhere, people online will always lure the monsters to those traps and normal fighting will be almost impossible
>no more iconic turn (some people say it's more challenging this way, but it's actually easier because monsters telegraph their next attack while still turning around now)
>westernized and more anime shit at the same time
>moving while shooting like in a modern cover shooter
>machine gun like shots
>voice acting telling where to go and what to do
>flies telling where to go and what to do
>even more anime moves and mobility (weapons have been given special dodge moves, flying through air with Insect Glave, grappling hook etc.)
>can even dodge out of a Great Sword charge
>casualized weapons mechanics in general (Heavy and Light Bowguns have infinite special ammo, Hunting Horn songs are stored to be played anytime, notes needed for songs on screen at all times)
>even easier mounting and you can literally fly

Other urls found in this thread:

>free traps, (flash)bugs etc. everywhere and farcaster that can be used anytime as long as you're not near the monster
>changing equipment mid-hunt and even refilling potions and any other item without any(!) consequences
>monsters do little no no damage
>prompts on screens show you combos, sharpness state of your weapon and even when to capture a monster (again, experience is less important in this game)
>weapons have a greater range
>even more vertical environments that add absolutely nothing to the core combat and just handicap you when you use weapons that require a lot of precision (Hammer)
>monsters are slower than ever before (compare Diablos or Barroth with Tri Barroth or Tri Diablos)
>open world/walking simulator meme
>paid DLC and probably holding back fan favorites like Zinogre, Deviljho and Rajang for the paid G-Rank (and it probably won't be a physical copy so you can't even sell the original and save money)

Anything else that worries you?

>let player run while drinking potion
>make monsters slower and let them telegraph moves WHILE turning around anyway

>those animations

I admire your dedication, OP.

>wahoo *bing* *bing* 1-up!

>A MonHun that DragDog fans can finally play
>Yet, you autists keep crying about it since E3

Go jerk off to your clear times will ya?
Let the big boys take reins for once.

Who the fuck cares about you retarded Dragon's Dogma/NeoGAF fags? Are you retarded?

It's a Monster Hunter fan. That's like saying it would be OK to make Dark Souls more like Witcher 3 so you autists can enjoy it.

Why do you post one of the easiest, most boring and most repititious bosses in the history of video games?


Fuck off millions of people will enjoy it no matter how much you grovel.
Including me :^)

Keep telling yourself that, my braindead young friend. I don't give a shit about brands.

And including me. I can still criticize it since I'm not a shill.


>can even dodge out a great sword charge
Legitimately triggered. At least if it used the entire stamina bar I would'nt complain

lol i saw that picture two days ago, you fucking faggot, you didn't even notice the date's different?
gotta love that crayon, really adds to the whole nintenbro aesthetic


>At least if it used the entire stamina bar I would'nt complain
Op is lying to you and youre stupid for not looking it up yourself. Its a tech shoulder tackle, giving you super armor, minor damage reduction and costs like a quarter stamina

I don't see why these complaints would be nintendo related. They are very legitimate for any Monster Hunter fan, I've discovered the series late with freedom unite on PSP and I'm upset

Looks like a fun game



>complaining about special machine gun ammo on a cool down that only some guns can even use
That's the only complaint in that list that I just straight up don't understand. Did you think siege mode was bad too you fucking homo?

So... what do you gain by calling it casual if you are still going to play it?
Are you trying to dissuade others from buying it?
Sure it will be a lot more casualized to appeal to a wider audience and hopefully gain popularity to increase the amount of games we get.
Are you not happy that Monster Hunter is FINALLY coming back to it's one true home?
That picture is out of date and no time, not a very good source user

Monster Hunter fans are not bound by console wars, retard. Monster Hunter fans literally go to ANY platform that has Monster Hunter. If Monster Hunter was released as VR exclusive, VR headset adoption would go up as much as there are fans of Monster Hunter. Faggot.

>healing while running
>damage numbers

what the fuck, really?

What exactly is your point? Is my picture wrong now because I took it two days ago?


It's not your picture, is my point

In other words, you don't know what the word "criticism" means and that this is the point of alpha footage and demos these days.

Don't reply to this retard. Anyone with a brain already know what you're saying so don't give him (you)'s or any incentive to continue

Even if it wasn't his, whoever made it clearly agrees with him.

>Can we have a thread for actual fans and express our worries and let Capcom know what we find shit?
No. Where did you get an idea that a legitimate discussion could be held between shills, consolewarriors and idiots so hungry for a new MH on a big screen that they disregard everything else?

And I'm waiting for people to say how there are many things they don't like but still plan to buy it.

Yeah, I'm not fond of Sup Forums's overly negative constant bitching but even as the greatest MH goy of all time I'm still not fond of those. Granted numbers can be turned off and the healing is a little more than just "you can heal while running now". The healing is done over time and if you get hit during that you lose all the health and the potion so it could fuck you even harder than getting hit in older games currently does.

My point is that you're trying to use someone else's photo as proof of your legitimacy which makes you into a gigantic faggot

Yes, really. Sup Forums and especially /mhg/ still eat it up and defend it as if their lives depended on it.

It is, is my point.


>let's compare calm low rank vs enraged G rank

We just simply don't have any accurate points of comparison, because we haven't seen the final build.

Calm your shit niggers.

Your paranoia and projection isn't my issue. The only reason I even buy Nintendo consoles is Monster Hunter.
Here's a video of someone getting 6 carted by the same diablos.
>inb4 the guy sucks not proof

Cool, you're a critic, I disagree and think the game will be fun and I'll enjoy it. You really think Capcom is going to listen to anything you say written on Sup Forums? Scratch that, do you think they would ever listen to a word you have to say? In other words, you don't know the definition of "delusional".

entire post is nitpicks and improvements phrased to seem like theyre bad/casualized
>wants to make a legitimate criticism thread.

I honestly don't want to give Capcom the benefit of the doubt after MvC:Infinite and Street Fighter 5. They're going to somehow fuck this up.

That's High Rank and there are no animation changes between Low Rank and High Rank, there never were.

And it's not my problem the monsters are never "enraged" in MHW. Maybe we should add this to the list, though.

I wish MHW shills would know anything about MH before they post.

And it's still ridiculously slow and has casualized attacks (doesn't fly across the whole map to hit multiple targets when coming out of the sand).

I don't even know how braindead you have to be to cart to that once.

Nice proof of legitimacy my dude, good to know you played the witcher 3

not everything is console wars you underage faggot. the only thing I resent about the console shuffle is attracting these shitters to our nice monster hunter threads.

On topic, I don't care about most of the presentation changes. Tutorials, voice acting, cosmetic animation stuff, it's unfortunate but tolerable. My real issue is the open map and its setpieces. I liked the area system, it gave us mostly enclosed little arenas to fight in, and they were full of character. Open map might as well be codeword for dull and samey. Plus, the setpieces look like hollow cinematic bullshit.

I don't know how to feel about the moving while healing. I wouldn't say it's awful by itself but it does seem to set a worrying precedent. The fucking flex was signature monster hunter. Goofy and git gud all in one. And it's unceremoniously gone, with no good reasoning that I've heard.

I will buy the collectors edition for my ps4 pro day 1.

I will then buy the PC version soon as its out.

3 of my other friends are buying it day 1 on PS4 as well.

There is absolutely nothing you can say to stop me.

How does this make you feel user? I REALLY want to know

I think MHW looks pretty good, and if you don't think so too then that's cool, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

to be fair Im pissed at capcom for similar reasons and lack of itsunos new game, but MHW looks fun at least and it was the best thing they showed.

I hope you have fun, dumb frogposter

Yes. And no, it's not delusional to believe a company cares about consumer impressions on internet forums. I can tell you never worked in marketing or visited an economy class.

>clipping in 2017

Laughing whores jpeg.png

I dont think there will be G-rank

But user, that's a lizard not a frog!

Oh I will. I will dump upwards of 500 hours into this title as I have all previous Monster Hunter titles.

because im an actual fan

Do I have to conflate the points for you? On a gaming PC. A gaming PC that can and will easily run MHW. Not a Switch. Since Witcher 3 doesn't exist on the Switch and I don't give a shit about the Switch.

Wouldn't be surprising, first games rarely do. I wonder if they'll do a whole different game for G like they've done in the past or if they'll just have a G rank DLC. More importantly, will Sup Forums find a way to shitpost about G rank DLC when its a superior alternative to buying the game a second time

honestly bro don't waste your time. it's underage cancer. they are here for epic console wars and force it wherever they go. get a little rush when their team wins or some shit. just talk about monster hunter.

most of this "complaints" are improvements.

>6 carted
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense that they removed any kind of restriction like that on a fucking gameshow floor demo, so that people can play the game, rather than watch loading screens of retrying.

I really doubt it'll be in the final game.

>That's High Rank and there are no animation changes between Low Rank and High Rank, there never were.

I don't see any proof that it's high rank, but that said, there's always been a speed and damage increase between low/high/G.

But hey, fuck me right? I've just been playing since the fucking network adapter on the PS2.

All I'm saying is it'd be good to reserve judgement until we've actually seen the final build of the game, because maybe NONE OF THIS SHIT IS ACTUALLY AN ISSUE AND IS JUST TONED DOWN FOR GAMESHOW FLOOR RETARDS

MH has been consistently good, so I'm willing to give the MH team the benefit of the doubt.

The problem I have is that they infest /mhg/. This place is unbearable now. It's actually the core fanbase of MH that's rotten to the core now.


He 6 carted across 2 quests, and they raised the cart limit to 5 for the demo because I doubt anyone wants to fail a quest because of stupid co-hunters in a convention

That's great.

I didn't say there would be, I just mean the old diablos in that webm is an enraged g-rank speed one.

If there's no g-rank in MHW, then why are people comparing shit using g-rank stuff in older games?

Hopefully that's how they will do it since they are trying to adjust to the western audiences. They have tried their best to avoid the G stuff here in the west already by skipping 4 and never giving us XX, so I think they know that it would be a shitstorm if it was released here. 3U also got a pass seeing as it was released on two different consoles years after Tri.

For example?

>don't see any proof that it's high rank
The material from Tri is High Rank (Tri doesn't have G Rank).

>but that said, there's always been a speed and damage increase between low/high/G.
Damage yes, speed no.

The rest of your point is mindless fanboy ass blubbering à la /mhg/.


>Le moving while healing may may
>monhun """"""""""""""""""""purist"""""""""""""""""""" were OK with having the option to just zone out to get free heals all day long
>ignore the fact that in mhw, heal gradually goes up and will stop if you get hit or do any special moves

As a new fan to MH all your cry baby tears and bitches will be moot since me and all my friends are buying it day one for $60. Money speaks louder than cry baby tears so cry more and let me watch you suffer

I'd suck Capcom's collective dicks if G rank is just in the game from the start, but we'll just have to see.

Damage and speed, yes. In every rank.

Also looks like 3U in that webm, not tri.


>If there's no g-rank in MHW, then why are people comparing shit using g-rank stuff in older games?

They hoped no one would notice.

Why'd you quote me you homo, I was saying Sup Forums is blowing the healing and numbers way out of proportion

Where are the improvements

I love you even if you're retarded kek

I know this is a troll thread and most of the posts are shitposts, but I'm curious if people legitimately want the exact same game again. The MH formula has barely changed since the very first game. You've been fighting the same monsters in the same maps with the same animations and same weapons that also have the same animations, but occasionally they add a gimmick or two for each release. There are very few games that can out rehash the Monster Hunter series. You have over a decade of the exact same game with extra gimmicks to play.


kek user life is not as simple as taking intro courses at your community college. It is delusional to think that anything you type on Sup Forums has any influence on a major game company. Indie devs, sure. Maybe even some lesser known companies that need to boost sales. Of course I'm sure you'll keep fighting the good fight and you'll help us get the perfect game that "we" want ya dingus

>I'm curious if people legitimately want the exact same game again.
"Regular MH" is just codeword for more braindead and useless arts and styles.

>healing while running, and it's much more risky because it isn't instant, and is removed if you get hit
>small amount of moving while shooting so gunning feels less clunky
>machine gun like shots on a cooldown like wyvern fire, nice extra option for gunners
>no more janky turn that looked like it belonged in a $5 indie game programmed by a single turbohipster
>can finally dodge out of a Great Sword charge, to make the weapon feel better to use, rather than some clunky ass ancient piece of shit
>HH finally gets notes on screen at all times, similar to the longsword charge bar
>fewer loading screens

>I know this is a troll thread
It isn't.
>and most of the posts are shitposts
They aren't.

Your spiel about the games being too similar is fucking retarded and shows that you've literally never played more than 2 MH games in your life.

Honestly, yes. I would prefer to play the same game on different maps with slightly different stuff than play some version of it that's super casual. Like, if I had to make the choice between a Monster Hunter game that's super casual but different, or the same, fun, more challenging game, I would pick the challenging one.

Delusional idiot.

dodging out of greatsword charge is blatant misinformation anyway. You can shoulder tackle out of a charge with super armor but it wont save your ass from taking damage, and it moves you to the next charge in your now three full-charge combo

MH Puristfags remind me of old head jazz musicians.

The ones like Louis Armstrong (much respect to him, love his music, but his opinions on music were shit) who would trash on the evolution of jazz (cool jazz, bebop) just because "you 'couldn't dance to it'"

MHW is a step in the right direction for the most part. Past monhuns are amazing don't get me wrong. Love 4U to death and I'll probably replay it in a year or 2. But god dammit it's time go try something different.

>Your spiel about the games being too similar is fucking retarded and shows that you've literally never played more than 2 MH games in your life.

I've played all of the NA released ones, with the exception of X/XX. All the way back before greatsword had a charge move, and longswords were just greatswords.

It's the same game, and you're delusional if you say otherwise.

They sometimes throw in some other mechanics, and sometimes they stick, or sometimes they take them back out.

>Honestly, yes. I will eat the same shit I've been eating. Different is bad.

if you want exactly the same why not play the old games again?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

There are some changes that I like, such as being able to pick up materials without stopping and some of the new changes to the weapons. There's also some stuff I'm indifferent about, such as the slingshot and the scout flies. Damage numbers, the radar that shows if the monster is close to death, and walking while healing are stuff that I really dislike, though. At least you can turn some of those options off, but that will only mean that you will play worse than a lot of the shitters out there just to have a purer experience (and hopefully the lack of blood is only in the demo because I don't want to be hitting on rocks all game without damage numbers).

And really, what changes are there actually to the new game that actually changes the MH formula? Better graphics? No loading screens? Big fucking deal. The new monsters are just the same shit we've already fought before, and aren't as unique as those in 4U. I feel that people who say that this game somehow changes the game completely skipped a few generations of games.

Your analogy falls apart however when you take into account that the old games aren't shitty. I prefer to eat okay food that I am used to eating than new shit.
This is a fair point honestly. I enjoy them but I have just played the shit out of them. If there was some way I could play MHGen, MH4U and MH3U on PC with friends, I would do it, but there isn't a way, if I want to play Monster Hunter on PC with friends I have to struggle getting a PSP emulator netplay to work, and also play Portable 3rd, that isn't fully translated and lacks content, or Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, which, while okay, lacks some of the needed features of later games. There is literally no winning when you try to play Monster Hunter on PC with an emulator.

>the radar that shows if the monster is close to death

Oh, you mean Psychoserum? Or the armor skill? They were nice enough to just throw that into the game without requiring you to go through irritating extra steps? Awesome.

I'm sure they still visibly limp too, so it's effectively no change for anyone that doesn't want to use it.

>for years Sup Forums rips on "we want the X audience" scenarios
>but when it happens to MH it's suddenly okay

Bye then. You won't be missed. You have over a decade's worth of rehashes to enjoy. You can leave now while we enjoy video games.

You're the retard audience that will blindly buy the same game over and over again. That's what Capcom builds their business on.

we don't even know what rank that diablos is at

The main problem isn't that World is different, it's that the changes it makes are shit but is defended as being good because "all change is good, muh stale shit eater purist cucks".

You sound like one of the biggest retards I've ever talked to.

>NO, companies don't care about the general consensus of communities with 20,000 active posters
>e-except indie studios, maybe, because indie studios care more about money than Capcom and have a larger marketing department
>Capcom has 1,000 people and could easily entertain a bunch of them to shill on forums like Reddit or Sup Forums and gather impressions, but of course it's more likely an indie studio with 8 people would do this

Jesus Christ. Stop posting.

>They were nice enough to just throw that into the game without requiring you to go through irritating extra steps? Awesome.
But this isn't the case. Auto-Tracker and Capture Master weren't free. You would have to risk more useful skills to use them. There was a risk and reward to it that isn't there if they just give it to you for free. How do you not see this? It was literally, "I could take Capture Master, but if I do, I can't get something like Attack up Medium". This is a direct choice that you have to weigh. It isn't, "An Irritating Extra Step". If you feel like making a risk and reward choice is "An Irritating Extra Step", maybe thinking just isn't up your fucking alley.

>can we have a x
no and you should know better


My PC can easily run MHW and I will buy it. It still looks like casualized garbage.

Fan since MH1 here.

Seek help.

>Bye then. You won't be missed. You have over a decade's worth of rehashes to enjoy. You can leave now while we enjoy video games.
Why are you defending a game that isn't out by a company that has literally burned people in the past, some people were even burned by this same company within THIS WEEK. I want to enjoy the game, but I am skeptical of Capcom. You should always be at least partly skeptical of the media you consume.